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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. The op makes no reference to being married, maybe that is why he wants to go the retirement route.
  2. Actually, when it was 1 million for life and the exchange rate was far better, it was a bloody good scheme.
  3. Serious? Are you suggesting that when I came and it was 65, I should have planned on it becoming 25 ? Sounds absolutely stupid.
  4. Are you referring to the above advice ? If so, that post was done by this website's "Thai visa forum expert", are you suggesting that he is wrong ?
  5. "The surviving spouse is a statutory heir but their entitlement depends on what other class of statutory heir exists. If there are surviving children of the deceased, the spouse and children take the estate between them. Therefore, if there are three children, then the estate is divided in to four equal shares." This would seem to disagree with you, and every law firm page I visited says the same. So if there were children and the wife emptied the account, she would in effect be stealing from legal heirs?
  6. Do you have a link to this adjustable voltage Taser? I can't find a single one that allows any adjustment, either before or after deployment.
  7. And where would they staple the receipt?
  8. Strange, because my local office scans the passport with their passport scanner.
  9. Check with your immigration office, similar scenario is if your Thai wife dies and you are on an extension based on marriage, most offices will let you stay on that extension and then find a new way to stay when it expires. I can think of no reason why on your demise immigration would not let your wife just change the reason for her extension from dependent to retirement.
  10. Do you know why the embassy letters stopped?
  11. Wow, totally wrong! You realise that a name on a birth cert means diddly here? As posted above, a number of ways to legitimize a child born out of wedlock
  12. Couple of things, are you sure that it is possible to change extension to one based on marriage if your original visa was a Non-OA ? Secondly, as far as I have read, if you entered with a Non-OA, the insurance requirement sticks with you whatever you do, (that is why people leave to cancel the OA).
  13. Two things, you don't have to get a pink id card to have a yellow book, and secondly, you get a pink id card after you get a yellow book. So in short, a pink id is not needed at all for a yellow book
  14. Thanks for the incorrect info, as you should be aware, there is no requirement to be in receipt of a state pension to apply for a Non-O based on being over 50. (think of the UK, according to that info, you would not be able to apply until you were 67 years old!)
  15. MFA, really? See if you can find the word retirement on their webpage. https://www.mfa.go.th/en/page/non-immigrant-visa-o-a?menu=5e1ff71bc4281a00c812e8e2
  16. Oh how wrong you are! There is absolutely no requirement to be retired to get either a visa or extension based on being over 50.
  17. You specifically said they asked for your re-entry permit, and by your own admission they did not! So why don't you stop making excuses for giving duff info? "I don't have a visa. I have an extension based on retirement.", no you don't, you have an extension based on being over 50. Whether I fly a lot or not has nothing to do with the amount of forum reading I do and whether anyone else has specifically been asked to show a re-entry permit. You sound like you hate being proved wrong. 🙂
  18. You say "they know", yet they asked for your visa, not a re-entry permit. And instead of showing what they asked for, you show them a re-entry permit? I stand by what I said, airlines do not ask for (nor probably know about), re-entry permits, your post above actually helps prove my point, not dispel it. 🙂
  19. Very strange, it is most certainly not in the airlines remit to check if you have a re-entry permit, actually, I would have thought that most airline staff would not even know they exist. Having a re-entry permit is also in no way shape or form a requirement to travel. As I said, very strange.
  20. I can't find a country who issues visas through the Ministry of Justice?
  21. No, not all currencies of the world are valued against the dollar. While the U.S. dollar is a widely used reserve currency, it's not the only benchmark. Many currencies are valued against other currencies, such as the euro or the British pound. 1. 7 Currencies Worth More Than the U.S. Dollar - Investopedia www.investopedia.com Here's a breakdown: Direct Quotation: This is when a currency is quoted in terms of the U.S. dollar. For example, "1 EUR = 1.10 USD." Indirect Quotation: This is when a currency is quoted in terms of another currency, such as the euro. For example, "1 USD = 0.91 EUR." 1. A Comprehensive Guide to Decoding FX Direct Indirect Quotes - Axiory www.axiory.com So, while the U.S. dollar is a significant player in the global currency market, it's not the only one.
  22. As of 2016, there were 8 states in the United States which allow Heart Balm actions. These include: Hawaii; Mississippi; Missouri; New Mexico; North Carolina; South Dakota; and Utah. Not really the whole of the US is it.
  23. British English IS my first language, not Australian or South African English where that term comes from.
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