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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. There was a number of reasons that they applied the time bans, but I can't think of any at the moment. Maybe we should ask Sir Les Patterson ?
  2. "To avoid causing offence generally", hmmm, well, millions dead, would have been nice if Xi owned up how his country slipping Covid 19 out as opposed to trying to cover it up, that said I would give the next variant the name STA for him, although it's not in the Greek alphabet. Now to under stand that word you would have to raise your hands all the way up together, then bring them down to your privates quickly, its pretty much equal to the Italian salute, left hand to opposite elbow, bending right arm upwards, or hand under chin then flicking it outwards, however STA is much more offensive when you thrust your lower section forward as your hands reach their end destination, but then again, if I didn't want "to cause offence generally", I would put one hand out with the palm facing him at face level and then hitting the back of that hand with the other saying NAH, not wanting to make the name to long and confusing with NAH RE MALAHKA, or NATO (here it is) Yes Greeks do it better ????
  3. Makes sense to me, oh and yes typo on my part Mu and Nu thx.
  4. Somethings better than nothing, as for me, would have taken nothing and voted upside down, not what the boxes want, if that's the way they also do things here.
  5. Wife said she was going out to vote yesterday, came back waiving 500 baht at me, I said where did you get that, she said in Thailand they pay you to vote (corruption), I said you didn't, of course not darling, I just pretend to vote and collect the cash. How weird is that.
  6. Omicron is the Greek number for 15, as far as I can recall, they only had 12 variants before Omicron, now why on earth did they skip Nu (13), and of course Mu (14), that said, I wonder what will happen when they get to Xi, or Omega for that matter, Omega being the last letter in the Greek alphabet. I suppose they could start using Greek slang, like STA or NAH.
  7. No One less headache, just by new and with electricals you will also receive warranties. We found a Thai place in Haymarket, Sydney and sent a fair few boxes of stuff (about 15) which had good quality Iron's, cutlery etc etc and they arrived about 6 weeks later to our door which was about the same time we planned to be here, no customs and cost us about $600, just the two Iron's cost us that and are much more here in Thailand. You can replace things here fairly cheaply vs the hassle and if you get into a wrangle with customs, it will cost you more IMO.
  8. It appears that prohibition has come back 100 years later (1920-1933) USA. I wasn't delusional before I moved here, I knew Thailand was a little behind, but 100 years, well, ok then.
  9. You should come to rural Thailand, scores of Thai's not wearing masks, I see it day in day out, but to be honest that is out doors.
  10. Um, has anyone told these guys and other countries who are banning African nations that Omicron was 1st detected on 9 November, in other words, the cat is out of the bag, banning them is like putting a band aid on a massive injury, good luck with that, coming to a City near you, Omicron.
  11. Actually, I have been living here for 6 years, my point being, no one has forced us to get vaccinated, those of us educated enough and with the help from the USA in my situation, received a decent vaccination.
  12. Let us be clear about something, put democracy and the majority rule aside, the latest mutation is from South Africa which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world because 1st world countries are hording vaccines, now on 3rd doses while these mutations will continue to evolve in countries with those with less vaccinations, so our disappointment in the anti-vaxes is basically over really, the ball has been dropped so to speak.
  13. I believe in democracy and of course we are paying the price that we are living in a democracy during this pandemic, which of course we have never experienced before, that said, at the end of the day, we will never find a solution to this in a democratic society, that's what makes democracy, a democracy that gives us the right to be different, to say no, or enough is enough, to challenge, not to be dictated too. Would I love for everyone to get vaccinated, sure thing, but hey, this is the price we pay for living in a democracy, and I would rather live under a "democratic society" vs "tyranny". Democratic societies work far better than than those less fortunate, that said, we cannot control what we cannot control as much as we would love to control it, regardless if the science says it's the way to go. I share your frustrations.
  14. I agree with you 99.99% the other .01% is that I do not like force of any kind regardless, suffice to say forcing people to get vaccinated is taking away their civil liberties. The above said, best to restrict their movements, opportunities for employment, travel, i.e. treat them like lepers and if they still don't want to get vaccinated, then so be it, there choice as much as it is our choice to protect everyone else, like in a shopping centre, at work and on planes, trains and buses. Simple really, i.e. got to work to earn, earning means you can shop and travel, but without being vaccinated, well, life will be very different for some, i.e. until they stop kicking the back of the car seat using your words.
  15. If you read my post again Dumbfounded, you will note that I never said the virus would die off. I said we all have a part to play. You be selfish and not getting vaccinated is your choice, some times trying to get people to take the blinkers off is harder than putting them on, this is because of poor education, stubbornness and rebelliousness. When the disease shifts from pandemic to endemic, the health outcomes will be less severe, and we’ll be better able to manage and accept the low risks associated with COVID-19. It’s unclear exactly when this shift will occur. But experts agree that one day we’ll treat COVID as we do the flu — masks and distancing will no longer be needed except in some circumstances, and our best line of defence will remain vaccination, just like flu vaccinations. Those that choose not to get vaccinated such as yourself prolong the world reaching the endemic stage, whether by choice or just not being able to get a vaccine, noting that the richer countries of the world are getting their 3rd doses, while many of poorer countries have not even had a vaccination as of today. It really boils down to choice, if you wish to remain unvaccinated, that is your choice, just stay away from the rest of us, but at the end of the day, you will find out that society will treat you like a leper eventually, and rightfully so IMO. The link below shows what countries have had their 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html Don't be afraid to dying, we are all going to the same place, vaccinated or not, and the way I see it, having looked at everything, vaccinations are the way to prolong ones life, mine, yours and everyone else's, so if you wish to remain unvaccinated, "up to you" as the Thai's say, that said, I know a few people who have passed from Covid, some old and some middle of the road, their choice in my opinion their lives ended early, sadly, I also know of one who is 60 and survived Covid, his exact words to me were, "I thought I was going to die, I should have taken the vaccine, all I could think of were my kids, I am getting vaccinated in 3 months, I don't want this thing again, I saw some people in the hospital younger than me die, I thought I knew better, and you were right, I should have taken the vaccine, never again", did you get yours, he asked, der ! As the old saying goes, you can lead them to water, but you can't force them, suffice to say, I am done trying to educate people. Good luck in your choices, life's short, enjoy the time you have here, as for me, I am vaccinated and am far more relaxed than most unvaccinated who think they are.
  16. I'm surprised of the journalism here or lack thereof, as it would have been an opening there and then, Mr Anutin, do you think that the staff in those establishments were not vaccinated because your government failed to secure vaccines in a timely fashion, and wouldn't it be prudent to make sure that staff in those establishments be vaccinated before opening, that way patrons visiting such establishments could be deemed safe for those vaccinated visiting such establishments. Nothing short of total fear mongering and utter control which is being lost, worldwide if you look outside of Thailand.
  17. You are correct, my bad, I always transfer my annual survival amount over 3 months beforehand and use those funds for my extension, better safe than sorry, than confused and in trouble.
  18. Welcome. If you can run the company remotely, why not, only additional advice I would give you is to check what tax implications you might have from your home country. An example, if you were Australian like myself which I know you aren't as you already mentioned where you live, suffice to say in Australia as my residency status has changed to a non-resident now as I live in Thailand, I would pay 32% tax from every $ I earned within Australia, up to $80k AUD then it increases from there, also Australia taxes us on our worldwide income if we retain our residency status which is beneficial for some who have property back there, wish to vote and hang onto Medicare. If you don't have to pay tax, and you can run the company remotely that would be a bonus to you, either way, you don't require much to live here so any small gains would be worth it, keep your mind active and wouldn't get bored. Glad to hear you know about the marriage thing, some people just don't go in with their eyes open and wear the hearts on their sleeves and think the woman they love will never do them wrong, well, if you put your finances in anyone else's hands, expect the worst I say as you just gave up your future and power. Again, good luck.
  19. I retired at 55 with that amount nett after building a house for my Thai wife of 8 years at that time, now 15 years and still very happily married. 45 is young, however your investments MUST remain at arms length from your future wife, i.e. if you ever end up getting married, as many Thai wives to foreigners have walked away much better off than they were when they met their foreign husbands who just handed everything over to them naively I would imagine, e.g. a marriage is an investment, no different to a business contract, that said, your exit clause if your wealth, not hers, as cruel as it sounds, without an exit clause she will win on all counts, so as I said, your $'s MUST stay out of the marriage if you want to continue to have a life that you can control well into your retirement years, she will win along the way just being in your relationship and of course when you pass away, anyways, enough of the potential wife side. If you work on 2% return on your investment which is a worst case scenario, you will receive 400,000 baht nett per annum, and lets assume you draw down another 400,000 baht per annum from your funds, that will give you 800,000 baht per annum to live off here, now as you said, you will have a place paid off, so living on 800,000 bath per annum or over 65,000 baht per month should be a walk in the park if your not out partying. The 400,000 draw down would last 50 years so if your still alive at 95 your lifestyle will be a changing real quick ???? Now 2% return nett on your investment is super conservative, I have averaged 8% nett over the past 6 years so life in Thailand is really good, especially when your not working. Good luck
  20. I think Dr Fauci if he has any credibility left, will disagree with what your saying, and yes viruses mutate, however when most people are vaccinated, there is less chances of a virus mutating to a deadlier or more contagious strain, I suppose that would be a better way of me saying what I said in my other post. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/21/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html
  21. There is no doubt in my mind that any vaccine for the elderly and those with underlying conditions is better than none, that said, the sooner those who do not want to get vaccinated, get over their selfishness, and then perhaps we can all live with another endemic virus, however the longer they leave it because (it's their right), then the more they contribute to the virus mutating to possibly a more lethal virus which will take out a heck of a lot more people. The line has to be drawn, these vaccines work in reducing deaths period, anything said outside that, e.g. it's my right not to be vaccinated should be met with whatever isolation methods can be provided to those who refuse as they are the ones that will spread heavier viral loads to those of us vaccinated and those unvaccinated so the merry go round will continue for as long as they remain unvaccinated, and as I mentioned the potential for the virus mutating to a more lethal virus. People who choose not to be vaccinated in my opinion (whilst it is currently their right) are selfish and personally, I won't have anything to do with them.
  22. She still loves you. Expect more texting in days, weeks to come IMO.
  23. I paid for Moderna before I got Pfizered, I will now be using Moderna as a booster. Best to check which private hospitals doing Moderna, go on their Facebook page as some people on the one over here are wanting to sell their Moderna shots which are transferable but you will have to make sure its ok with the hospital for the time frame your looking at, the one that is doing me has confirmed March for me in an email for my booster. If you have a Thai partner or friend, get them to look at Thai forums in Chang Mai as I am sure there will be people wanting to sell their Moderna shots, because they have received something else and don't need them, although might be a bit pricey at 3,300 baht for 2 doses, of which you will only get 1, but the way I see it is a single Pneumonia jab will set you back as much so in my opinion, it's worth it. After March I would imagine vaccines will be readily available at most hospitals for a fee. Hope it works out for you, forward planning is always best.
  24. I got mine from the local Ministry of Public Health Office in Udon Thani they were at the adjoining province to mine, i.e. Sakon Nakhon. As your in Kalasin, I think the nearest one to you is in Khon Kaen ? Best to call them first and if they say yes, take a copy of your passport page, original vaccination certificate and any other docs with you, like a pink ID card, yellow house book etc, pay 50 baht and pick it up about a week later. I found them on Google Maps, just type in Kalasin Provincial Public Health Office and it will show you were it is, about an hours drive from you. Good luck Address: 3/38 ถนนบายพาส-ทุ่งมน Amphoe Mueang Kalasin, Chang Wat Kalasin 46000 Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 4:30PM Phone: 043 811 322
  25. Try it out and see what happens, maybe he will give your nipple a little squeeze, that or if your wearing a chain with it, ripping the chain off of it.
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