When i flew to Vietnam last month i bought all my dollars at Superrich at Suvarnabhumi just before the flight. And changed any left when i landed back. Their buy/sell spread is very small now 34.55 -34.60.
Interesting, and a bit scary. When i was born in the 1950s world population was 2.5 billion now 8.0! Also some massive changes by country Japan births down from 2.4 m to 800k a year.
Isn't using red plates for an extended period also an offence (avoiding tax, registration etc). You see loads of Mercs/BMWs on red plates, i bet for months or years.
No it isn't. Just lay on your back, you will float on the surface. If need be you can call for help.
Hard to believe someone drowns in a hotel pool with other people there.
Yes unbelievable. One of the most important days for Thailand and 10% can't even be bothered to turn up !
What happens now if Pita loses the 2nd vote? Does Thailand continue with no Government. If the Senators appoint a PM from a minority Party it will fail at the first lower house vote.
Not good here compared to most of the world now. One of the best is the Krungsri Mai Tai Dee account. Gives 0.9% plus you can use it as a normal account with debit card etc. Only 2 withdrawals a month though. Most others are 0.5% or less. Even the banksters in the UK offer 4%+ now.
Edit just remembered SCB do an EZY account 1.5%
Retired here 17 years, dead easy to renew visa every year, last month took me 15 minutes. Do it yourself don't use an agent. Best to have the 800k in the bank method.
No doubt the child is happy, he is being paid big money, nothing to see here. If the parents have bank statements showing 35000 received then there is a case to answer. No one pays a child 35000 for nothing.
Yes a devout Christian. TalkTV has confirmed that the Presenter is on a 410k salary. Just look up which BBC Christian is on that salary, there is only one (cough Welsh).
My condo has a no pets policy but a few keep pets. I can't see a cat being a problem if you are discreet. One of my neighbours smuggles a small dog in and out for walks in a backpack.
Massive discounting is the only way to get anyone to buy an EV. Most of the manufacurers have already gone bust in China with tens of thousands of unwanted EVs abandoned in fields to rot.