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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Or you or your writing style! I believe that they all stink in some people's opinion, IMO! 😃
  2. Let us all non Tumpeteers pray and hope that it is truly so!
  3. Her indoors wants to watch Thai TV CH7 but we do not have/want cable or satellite solutions! Does anyone have some advice as regarding Window ledge/indoor aerial or boosters etc to just get CH7. Or even a WIFI/internet/smartphone (free, I am Scottish) solution. I have looked on Lazada but get very confused with different Aerial/booster specs like "Orbit D, QID, D7A, D2A D9A & D6E etc! Any advice would be much appreciated! Our building is in central CM and faces south if that helps!
  4. I think you meant "Trump is more popular happier to be with 18 to 24yos!"
  5. And if Putin, China, Saudis' etc did do the above then they will use every tool at their disposal to get him in! That is the very frightening thing!
  6. It is none of your business if people choose to use Agents, especially when it is to hold hands an NOT bypass any financial etc requirements!
  7. Same here from UK bank debit card to wise to BKK is over in minutes using the general monthly living expenses! Some times all three alerts from my UK bank telling me card has been used, wise telling me that money money has been sent and BKK telling me money has arrived are all sounding off at the same time. I can only remember one occasion and the last few years when it has taken longer than 10 minutes to arrive! PS; I am talking about transfers of less than 1,000 GBPs
  8. Please don't feed the troll as it is not capable, as you can see from it's ridiculous response above, of giving a coherent and relevant answer to a serious question that has been asked of it!
  9. I asked the question! But as usual no understandable answer! Any chance of a coherent response or are you just going to continue blowing out hot air by repeating my question in a circular fashion?
  10. What a pointless response! The whole point of a fixed deposit account with BKK (and NOT BLL whatever that is) is that it is a FIXED deposit account with BKK and which can never be accessed except by the account holder attending in person and showing their passport! There is no online, ATM or other access to that type of account unless you are stupid enough to change those advised restrictions!
  11. So I ask yet again! What is your optimum solution? Your are full of rhetoric but no solutions, as usual!!
  12. And do what? Typical rhetorical post with no suggested solution!
  13. And put the world back for ever! If that French idiot, who has recently been denounced by the Boss of NATO and most of it's members even tried to do it he would be asking for the Russian MAD man to press the MAD button! Does the French Industry still make sufficient white French surrender flags to sustain his stupid world ending objective!
  14. Of course you must remember why the RAF and it's members are called "crabfats" and "Royal April Fools" don't you? They were formed on 1 April 1918 (April Fools Day to the UK) and all crabfats are dressed in a dull grey uniform and only move sideways! PS; Greetings from an ex fish head! PPS; Chocks away!
  15. I think he meant to say; "I have to shake hands with the currently unemployed and when I come back I hope you will join me in doing the same!" At which point the whole class fainted!
  16. One of my Can anyone please answer what I asked? "Was/is there a new law regarding statements must be provided for Fixed deposit accounts?" BKK CM say that they can only give me the standard letter of the actual day's balance and an updated passbook. Fixed deposit accounts run from the date of their renewal, in my case May (since 2016), so an annual statement in March is not possible according to BKK! BKK say it is BS and say there is no such thing as an annual statement for a fixed deposit account out with the dates of the account's savings rate renewal! There is of course proof of continuity via the passbook! This is stalemate!
  17. Please note that this article is dated 4 Aug 2023 and is talking about intentions and NOT current law as I have discussed above! I repeat my point about a pending general election! If it were to become law then I suggest that first you look at the status/legality of the link and secondly take from that link this very important point; HMRC cannot issue a third-party notice without the permission of the taxpayer or the tax tribunal. However, HMRC must demonstrate that the information sought is “reasonably required and will help the investigation in one way or another. Conclusion A notice from HMRC will have to be approved by a tax tribunal, an independent body that is responsible for any appeals against HMRC. In plain English the inspector needs an order to get information! He cannot just access a bank account without authorisation!
  18. You are neither humorous nor helpful in a serious subject I see!
  19. Please provide a link to the statute which states that what you say is actually in law WITHOUT A COURT ORDER! In the case of personal individual/joint accounts the UK at this time!
  20. And the chances of being passed by this government are zero IMO! Hint! a general election!
  21. Exactly. Please read my post again! where I said; "I am not making any comment on the legality, or otherwise, regarding claiming pensions whilst in Thailand!"
  22. Thailand did not sign up until 9/12/22 so there can be no retrospective info passed to outside governments before that date! How they handle that info now is not in my current sphere of expertise. (it used to be b4 I retired)
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