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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. I’m not a gynecologist but I’ll take a look.
    Anything is possible in construction with proper engineering and money to execute. Cost to benefit is up to each individual. That said my first thought would be does the existing first floor have the columns with proper footings to support the weight of the concrete beams,slab and block walls that would be needed for the second story and if not it will be interesting to try and excavate adjacent to the existing home to have a proper footer and column in your second new wall. Here’s a picture of a footing from a current thread.IMG_2060.JPG

  2. Many buildings are 100's of years old in Asia. It is just the way they build houses these days is they fail in many ways and get mould problem in Asia. (see my post on common mistakes in house construction in Asia.)
    Another thing to consider: No low-VOC materials are used in Asia. It might take 1 year to build your house but it will take 1-2 years to off gas! The chemicals are toxic, it the short you might suffer from headaches in the long term...who knows.

    I guess you haven’t looked into your claim of “ No low-VOC materials are used in Asia.” very hard since 2013. You might try any building and hardware shop as most everyone of them sells TOA paint which would be the greatest source of off-gassing being as there’s not to many Thai homes with carpet.
    I think their presence in Myanmar Malaysia Vietnam Cambodia Laos and Thailand would be parts of Asia.
    Ultra Low VOCs Technology
    We developed a non-toxic colorant paint mixer product that had a VOC level 10 times lower than other then-existing paint products (“Ultra Low VOCs Technology”).

    We established TOA Paint (Myanmar) Company Limited in Myanmar, a joint venture with Mantakanok Co., Ltd., MK Co., Ltd. and Ms. Thet Thet Nu Aung.”
  3. Amazing how a poster reaching out for input on how to "transport" cheese ended up in this winded debate about which cheese is better, cost, etc.  I don't think the OP asked about the best cheese or did I miss that?  LOL.

    That’s because the penalties for high jacking threads is less severe than for airplanes. Give them time.
    • Like 1

    What visa service is going to admit in an unsolicited chat if their agents get/pay for some preferential treatment at immigration like going to the front of the line somehow? I’m shocked the smiley face didn’t persuade them to spill all of their secrets.
    I’ve overpaid them as I like to say versus the diy route for everything I’ve done in this country and have never been disappointed,delayed or stressed with their performance when I’ve done business or made plans to do business with them while in Thailand or while in the USA. Priceless as I don’t deal with shapeshifting bureaucracy well and have no interest in playing diy immigration roulette involving stamps,forms,banks and photocopies.
    To each his own.
    TSL has done,
    Marriage,1 day.
    Translations, accepted by requesting parties.
    Conversion to retirement, extensions with multiple entries.
    My wife’s 2 year green card for the USA to name a few.
    I’ve always been told what documents to bring and when my embassy appointments and immigration trips we’re scheduled by them in advance. We show up, sign a few things, pay, bounce around together with their people jumping through the hoops and get the results I paid for.
  5. Can't go Commando it's Law in Thailand to waer underwear
    It's Illegal not to wear them

    So many questions about this now.
    Both Thais and foreigners?
    Men and women?
    In my home as well?
    Who are the checkers?
    What are the penalties?
    • Haha 1
  6. Personally I don't think Thais have enough respect for water. Tried to educate my wife that if she used as much water back in the Uk as she does here, we'd be homeless in 6 months !

    That’s not my observation in my area of Issan. The only waste of water I’ve seen is when the municipal system is opened for flushing. My wife collects rainwater from the outdoor kitchen awning (after it’s running clear) in every bucket and pan for watering flowers, topping the fish bowls and doing dishes etc. despite our PWA bill never exceeding 120 baht when I’m here. Maybe 50 when she’s alone.
    Her farmer parents and extended family have municipal, well and 4,000 liters in ongs jars and I’ve never seen them waste water. Maybe only some Thais are wasteful.
  7. Dude, you live in a village, surrounded by Thais. You don't need to go to university, or quit your job to learn a language. 

    I don’t need to speak or understand Thai to know that the road rash on my fil’s forehead and nose means he got drunker than usual and crashed his motorbike not meters before reaching home, again. My observational skills are acute as an English only resident.
  8. I've been with my missus for 10 years. She's been pretty good about this kind of stuff from the beginning. As we've been together longer, we both learn from each other. I made her more conscious of a clean environment and reusing canvas bags, etc. Now she's overtaken me. She is more conscious about this kinda stuff than I am. She seems to take great pleasure in being more responsible and wanting a clean environment. 
    It's all about education. 

    My wife recycles to “safe the world” which means giving our plastic,cardboard and broken metal items to the older aunts and uncles so they can get a few baht. I’m pretty sure she means save.
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