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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. The speed from your location to Bangkok is really not a good measure... NONE of the websites and streaming sites you normally surf/skype/stream to are located in Bangkok...

    There is ALOT of false advertising done by all providers when it comes to your connection speed...

    Try this test and choose a place you think best represents where you surf to...



  2. You will see 25 baht per USD by the end of 2011 and I am seeing a five year target of 15 baht per USD. :D

    You do not give the Thai's any credit for their ability to <deleted> up an economy...

    My bet is we see 45 before 15...

    You know how many times people have been saying the $ and the £ are going to magically rally and climb out of the abyss in the past 3 years?

    Thousands of times. Britmaverick, bless his optimism is the leading voice. However times change and I can see that the UK isn't going down the route of increased spending power for it's expats.

    Indeed, just listen to the voices from their financial guru's advising more quantitive easing (printing presses at full steam ahead) and more zero percent interest rates.

    When this happens the £ gets weaker as it gets devalued.

    It's not the interests of the guys pulling the strings.

    They want the UK skint and the people tied to the country via a £ that won't buy them a loaf of bread for a wheelbarrow-full before long.

    Once that's done it's in the Euro currency and hey presto there's no more £. The Euro in question is just as shaky but that's another story.

    So get out now while you still can I say.

    China is forcast to take over, it's their turn guys.

    They are getting stronger, the west is getting weaker.

    The wheel turns boys and whether you like it or not, it's gonna take us all spinning into the next paradigm. Will you be trapped in the cogs (UK and US) or on the freewheeling vanguard with the Asians (Thais and Chinese).

    Then we are in for "interesting times"... Given how the Chinese are so proficient at making skyscrapers and toothpaste lets see how they run the world economy...

  3. My brother in law in Viet Nam fitted a very small pump (Chinese made thing) about the size of your fist to his shower heater.

    When the water flows through the heater and the heating circuit comes on it powers the pump.

    Probably can get those pumps here in the local hardware stores.

    A Chinese electrical device on the end of ones shower head... :shock1:

  4. I would suggest changing to True (New sim 49 baht)- Their plan gives you a portion of your prepaid data at 3G speed (first 5-15 hours)... and you can also use your time for all the True & KSC Wifi Hotspots... As a bonus if you get the True Intrsim you can call most western countries fo 1 baht/minute using the 00600 predial



  5. Pillion I am rather new to this...

    Can you elaborate on your strategy of building a stable of willing and available drivers?...

    How do you arrange a gig?... Is it as simple as a phone call?

    Is there such a thing as a Pillion Chaser?...

    Maybe the club can build a database of willing drivers and create a dating rating review system...

  6. I asked the same question a few months ago here... Same response... A PITA but live with it unless you want to pony up cash to buy your own modem/router... Some suggested loading a generic router firmware - but the router site is crappy and impossible to find a link to a download page.

    I live with it cuz True is pretty good overall...

    The main thing that pisses me off is that my IPhone can't keep a wifi connection unattended - so after 2-3 hours can't access the wifi and switches back to my True data connection (Which in NOT unlimited)

    Also the advertised 6gb bandwidth is a bit misleading... True it is 6gb from my House here in Silom to BKK True... But bandwidth any place OUTSIDE Thailand drops to 1/2 the speed advertised...

    Ok my rant over too... <_<

  7. Well I got one!

    And its great!

    But not really a phone as the speakers for public. I suppose thats why they tried to sell me a bluetooth headset.

    I Am only just getting it setup with my PC as the KIES Samsung app takes 2 hrs to download and failed overnite (of course!).

    My intended use is by wifi only and am glad its not made by Apple (insane prejudice).

    Did you buy it here in Thailand?... Did in come Rooted out of the box or did you have to root it yourself? if so was it difficult to find a root method...

    There is one to play with at the Paragon Samsung store with the wifi connected & running - But the dizzy staff there are NO help and give a very wishy-washy one month in stock date... None of the regular stores have it in stock right now either... MBK vendors seem to have a good supply and are not really price gouging at 23,500...

  8. mate, where is the nearest DTAC office? I will be staying at the Hyatt Erawan

    do they have one at the airport which can do the entire setup for me?

    Thanks everyone for the replies..

    As soon as you go thru Customs and are out in the terminal there are True (And I think DTac) booths on the left to buy or rent what you need...

    But as a price check - You can go to MBK Mall and buy a USB Dongle ~ 1,300... True InterSim ~ 200... Top Up ~ 500 = 2,000 baht will give you complete setup with 100 hours data 15 hours 3G for a month

  9. I would suggest buying a True Sim (The Intersim allows for calls abroad at 1 baht/minute)... Their data plans include "Promotional test 3G speed"...


    Just buy a sim... Top it off with enough baht for the plan you want then dial *9000 and order any plan listed on the website above...

    Also the data plans will allow you to use any True or KSC WiFi hotspot (Starbucks)... Again dial *9000 and there is a option that will send you a sms with your login name and password to use at any of these hotspots

    6. The users are able to connect to Wi-Fi by TrueMove using the users’ TrueMove mobile number as the username followed by @truemove domain name (08xxxxxxxx@truemove) and the system will send password to the users by SMS.

    7. Wi-Fi by TrueMove connection speed is set for receiving/sending data for up to 2 Mbps per 1 Wi-Fi Account.

    8. In case of forgetting password, the users should dial 1331 or *9000 press 4 to request for new password.

  10. I have found that the IPhone data leakage and multihour logging in were happening mainly when the phone was idle (And I was ASLEEP!!!) - I suspect True has a VERY lax timeout rules (6 hours!) in the middle of the night when there network is underutilized... so I have added SBSetting to my IPhone and also added SBSchedule to allow me to set a timed automatic turn off of data access at 11pm and back on at 8am... So the phone cannot use the True data minutes in that interval.

    SBSetting is on cydia at no cost and SBSchedule can be tried for "free" with the cydia source http://theiphonespotrepo.net/apt/

  11. AIS 3G . 20 Kilometers from Chiang Mai. I'm in Doi Saket.

    I'm on 30 GB per month at 1500 baht.

    I don't think 30gb is an option for new customers. These are the current 3G packages.


    1,500 baht doesn't seem to be an option any more either :whistling:

  12. Regarding the free USTVNow television service mentioned above, I got this email from them today, regarding their original requirement that people signing up for the free service provide either a SSN or credit card number to verify they have U.S. residency...

    Here's the follow-up e-mail I received...

    We see that you started the signup process but did not complete the activation process.

    You should have received an email with a link to click on. The authorization page that you would have seen asks for information

    that you may consider sensitive but we need some way to validate that you are an American citizen or resident

    in order to receive US programming.

    We would like to offer you an alternative authorization method.

    If you scan and email back a copy of your US driver's license, residency card, phone, or utility bill linked to a US address,

    we will validate you so you can begin watching. If you have any other comments or questions,

    please let me know and I will see how I can help.

    Just change your SS# by a few digits on the end... The validator is just looking to match the first 3 digits to a state designation... This can also be used to "Tell a Friend" to add the DVR function ;-)))...

    If your not a US citizen you can make your own SS by making sure the first 3 digits correspond to a correct State...


  13. Just supply your social security number

    Obviously off-topic, but was there any reticence in divulging your name and social security number?

    Just change your SS# by a few digits on the end... The validator is just looking to match the first 3 digits to a state designation... This can also be used to "Tell a Friend" to add the DVR function ;-)))...

  14. I am grappling with a similar problem with my IPhone usage... For the last 3 months my True 100 hour internet package has been exhausted... I went into the online logs and found that at between 12am & 2am my IPhone logs into the internet for 6 HOURS!... and only quits because of a network timeout limit (Little/No data usage)... I reinstalled a clean version of IPhone OS3.12... and it stopped... the next night I added back my Gmail/Exchange email account... And the same 6 hour usage occured... Tonight I added the same Gmail account using the Gmail add account option (Not Exchange)... (I have read that the IPhone has problems with Exchange server timeout)... Will see if that fixes it...

  15. I went into my Zyxel and confirmed it is set to "nailed down"

    I did initially use the Hi-Speed Navigator to set up the modem - It was required because you need it to set the initial True account number - But once I did the setup I have removed the software because it kept starting up on my Windows machine... I have look all thru the modems config setting and see nothing that could be changed to stop the page from popping up... I assume that True has added this function deep in the firmware where I can't get to it?

    What is the firmware revision on your unit? It might be in STATUS, DEVICE INFORMATION, ZyNOS Firmware Version: --> ???????????

    The Cable box is a ZyXel 1 port modem - Current Firmware Version: V3.40(BGN.6) | 08/27/2009

  16. The 1 port wifi Zyxel i recieved when I signed up for my 8MB package defo had the redirect issue, I sorted it by purchasing my own wifi modem/router (I needed more than 1 lan port anyways).


    The Zyxel unit can be configured with a "nailed up" connection. (see screen 6 in the link)

    I think there may be two issues;

    1.) TRUE may have pre-configured modems with dial-up-like connections which time out after some time. Any device can be re-configured provided you know the username and/or password to enter the modem's user interface.

    2.) Some may have installed TRUE's software (Hi-Speed Navigator) which may have come on a CD. This software offers a semi-automated method of configuring the router and initiating a connection. This software should not be used, and I would even recommend uninstalling it.

    I went into my Zyxel and confirmed it is set to "nailed down"

    I did initially use the Hi-Speed Navigator to set up the modem - It was required because you need it to set the initial True account number - But once I did the setup I have removed the software because it kept starting up on my Windows machine... I have look all thru the modems config setting and see nothing that could be changed to stop the page from popping up... I assume that True has added this function deep in the firmware where I can't get to it?

  17. Is this what your saying?

    No... My true router has a password (Which I set)... What comes up is just a stupid True welcome page http://welcome.truelife.com/ but this redirect page must come up before the internet is active... I don't know how to setup/get to an alternate domain server... Talking to True tech support is a pain (True care chat is only in Thai)... I guess I can just plug a spare Mac Airport into the one open Ethernet port and set up a whole new wifi system

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