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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Hoist with his own petard? Humza Yousaf has received more complaints under Scotland's new hate crime bill than JK Rowling, it has been revealed today. Revealed: More of the 3,000 new hate crime complaints were made to Police Scotland over First Minister Humza Yousaf's rant about 'white people of Scotland' than JK Rowling's ten-post thoughts on gender | Daily Mail Online
  2. You will only get a barking mad bit if advice I assume if you did! But you could always collar him later of the advice goes to the dogs!
  3. I think that maybe you should have replied as @bob smith as the quote/references were to and from "him" and not @Dolf!
  4. Please see my post above yours where I agreed with you and took back my "disparaging comments". I agree I do not always (well rarely) agree with you but I do give praise where praise is due!
  5. I suggest you re-read the posts above and find out where he has been recently and what he did yesterday!
  6. Read my two answers where I say she is a woman! Are you not capable of reading responses to your posts and recognise that term?
  7. That and brain power! PS; I have been at the scene of the battle when I served in Oman. What a barren and desolate place!
  8. Please explain! If any trolling is going on it is from you making such crass and insulting posts!
  9. You most certainly are not a nice person with yet another crass question/comment which again is none of your business?
  10. For once!!! I totally agree with you. I take back all my previous comments re you being a BOT as you must be real with that very accurate observation!!
  11. None of your business! But the answer is yes and we have been together for over 24 years. You should be ashamed of your crass comment! Since I have answered it is now up to you! Do you have a long term relationship with any person?
  12. Being happily married to the same person for 33 years IS something to brag about in my opinion!
  13. No successful business woman would even give you the time of day mate... 555555555. Fact.
  14. The BIG advantage of using a UK Credit card (most countries have similar provisions) and booking direct with any company is that you are covered by section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act in the UK. If you book through a 3rd party you are unlikely to be covered if you have a dispute. In most circumstances, you are not protected under Section 75 when you make a transaction using a third party who does not actually supply the goods or services. Section 75: What You Need To Know About The Consumer Credit Act | Lending Expert
  15. I think either your medication is running out or your BOT needs rebooting as the above makes no sense!
  16. Then please provide a link to your source! The link you provided is meaningless and unconnected waffle IMO!
  17. Only you! And that is without me playing/watching an 8 year old video!
  18. Just think of the irony! It was the 1st of April and did they think "OK this is an April Fool" Bond so we will just pretend to accept it!!!
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