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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. That would be difficult as The ThinkPad line was first developed at the IBM Yamato Facility in Japan, and the first ThinkPads were released in October 1992.
  2. As you have been since you (unfortunately) made your first ever post on AN!
  3. Grow up and get a life! Especially one which does not involve making stupid comments (posts) to people you do not know and who have no interest in you or your nonsensical outpourings!
  4. You do know who you just quoted? If so then, as we all know, it must be a "Troll" post as it is coming from that particular poster/person!
  5. Probably because they ignored you as we wish we could do here!
  6. I suspect the Ticks etc would reject him/it and move into better quarters!
  7. And what pray tell does your less than insightful post add to an already pointless thread?
  8. Because he/it is an idiot and needs to be banned from AN but they won't because he/it is clickbait!
  9. NO! You just treat us all as doormats given the cr@p you dump on us!
  10. We are not! Please go and stay in your unconnected tent for the rest of your misbegotten life and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves without your self-centered stupidity constantly interceding into our lives!
  11. No but he is taking the p-ss out of you by you appearing to take him/it seriously! It is just clickbait material!
  12. And the removal of oxygen if it could also be be arranged!
  13. No! Unfortunately we are stuck with this one as it provides clickbait and therefore money to AN!
  14. Long may they take and enjoy their feast from the OP! He puts us through enough pain with his constant outpourings of drivel!
  15. Yes the ones who still have analogue TV ariels sticking out of their orifices!
  16. So that means it is yet another non serious and meaningless post from you! Why do you feel the need to inflict your asinine thoughts on us mere mortals?
  17. I would be more worried about having a very flat square cat if I was you! Oh and and be careful where you tread!
  18. He was just loafing around and got toasted I assume!
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