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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. There is a second new ploy... They are placing undercover cops at intersections with cameras and photographing cars and motorcycles that jump the lane and such... Fines range from 400-1,000 baht... Very cost effective and only one BIB need be out in the hot sun... Sadly they mail you a ticket (with your photo)... So there is no you pay now option...
  2. I have Truemove H prepaid sim... I have an automatic reoccurring monthly plan for 199 baht that gives me 1GB data... Calls are 1.5 baht a minute or 3 baht a minute to call the US... I top it up with 1,000 baht and every 3-4 months... Prepaid is cheap and convienent....

  3. The Police have the right to set up as many road blocks they want to check for none licence drivers, none road tax, check for drugs especially up your part of the country and illegal other things. Over the few months before the coup the Khon Kaen Police had road blocks on near every main traffic light set mainly motor bike ridders no helmets and I see them issue tickets and take the keys away until they come back with the stamp on the ticket paid. The KK police are pretty straight never had to pay tea money once they give you tickets.

    The day of the coup announcement the road blocks vanished for 3 weeks not sure why but they are back to the same as before now.

    You are absolutely right... But they do not have the right to extort a "you pay now dai mai?" fee - which is usually the case here in Chiang Mai...

    And the ONLY reason they are out in the hot sun is because the "fine" is going in their pocket...

    And if you have to cross the city to go to and from work or the gym it is easy to be stopped twice in each direction on such a trip... Hence the 4 times a day possibility...

  4. My problem (which I am in the process of rectifying) Is that my Thai drivers license is for auto only... I drive a motorbike in the city and daily they stop me around the moat or on the Narwate bridge... After a thorough check of my sticker he turns over my license "Motorcy mai dai"... Said with a big grin like he won the lottery... I have no problem with a 200 baht ticket... But half the time it turns into a "you pay now dai mai?..."... So an excellent exercise in civic duty turns into a shakedown for money... All of this goes on in plain view of the Chiang Mai governor's mansion!

    Please to the Generals in Bangkok - Can we have some of your anti corruption love up here in the north!

  5. I mean i want to use 4g at the highest speed all the time, i saw that the best package is 5gb and after that it´s very slow

    You can top up smile.png

    If want to save on package, connect to wifi as much as u can which is free w the package

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If you look at the pricing sheet you will see there is a section where they sell 1GB for 150 baht... This can be used to buy more 4G once you go over your 5GB fair usage limit

  6. I would just provide it to them for free (which has been stated most expect these days)... If you are set on charging them make sure it WORKS!... I hate when you go to a hotel and they make you pay for a card get to you room and find out that reception or bandwidth sucks... Go to the front desk and get a polite mai ben rai refund mai dai you scratch card... The next time I get to a good Internet cafe I make a point to go into Agoda and rate the hotel badly....

  7. A suitcase would be fine... If customs looks at you arrival (which is unlikely) customs will only raise their eyebrows if you have large quantities of single items (That loo like you might resale them here)... remove items from their boxes if new... this will also reduce your weight... but as said an extra suitcase might be expensive... check your airline... Otherwise USPS... but this will take 3-4 weeks and use a strong box and expect the box to be knocked around and stacked in a sea shipping container...

  8. Will the US Consulate be doing a fireworks display on the 4th?...

    Their website make no mention of it?...

    I do however note that Dukes (Not affiliated with the US Consul)... Is offering a 4th of July celebration for a reasonably priced 1,200 baht...


  9. If you are interested in a nice DIY wireless alarm system that has SIM card SMS capabilities check out Amorn Electronics on the north moat... There in a glass case on the right wall... They have starter kits and you can buy extra door & motion sensors as needed.

    Has anyone seen a simple 1 or 2 camera system that has night vision and dvr capabilities?

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  10. I seem to have sufficient service... There is one big switch that is 40amps and 3 smaller switch's that are 15amp labeled floor 1, 2 and Laundry... This is all fine... and I think original to the building... But then there are a series of Ground Fault Breakers that have been added over the years... (three different ones of varying ages) near the main stitch and another on the shower walls next to the shower heaters that have a little wire that I traced to the back where it is attached to rod in the floor... These instill little if any confidence in me...

    I would like an electrician to remove all existing ground fault protection and install just one which is new...

    And install my new water heaters as well... (the old water heaters had no built in ground fault)

    Also I tried to google these Safe-T-Cut Super Plus boxes but they are all in Thai so I don't really understand what these do?

    sft_1386424604_3.jpg This is not my breaker box


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