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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. Do you have a link for that? I can only find the previous announcement
  2. Will the PM be paying a visit to all recently released criminals?
  3. The only office (that I am aware of) that asks for seasoning for an initial Non-O is Jomtien, every other office just needs it on the day of the application
  4. Both Thai and Eva do direct flights to UK https://www.skyscanner.co.th/transport/flights/bkk/lond/240227/240305/?adults=1&adultsv2=1&cabinclass=economy&children=0&childrenv2=&inboundaltsenabled=false&infants=0&outboundaltsenabled=false&preferdirects=true&ref=home&rtn=1
  5. Very true, but that was not the point of his post, his post was all about the map and photos 🙂
  6. For the 60 day extension they do not normally ask for the map or photos, maybe that is his point?
  7. It would seem that there is no minimum age for a Thai to buy property, the 20 years of age comes into effect if they then want to use it as collateral or sell it, (then the legal guardian would need to approve). https://www.thaicontracts.com/ask/28-other-questions/62-is-it-possible-to-buy-house-in-my-thai-son-s-name-and-then-lease.html#:~:text=There is no law to,to accept or not transactions.
  8. " Partial hysterectomy or total hysterectomy. A partial hysterectomy removes your uterus, and a total hysterectomy removes your uterus and your cervix. Both procedures leave your ovaries intact, so you can still develop ovarian cancer."
  9. The embassy in Hanoi makes no mention of additional requirements for Indian nationals https://rtehanoi.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/additional-requirements-for-foreign-national-applicants-in-viet-nam
  10. The embassy in KL again makes no mention of additional requirements for Indian nationals https://kualalumpur.thaiembassy.org/en/page/99059-visa?menu=5d75510d15e39c1e60004883
  11. The embassy website makes no mention of additional requirements for Indian nationals https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/page/nationalities-with-additional-requirements-and-con?menu=63bcd98646f2ee321b0dcb63 You will see that there is an email address, so fire off an email to confirm
  12. Big Joke was head of Immigration from Sept 2018 - 2019 The new financial rules for retirement extensions came into effect in 2021 What is he, a fortune teller?
  13. Many thanks, as it is not a "TM" numbered form,I am guessing it is a local office thing.
  14. Can you post an example of "their form", not heard of it before.
  15. Except for the extension the money needs to be in an account to which you have instant access (even if that means losing interest or a penalty).
  16. LOL, sorry, but that is nowhere near the same as the Vietnamese authorities recognizing same sex marriage. That is the British government recognizing it.
  17. No they don't https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Vietnam
  18. Already clarified that it was a combination of husband's and wife's income
  19. Sorry, the combination was between the husband and wife, as stated in the above Para (6) (not the same as the retirement combination of income and bank deposit)
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