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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I like the guy right across from Kad Suan Keaw... Good price - you can keep your passport with a 3,000 baht deposit... And I wrecked on of his brand new Honda Clicks which scratched it up pretty bad on the side and he only charged me 600 baht... Oh and go there to rent in the late afternoon when all of the bikes from the day have been returned and you get a better selection...

    And lastly tell you friend to get a international drivers license before he comes or give him a map showing him where the police station is on the river...
  2. It may be a haven for Chinese trying to diversify cash assets but the Chinese may well find themselves in financial difficulties also and then CM could really suffer.

    The 800 pound gorilla in that room for sure...
    I don't see the Chinese as ever being big players in the Chiang Mai real estate market... They tend to travel in groups so a big development on the sea side is more their style where they control all the cash flow... And the Thais don't really make individual Chinese welcome in the community...

    The real housing market gorilla for all of Thailand is living in Hua Hin...

  3. I enjoyed with my son up until the touts harassed us for a tip on the way out, quite aggressively and was given a very dirty look when I refused. I paid the entrance fee and guide, 100 baht for 30 minutes work....why should i pay for temple fees, extra from the guide halfway through, good luck donation etc? The money for the guide was plenty and by the number of them hanging around is was clear the locals were all expecting to make a living off it. None of them bothered to ask Thai nationals for a tip. Typical harass the tourist for money tourist "attraction".


    Given she is the only one with a lantern and you don't know the way out I wouldn't begrudge her an extra 50... coffee1.gif

  4. I was stopped at the same interception last week on my way to HomePro... Showed my Thai Drivers license - then he asked me to see a copy of my motorcycle green book showing ownership (which I had)... Then on my way... Very professional... I do not think I was profiled because I was a foreigner...

    I would note it was the end of the month and they may have been out making their quota...
  5. if you want to vent your frustration...

    Go to Trues speed test page and do a test - then take a screen shot of the poor test


    Then create a nice polite email with your account number and a brief statement that you are experiencing slow service (see attached screen shot of you own speed test)...

    Email it to them their own speed test a couple times a day for a few weeks


    [email protected]


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