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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. Overstay, even if caught and deported does not normally end up with a criminal record, unless there were other associated crimes. That law firm is lying
  2. The link is as posted above, and surely if you have an LTR visa, you will have visited that same website?
  3. OK, so you are working without the correct visa and work permit at the moment? That is one thing IOs look for. That said, you could always get a tourist visa, that might make your entry smoother.
  4. If you read the warning on the BOI site, seems easy enough to "get off" the LTR by purchasing a different visa. "
  5. "Before submitting the application for at least 2 months and after receiving permission for at least 3 months, there must be a deposit of not less than 800,000 baht in a commercial bank account located in Thailand." Albeit a translation from the official Thai Immigration site, it does say "a" bank, that would then all depend on their reading of that, does "a" mean only one, or does "a" mean however many but they must be commercial banks? Just read your post above, so we at least know they will accept 2 from the same bank.
  6. Check first to make sure they will accept 2 accounts, supposedly not all offices will.
  7. That would not work, because he has defaulted on the financials for this extension.
  8. Easiest answer and to save you reading a 165 page long thread is; Nope. neither investment nor retirement extensions qualify you for PR Your only option is to go back to work for many many years and apply (3 for the application and then while it is processed).
  9. But would you not first have to have done 1 extension based on the reason for issue of the visa, (over 50), before you could change to an extension based on marriage ?
  10. Very true, I can see them wanting to see the 500k in the bank again if you want to extend in country, though of course they could just border bounce. The soft option DTV seems to have been poorly thought out.
  11. First time I have ever heard of age being a factor, not one person as far as I am aware has ever mentioned that before?
  12. Strange, I went through the system and you have to pay BEFORE you can book an appointment?
  13. There actually used to be the "90 days in any 180" rule for entries via air, visa exempt. Stopped around 2009 I think.
  14. Not sure how many/ if any appointments are available in the next 20 days, because after that it becomes an e-visa consular section. The Thai Embassy in Vientiane, Laos will start accepting Thai E-Visa applications on 01 January 2025 with 10-15 working days for processing of a Thai E-Visa. The last day for accepting in-person applications at Vientiane is 20 December 2024. There will be no applications at all from 21 Dec-31 Dec
  15. A mate just died a day ago and it seems that we have to get a letter from the British embassy to release the body for cremation? Has anyone had to do this, or done it before?
  16. Can I ask, where do you live that is 50km away and still served by CW?
  17. The deterrent as far as I am concerned is that would be criminals know that the police are much more likely to take a crime against that premises more seriously.
  18. Exactly that, 500baht a month for the deterrence value.
  19. How and where are they doing this?
  20. And have you already paid for the extension ?
  21. The only possible reason I can think of, is to try and stop people applying from inside Thailand? Paying in person will force the person to at least visit Laos. Also, they do like their crisp foreign currency over there.
  22. Totally off topic, your Oz passport renewal has ZERO to do with renewing at the US embassy.
  23. Fingers crossed I see that there are 4 slots available at his embassy on Monday, (I didn't check any further)
  24. Check your facts...................come back and say sorry
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