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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I assume that is because nobody else can be bothered to look at all that old sagging wrinkly skin of yours!
  2. We all know that, but thanks for confirming it!
  3. Why? He will still look like an ugly old man!
  4. When is the "Go fund me" going to start or has it already started?
  5. You and your ill disguised multi persona and asinine posts/content!
  6. I know what happens which is why I asked how he was going to reheat toas in a Microwave. I suggest you read and assimilate posts before responding with your usual rubbish!
  7. I asked about using a Microwave to reheat toast, not about toaster etc!
  8. If so why are you posting comments here?
  9. Don't you need to have a working brain before it can be "Brainwashed"?
  10. Did you manage a hole in one (of them)?
  11. How can you admit guilt to a crime you have not yet committed, pardon or no pardon?
  12. Or just line the pockets of their cronies!
  13. Yet again you prove your lack of knowledge regarding your own (USA) legal systems!
  14. The fact that you cannot see that they are fools is NOT reassuring!
  15. When you say "Your Country" which Country are you talking about? The one you were born in, the one you grew up in, the one you lived in the longest or the country you spend most of your time in now. In any case what is the relevance!
  16. It was not me that said it was difficult. I said it was crap. It is just a censored version of Chat GP only updated to 2023!
  17. Correct! Read my and other's posts. I give up on trying to have any type of meaningful conversation with someone who just cannot accept cast iron facts (the US Constitution and Law) and just regurgitates it's Trumps messages! Good Bye and good riddance on this pointless topic!
  18. Which Country is that? Yet another ill-informed poster making assumptions I assume! 😁
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