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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. Bar stool myth, if that were the case there would be no foreign English teachers. There is a list of prohibited professions, that is all.
  2. I think this page would suggest otherwise unless specifically applied for? https://swe-expert.boi.go.th/SW-WEB/vp_sw_manual.php
  3. Total opposite, as AirBnB for short term rentals are illegal, and the owners know that.
  4. So it buys black market injections that surprise, surprise don't work, and we are supposed to feel sorry for it? That is a self imposed problem, not a "struggle".
  5. Incorrect, no they won't. VISAS are not transferred, only extensions of stay are.
  6. " Recently I read a thread on AN forum regarding a foreigner spitting on a guy in Makro. Would I get in trouble if I returned the assault by punching him several times?" People like you you mean?
  7. You must be reading a different Section 84, the one in your link says " Section 84. For all offences under this Act, except for offences under Sections 62 paragraph one, 63, 64, 71, and 82 paragraph two, there shall be established a Settlement Committee comprising of the Police Director-General or representative, the Public Prosecutor Director-General or repr esentative, the Commander of the Immigration Division or representative, as members. The Settlement Committee shall have power to compound the matters and to authorize the inqu iry official or the competent official to carry out settlement on its behalf. The Settl ement Committee may prescribe criteria for settlement or any conditions as deemed fit." Clearly reads that the power to fine etc has been handed down to competent officials, (in this case, an immigration officer), there is absolutely no mention of a court of law.
  8. Guardians are appointed by the court, time to find out who his is.
  9. Check for 2 reasons, 1 it was an accident and 2 they were rolling out that you could use any govt hospital.
  10. Of course she is not responsible for any costs he incurs.
  11. Did he go to a private hospital? Else he should be on the "gold card"/"30 baht" scheme.
  12. The USA took it so seriously that they ....................... ignored it,lol.
  13. It is the Thai side that is imposing the "night/s" out rule.
  14. And this was never an actual thing, you could pay for fast track sure, but you could never pay an agent to secure a normal line visa exempt entry. Take your bar stool myths back to the bar.
  15. Neither is booze, heartbreak etc. Don't try and change the narrative to fit your assumption. The facts prove you wrong.
  16. Here you go, some interesting reading https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084484/
  17. How right you are! This is exactly what the APEC card is designed for.
  18. Guessing you don't have the money in the bank? If so, you are pretty well stuck with the agency you are currently with, wherever you choose to live.
  19. 17 is the clause in immigration law that allows the 60 day entry
  20. Probably Eastern Russell's vipers, a totally different subspecies to the Russell viper.
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