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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Wow, you certainly convinced yourself there. Married 15 years to an absolute bombshell who gives me more than I want and how I want, but a dog is a dog is a dog, and always wants to try something new, besides, it's healthy and natural. Ever seen a dog go up and sniff another dog, then you've seen me, but each to their own, I'm living my fantasies because when the hour glass is empty, it's game over.
  2. Did you go back and buy when the g/f wasn't around ???? Come on, we all know you want too, don't be shy now, we won't tell her.
  3. Will cross the path when and if I get to it, then I would do my due diligence before throwing my money away, so you can take it as a rant for now and hopefully one doesn't have to cross that path, and when and if that path does come my way, it will be the wife steering the case so to speak so that their is no blow back on me with immigration if you know what I mean.
  4. Guess I better tell the wife not to take the gun out at night when she goes to hang out the close, I swear she's ready to fire at any ghost.
  5. I don't know about your area, but school up here in the north-east have been open for a good month, kids coming home sick and making us sick, is it or was it Covid, well no one was bed ridden, no one off from school, the usual stuffy nose, runny nose, headaches, sore throat, feeling lethargic etc, couple of days later, all and good and life goes on. Did anyone get tested, well does anyone get tested after they have had a cold/flu, solder on, sometimes it's better not to know, unless you really need to know.
  6. I would suggest that those numbers being hospitalised and fewer deaths reported are those who have weaker immune systems, e.g. are above a certain age, with comorbidities, or without, but are obese, have a poor diet, drink more than the average alcohol limit and lack of vitamin D, etc etc. If I am correct then that means those that are middle of the road ages and younger with better immune systems, eat healthier, drink less, and have adequate vitamin D levels are not being hospitalised or dying. Place your bets now.
  7. Judging by the amount of posters replying on this post, i.e. less than a hand full, the topic is a dead horse, so until there is something to report on Covid numbers increasing, why bother IMO.
  8. There is a mob in Thai town Sydney which send parcels to Thailand for cheap, e.g. when we moved here 6 years ago, we used them and they charged us like $15 a kilo if memory serves me correct. If you want me to hunt them down send me a person message and I will get the boss to do for you. On a side not, you mention renting your unit out, if your moving here permanently talk to your accountant regarding the new capital gains tax laws because if you are moving here and your residency status changes you will be up for capital gains tax from the day you purchased it, not the day you moved to Thailand.
  9. I believe that the cases are low enough to stop reporting now and perhaps go back to reporting deaths per day on the roads, and less fearmongering perhaps.
  10. That could imply sacrificing the child (5-11) for the benefit of the elder ? My wife and I have been double dosed, as have our children 17 & 12, as for the 7 year old, that is not going to happen as much as the boosters are not going to happen. Enough is enough and the evidence, call it data/science whatever you like states that Omicron is less virulent and dangerous than it's predecessor Delta. If and when our daughters school wishes to make it compulsory for our 7 year old to be vaccinated or they will not accept her in the school unvaccinated, then we will not only pull her out, we will also pull out the 12 year old and I will go to the trouble of mounting a law suite against the school. Now why would I bother, because for one, the government has not made it mandatory, i.e. it's a choice and for a school to try to enforce school entry for children by mandatory vaccines is unjustifiable, think about for a minute, the government says, "up to you", but the school says, you must. Would be an interesting outcome and a precedent for the future if the pendulum swung my way and like I said, I would be prepared to take them on as opposed to changing schools, just to show them and others that they are not above the government, they are a school with no credentials in the field of medicine, e.g. they receive advice from the government when it comes to viruses, so why make the vaccine mandatory when the government isn't ? Open and shut case as far as I am concerned, early settlement out of court, nope, all the way, regardless if I won and received a $ in compensation. Lesson be learned ?
  11. The paperwork I have says it's an ST-2500 Spirit. I am thinking to get any belt now as long as the grooves inside the belt appear to be the same and then adjust the motor drive, either forward or back as it allows for it.
  12. Everything goes up, that said over the past 6 years it's been minimal apart from the last year when the shortages came into play. I keep a to a strict budget and continue to enjoy the good quality foods that we eat as a family of 6, that said the only real increase I have seen is over the past 6 years is for bananas, but that is a seasonal thing, i.e. they were 60 baht when I first came here in 2015 for a big bunch and could go as high as 160 baht this year, that said, I purchased a really fresh bunch the other day for 80 baht at the same place. Thailand is still very affordable and if I see something has increased dramatically, I will let it go this time around, besides specials are plentiful and it pays to shop around, Tesco/Lotus, Big C and Makro, that said with two fridges and a freezer stocking up can save you those increased prices.
  13. Logic tells me to vaccinate the unvaccinated and not provide boosters to those of us who have already been vaccinated to allow our cellular immunity to take over with this less deadly virulent. Naturally the elderly an those with immunocompromised immune systems excluded), i.e. boost away, if they have the data that backs up that the vaccines work on Omicron, which I have yet to read. The above is what I call the logical and humane thing to do, empathy and advancement of the human society only moves forward for it's own selfishness under the current government booster plans, in those countries that are hogging up the supplies, e.g. Israel with everyone rushing to get boosters (4) before those who haven't even had their first dose in countries with less opportunities, i.e. $'s talk. Are we on the same page, are you and your buddy humane enough to not get a booster or are you still trying to educate me on humanity, noting that this society will get into punch ups at the local store over shortages of toilet paper.
  14. So says you and your buddy. Look up the word hopefully. Yes that has worked well since the beginning of time, try logic man, logic.
  15. I left Sydney 6 years ago and have paid no tax on shares bought and sold, including no capital gains tax, it's the loophole foreign residents need to survive over here. It serves the government as they want money invested in Australian companies, so it's a win/win. The only thing to look out for is that when your residency changes from being an Australian resident (for tax purposes) meaning if you reside in Australia, you pay tax in Australia as an Australian resident, but when you move it changes to a non residents or foreign resident (same meaning) for tax purposes. The capital gains tax you will pay when you sell your property in Australia is like 42% as a non resident so if you keep your principal place of residence (house you live in), the capital gains tax will get calculated from the day you purchased it, i.e. not calculated the day after you left the country, which is the way it was up to 2019, so look out for that one now. Also the rent gets taxed at 32c in the $, and you cannot claim anything (negative gearing annually goes out the window) so it's hardly worth holding onto property in Australia unless your going to live between the two countries as an Australia resident for tax purposes, then you will pay tax as an Australian resident and there won't be any capital gains tax to pay. But wait it gets better, you can longer vote as a non resident and no more Medicare just to stick it to you further for seeing that it's greener on the other side. 1st up, talk to your accountant about you moving overseas and then others regarding investing your money in Australia into something like shares where you don't pay tax on if they are receiving dividends, there are also other investments that you can look into, but be mindful of any potential tax pitfalls. As this is off the topic, so you can send me a personal message if you want more information, but I cannot provide you with professional advise as it's not my area of expertise, that said, can provide you with a little knowledge, then you can do the rest. Re building a house, been there, done that and can provide you with a ball park on costs and what to look out for and what not to do, e.g. only invest what your prepared to lose. Merry Xmas back at yah.
  16. If you leave your money in Australia, investing in the stock market, all stocks paying dividends already pay the tax for you, so if you sell them, buy, sell as I do and of course keep some paying dividends, you pay no capital gains tax as well. I survive on 70k baht per month which includes private health cover and that is a family of 6, place and car paid off of course. Perhaps time to talk to a professional, I did, then after 3 years took over myself, it's a roller coaster of a ride but I am currently making 8% nett annually on my money in this climate.
  17. Totally agree with what you are saying. It all boils down to where you want to live, how much your prepared to lose. Personally we both wanted to live in her village as she has family here, they do not bother us, but I can understand being close to family is important, even though she sees them rarely, the fact of the matter is, they are close by. I decided to build a house on the land I purchased her back in 2007 for 200,000 baht about 1,000m2 with a 20 metre frontage, total build with land 2 mil, I get to live in this huge house, which I thoroughly enjoy and if it all went south tomorrow after 15 years, easier to walk away from it all, my gift to her as she would have to look after the kids and they would have a comfortable roof over their heads. Only invest 10% of what your prepared to lose is a good guide and keep no more than a million baht in any account in Thailand, the balance overseas in investments earning an income stream, therefore she cannot make a claim on it. Have a will in place, and when I am gone, she can have it all for the benefit of her and the kids of course, along with the life insurance policy. Fair is fair.
  18. Anyone know of any treadmill replacement shops as I am looking for a Motor Drive Belt. Sent a message to the manufacturer here in Thailand, and reply was will get back to you, that was a week ago, sent another message a few days ago, still nothing so not holding my breath on such good customer service from them. I have searched the net for the same belt, no luck so thought if anyone knew of any treadmill shops selling replacement parts, might be worth a go.
  19. Wow your deep, I understand, just say that you can't Google, not be throwing a dummy spit calling it another conspiracy theory because you can't Google. 1) https://theconversation.com/nurses-are-leaving-the-profession-and-replacing-them-wont-be-easy-166325 2) https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/health/careers-at-suffolk-hospitals-as-hundreds-quit-8382192 3) https://rcni.com/nursing-standard/newsroom/news/we-resign-more-200-nursing-staff-quit-trust-six-months-177216 There you go, all under a minute, Jes..
  20. The only reason they aren't allowing it is because hospitals will become overwhelmed, no missing step here based on any false assumption. Fear is a powerful tool as well, but that's another story.
  21. Google it So sacrifice those nurses, who now will look after all the others falling sick, we all die and age is a part of it.
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