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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Trump may be your boss and I assume you along with 70million odd other lunatics voted for him will do as he dictates to you! Just remember that NO ONE else in the world voted for him and neither you nor him can or will tell me or other non Americans what to do! Your insufferable arrogance, and that goes for most MAGAlomanics, has the potential to destroy the world order as we know it. Please do not respond! If you insist in so doing then please refrain from using any of the following as they do NOT apply to the majority of NON MAGAlomaniacs; Democrat Leftist Socialist Yap yap yap
  2. To keep me healthy in both body and mind. In your case I am not sure if they would have helped with what is left of your mind!
  3. They don't understand either! They just jump to them and then out of them at will! Just listen to RFK Jr's squirming responses in the Senate Hearings!
  4. NATO is an alliance and is NOT told by any tinpot dictator like Trump what to do! Go and look up the word "alliance" in a dictionary and while you are it it read the NATO Atlantic Charter which includes this; The NATO Motto is "animus in consulendo liber" (Latin for 'a mind unfettered in deliberation'). This is not something you can ever be accused of!
  5. But the MUMP head thinks differently!
  6. With too much inbreeding in that flock!
  7. So what? Back to my point that you cannot prove a negative!
  8. So no response as they probably did not want to be ridiculed as you should be! It is the old cry that you cannot prove a negative!
  9. What a trite and sad comment! It was uncalled for no matter what side of politics you belong to!
  10. +1 Oops! We appear to be on the same side for once!
  11. I assume that includes the content, or lack thereof, of your post above
  12. I don't think it had any teachers going by the (lack of) standards of it's posts!
  13. So the best quote you can get from your so called DR you quoted as your anti COVID expert is in relation to, and I quote; "some hand sanitizers. They were/are bio-toxic."! I rest my case!
  14. In very well researched peer reviewed publications and hospital death/waiting lists!
  15. What else do you expect from it? It does not seem capable of even understanding the word "why"!
  16. Now you see why I don't want to put you on ignore! If that is the absolute basic level of drivel and garbage that you are capable of producing then I am really looking forward to your next epistle! (like hell I am!)
  17. According to you! End of discussion!
  18. What fealty does he have except to it's lord and masters Putin and Trump (in that order)?
  19. That comment would warrant a smiley if it was not so sad and off target! So the cost of living is NOT important to you? If you cannot feed yourself or your family then the safe streets, schools etc you talk about are meaningless!
  20. The problem is that going on past experience from memoirs etc from his past administration he takes NO notice of their advice. Hence the high firing/turnover ate of that first term!
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