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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Whose lovemaking is higher the cats or their owners?
  2. Please don't give Bob ideas like that! His next topic will be that he is going to have a sex change and marry one of his ladyboy friends so he can get a free Thai passport/citizenship!
  3. There is a very simple and very much better option! Get rid of the idiot Trump and put an intelligent mainstream non MAGA Republican Politician in charge!
  4. The way Trump is trying to run roughshod everyone he will be hated by most of the world. I really pity the US for the harm this idiot is doing. Please note this is not a left/right rant! It is TRUMP and his idiotic actions I am against!
  5. I believe that the plural of Haggis is actually called Haggi and only the anticlockwise ones are in danger! PS; Anticlockwise Haggi have two equal length left legs and one longer right leg and run round the hills in an anti clockwise direction, when they don't fall over, as a result!
  6. There have been no price increases due to tariffs as the tariffs have not been applied yet! They were meant to come into force tonight US time but they have been suspended for 30 days!
  7. Which one is it, PR which now according to you is not a good deal or just staying as you are on a 1900BHT/year extension? As a matter of interest which visa extension are you on since you have said earlier that you are not retired?
  8. Actually it has not "gone up in smoke" as they were seized before use and they don't have smoke but vapors! 😁
  9. Bob has a few other posting trade marks which he has carried forward from Bob/Colin et al!
  10. You have absolutely no idea as to my computing background or why I asked for the link! I also object strongly to be told that I am incompetent and ignorant. BUTT out of my business!
  11. Please do not bother to tell me something I already know!
  12. Please keep your unasked for so called advice to yourself!
  13. Don't respond! Just ignore them!
  14. Once it has accused you of being a socialist you will never get a straight answer!
  15. No just the majority of your posts! It is interesting that I am not the only one commenting critically regarding your responses!
  16. It might help if you state where you are!
  17. Thanks! I'll look at it later!
  18. AMORN electronics just east of Computer City on the north side of the moat! PS; Sorry @CMBob I did not see your post for some reason when I posted mine! PPS; At least we both agree on the solution!
  19. If you click on his posts enough times you might be rewarded with the answer! 😄
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