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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Could you answer a question for me on this topic: Good pipe tobacco impossible to find in LOS. Were I to arrive with 1500g, do I pay duty on the other 1000 or do they confiscate some or all? Thanks.

    I’m no expert and would stay with the 250 grams of tobacco products allowed per Thai customs website. I smoke and bring one carton with me mostly to give a few packs to Thai relatives as I kind of enjoy the L&M si daeng box here.
  2. Thanks [mention=262748]sanemax[/mention] hopefully someone will appear here and tell me for sure if it is - tbh I'd rather know before i travel - it's not that big a deal but "nice to know" 

    Checked or duty free go through nothing to declare.
    Your dead right, some blokes don’t have a clue. My woman isn’t a bar girl but is stunning, first time I sent her flowers she thanked me a dozen time, the first time she ever received flowers at 32 yrs old. For only $50 it was money well spent and a lot cheaper than the $100 long time for bar girls. 
    3 things the boys don’t get on how to get the good women, dress nice (no shorts and singlets) when you take them out, wear aftershave/cologne and send them flowers. 
    And when I’m taking Thai women out you see the young lads wondering why she is with a 50 year old, and they’re too stupid to realise I didn’t bar fine them.

    Yup my wife was 37 and the dozen roses I gave her was the first she’d ever had. You’d think I’d given her the world the way she held them and took in the fragrance.
  4. There are also hackers who use brute force computing to crunch random 16 digit card numbers against expiration dates and 4 digit pin possibilities, pinging each combination against an automated transaction like a $1 phone call. When the charge is accepted they know it’s a live card and go to town. The bank described that for me as I was a little insistent to understand the breach of my card and where the breakdown occurred. It didn’t completely make sense without names and billing addresses but that’s the gist of what they said was a likely explanation.


  5. I called my daughter in Law in Bangkok, she found the telephone number of the owner, called her, if you throw my dad out you will have a big problem with me, not with him because he is a good man, and do not want a problem with anyone.
    The owner came 2 minutes ago OK I am sorry you can stay, but what she did not know a few minutes ago, I saw the hotel employee who told me aggressively "must go" 
    We paid for a few more day so the end of the story.

    By Post #11 the OP declared “end of the story” will the thread continue over or under 100 posts? Place your bets!
  6. The first truck approaching you head-on is quite is easy to miss as you can see it, it's the one behind blindly following that'll get you!  Happened to me in Isaan as well, only just missed it.

    Lol,,yup! My wife and in laws are befuddled why I don’t blow my horn during near misses. I try to explain I’m too busy downshifting and steering for avoidance along with the fact it doesn’t help. She understands that a little but says “you can let him know he does wrong”. I do enjoy her naivety and innocence after I calm down!
    I tell her I don’t have three hands and she can work the horn for me if it will make her feel better. She actually tried it yesterday but it didn’t go off because you really have to depress it strongly. After that embarrassment she announced ,,I’m the driver and it’s not her job.
    Trips through the rural farm country washboard, potholed dirt roads are so much fun in my bil’s low rider Isuzu p/u where ox herds can walk faster than I can drive to keep from bottoming out while delivering a half ton of rice in the back.
  7. I’m not sure of your circumstances but when I leave Thailand my wife goes online and suspends my service so Dtac doesn’t “eat my money” as she calls it. My sim and account stay valid until I return in a few months and I still have the nominal ฿37 or whatever amount was remaining after my last top up. I’m happy for the savings but better yet she’s happy we’re not “paying for nothing”.
    Not sure if that helps.

  8. Went to immigration this morning to extend my Non F visa... I thought it would be straightforward, however they looked confused on what to do.

    First, they gave me 1 month for visa consideration.

    Then superviser said he won't signed it unless I have a work permit.

    I tried explaining F doesn't required a work permit... No luck.

    Then cancelled my "under consideration visa" and told me to go get work permit and they will extend one year.

    I was under impression F doesn't need work permit!?

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Welcome to the real Thailand
  9. They are all the same is a ridiculous generalization, but you knew that.
    Maybe all the Thai women you’ve associated with don’t appreciate flowers.
    My wife has saved and hung upside down every arrangement of flowers starting with our wedding, her birthday and our anniversary’s whether we’re in Thailand or the U.S. they come home in a suitcase.

  10. I've used kayak and budget air for domestic Thai flights and only ever had one
    self imposed problem, I booked for November instead of October [emoji848]
    In my defence I was booking about 5 different flights for 4 different people spread 
    over the 2 months and messed up. We turned up at Ubon airport to find the flight I
    thought I had booked didn't exist!
    I got some dark looks from my wife and it cost 7000baht for us to fly that day and,
    of course, no refund. Lesson learned, I hope , although we did get to fly " up front" and
    enjoyed the lounge, which cheered her up immensely!

    I figured this only happened to me! My first visit to Thailand to meet my future wife involved bookings in Bangkok and then Phuket. Everything was going perfect until we attempted to leave Phuket airport with tickets for 1 month in the future. There was some tension but we eventually left on standby that evening and survived to later marry.
    The experience has earned me the question almost every time I book something,,”are you sure?” To which I answer “nope, never sure, you’d better check”
  11. Our shop house is on a main thoroughfare leading to our small city center and understandably full of the sounds of vehicles, music, hawkers and people talking over the sounds of life here. The irony for me is my wife keeps all media quite low and I hardly hear it which is quite okay but when I play audio high enough for me to offset the motorbike mufflers or neighbors booming music she says it’s too loud for her and it’s not polite for me to share my music to loud with the neighbors!
    She knows I’m quick to fight on a bad day so her two wrongs don’t make a right logic keeps me out of trouble here. I do love her for that.

  12. OK I like Booking.com for hotels because you usually have the option to reserve a hotel room without pre-payment and with no cancellation fee 24-72 hours before the reservation date.

    Also Booking.com will price match from the same hotel or another for a comparable room on the same dates. I just last week booked 5 nights at Viva Gardens in Bang Chak at what I felt to be a fair price having stayed there before. While reviewing my booking a day or two later noticed the same suite for ฿1800 less. Of course I felt like I’d won the loser lottery again. I noticed the price match policy and figured why not try it out.
    I was quite surprised to be honest as after a short phone call they reissued the lower priced reservation. They even honored some “Genius” discount that is included in my account with them.
  13. The expediter I’ve used for everything in Thailand advised me to switch from marriage to a retirement extension, avoiding some red tape. I pay them to fill out the application, make the embassy appointment for the income document and ride to immigration bringing with me only my passport. For me overpaying by the price of a noodle soup each day is well worth avoiding the do it yourself extension stories I read here so often.

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