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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. The word "joker" does not apply to that idiot! IT should be banned but unfortunately IT provides "clickbait" to AN! I only look at it's post to see what responses IT gets!
  2. I do not think we can unplug IT as in the best case scenario I believe IT is an AN generated BOT or in the worst case IT is a real idiot and will/cannot ever be made to shut up unless it is barred! Unfortunately if IT is barred IT will come back in another of it's many avatars!
  3. Oh dear yet another sucker believing mis quotes! Barnum's biographer Arthur H. Saxon tried to track down when Barnum had uttered this phrase but was unable to verify it. According to Saxon, "There's no contemporary account of it, or even any suggestion that the word 'sucker' was used in the derogatory sense in his day. Barnum was just not the type to disparage his patrons."[1] Some sources claim that it is most likely from famous con-man Joseph "Paper Collar Joe" Bessimer! There's a sucker born every minute - Wikipedia
  4. Why do so many people appropriate quotes wrongly to mark Twain? There is no proof he ever wrote or said it! Mark Twain “evidence” quote is false – Australian Associated Press (aap.com.au)
  5. If you actually believe that what that MAGA/MEGA Maniac posts are actual facts then you and your ilk have a major problem! You also have an even greater problem when you do not seem to understand the meaning of "Alternative facts"! Just one of many similar definitions for you to try and digest! "to talk about alternative facts is to talk about the opposite of reality (which is delusion), or the opposite of truth (which is untruth)." alternative facts Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com Also; Alternative facts - Wikipedia: "Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor Kellyanne Conway in which she stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts". Todd responded, "Look, alternative facts are not facts. They're falsehoods." (edited by me for brevity= full text in the link)
  6. And when the BBC/CNN broadcast where do they say the acronym TRA etc? I just Googled Guardian TRA and got nothing! The Telegraph discuss the hate crime in detail here; Scotland’s hate crime law could ‘damage public trust’ in police (msn.com) and not a single reference!
  7. Never heard of them nor interested in them. PS; TRA etc may be all over the (place) sites you visit but I don't visit them and so I know nothing about them! Yet another example of "because you know the meaning then everyone else must also know and understand it!"
  8. Yet more three letter postings which are meaningless. If you search AGP (which I believe I should not have to do to make sense of posts) the first lot of hits are here; AGP - Search (bing.com) and range from the Attorney General of Pakistan to automated ground power!! What are the two acronyms referring to?
  9. Maybe but the BMAX B2 Pro Mini PC seems to contain obsolete components. For instance the graphics card is no longer in production and was first produced in 2017!
  10. I assume you are referring to the novelty mini Mars bar!
  11. Very misleading topic headline! How can "GRAB FOOD SUCKS" when they don't make it? They only deliver! I suggest you complain to the restaurant/outlet who provide the food not the delivery platform!
  12. Assuming the store is within walking distance!
  13. So rather than one bike delivering let us say 5 meals in a 5 km route, totalling 5 out and 5 back = 10km you would prefer 5 cars each travelling 10KM = 50KM?
  14. No way! Dicks are useful! The BOT Bob is not!
  15. What memory? Oops I forgot it is a BOT and is lacking RAM!
  16. It takes one to know one as you seem to be both "one of a (TROLL) kind"!
  17. Sorry I have never done a TM30 online only face to face!
  18. If nothing else it helps to tell the management of AN which members are gullible and who to direct some of their ADS towards and which members are a tad more sane!
  19. But the tooth fairy has already paid you! You can't get paid twice for the same service! Thank GOD!
  20. Not a hope in hell given it's previous total lack of meaningful responses/posts!
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