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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Whilst the USD remains the worlds "reserve" currency its going absolutely nowhere Totally wishful thinking if some believe otherwise Perhaps we'll designate the Rouble instead......????
  2. Your idiocy never fails to appear Have some respect fella
  3. The long winter nights must utterly fly by...................................
  4. Talking about Paypal in general Dont ever forget to update a mobile number before the old one is taken out of service lol I've just spent 34 minues on the trumpet to them trying to gain access to an 18 year old account. Log in name and password obvious lol but then it wants to "confirm" its you lol (fair enough) Welcome to a world of issues if you cant access that old number lol !! Did it in the end but dear oh dear !! ( my fault I acknowledge)
  5. Yep its a case of working through all the list of documents required. The underlying fact though is that unquestionably she is entitled to that passport once paperwork produced. No one subsequently has to make a decision per se. If its all there she gets it
  6. Ahhh now there lays an issue possibly Again extreme personal experience albeit on this occasion it didnt matter to us anyway Hospitals issue a "Certificate of Birth" not to be confused with a legal "Birth Certificate" which the Embassy will require Yep you're probably thinking "ehh" lol but small point. As it was we had both obviously not that in our case it made any difference
  7. I can assuire you that whatever you think you did or didnt need that you are completely wrong There are literally 10000's worldwide who will sadly testify to your spurious comment Not withstanding that by writing that you seriously annoy people who have been traumatised over the pre July 1st 2006 date even if it was their own lack of knowledge (mine) that caused the grief I would happily write a cheque for £25,000 this afternoon to obtain that passport if only your statement was accurate Out.....
  8. Ohh for sure the child is entitled no question as born post 2006 but goes without saying documentation is required "from somewhere" to prove it I could have done all that personally. If we had "known" instead of "assuming" he was entitled to British passport quite simply we would have got married simple as that.....Ohh we'd have divorced pretty quick lol in hindsight but that "assumption" caught out a lot of people I was too find out as well
  9. Yes that is perfectly correct as we found to our cost Children born to a Brit parent before that date (within Thailand) had to be married whereas after July 1st 2006 it changed and you didnt She's going need specialist advice here if you cant find the father or he's not willing
  10. You've read wrong I can assure you. Whilst my case was somewhat different in that we wanted to obtain a British Passport for my/our son who was born before the rules were changed in 2006 and outside of wedlock within Thailand In your case the father is certainly "required" or you'll need to get hold of a lawyer in the UK that specialises in these cases Ours was so difficult and as the mother and I were apart soon after his birth (but thats not the issue) it in the end became a non starter
  11. That Router out of interest is unlocked and connects with a True sim I am surprised tried it here in UK after initially trying a Lebara Sim first but True connects likewise
  12. 5 down is more than quick enough to Live stream let alone 12 I'd hazard a guess that 95% of readers would be happy with a (constant) 5 down I certainly would
  13. Seconds as always from the UK......To SCB I have absolutely no idea why so many claim to have problems (well I do they're red flagged)
  14. lol talk about moving the goalposts for a snipe and then using the "deflection" tactics to roll back.
  15. You should have put the phone down within 10 seconds Call them back on the number Monday either from branch address or back of debit card etc etc and find out what they want without red flagging the call to you at least initially No bank whatsover says they are about to have a 1 hour call with you !!
  16. Indeed it has which as been fabulous lol because I've been loading heavily with further units. Fully acknowledge your point though I love that fund nonetheless !
  17. This is the fund I always use which relates to Income. Orginally drawn to it for perhaps obvious reasons lol Pays around 9% annually at the current unit price......I just reinvest the dividends each time but they are hefty.....quarterly divi payments https://www.hl.co.uk/shares/shares-search-results/h/henderson-far-east-income-ltd-ord-npv
  18. I'm refusing....I find when I go in the Sea the gritty sand makes the passport edges a bit rough Now if it was Australian sand....................
  19. Never carried my passport out at night in 30 years (you'd have to be a colossal total moron to do so) Never carried a copy either Never been stopped as a foot walker The chief immigration officer was clear "you have 24 hours to produce your passport to a local Police station" End. Of.
  20. Maybe then seeing they appear cheap anyway just go in a True Dtac etc shop and pick one up
  21. Having had a look at Ebay now it may be not worth the trouble of unlocking New units there for £25 or so using battery power charged from USB connection
  22. Thread prompted by myself purely by chance after originally checking whether an old unlocked 3 Network dongle that I have used in Thailand (must be 12 years old) would still work on a laptop or if the software was too old when plugged in To my surprise it loaded the software normally connected to the net using an old full sized Sim that I keep for emergencies. Now in addition I have currently a 3 Network Router as per photos which I've used for last 3 years (but about to move house and not required anymore) I tried contacting 3 network and they were prevaricating whether it was unlocked (as per the dongle) or otherwise......the Sim is the small micro version (you can see edge of it in 2nd photo) though so cant try it with the Lebara sim I put in the dongle successfully If it is locked (fair enough) but can they be unlocked for Thailand use ?? Its works a treat at home and of course 100% portable
  23. Bizarrely the FTSE is about to close for the day up 2.25% biggest gain for a long time Sterling/Dollar up as well
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