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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. But trump has already stated that people who take the 5th must be guilty...........self incrimination no less!
  2. He should be charged with being a dumb, useless and cheating liar, but because he's always been like this, maybe it would be hard to make it stick, mainly because it would show how broken the USA is in electing an idiot like this as president. I'm sure that the FBI and whomever else is investigating this clown will be able to find something to nail him on. There comes a time when the sins of the past, and recent past catch up on someone, and it's all happening around trump.
  3. Vandeventer posted:- It will only Triger a civil war if you leftist cheat at voting again, and Putin and Xi feared Trump, that's why they waited for the soft on everything President to come in. My, oh my, never thought I would see the day when trumpists were actually dumb enough to post something like this, and it makes me believe, even more so than before, that the USA is in dire straits with absolute rubbish like this still doing the rounds. Unbelievable.
  4. Just downloaded and watched a movie called, "Prisoners" and it's nothing to do with prisoners behind bars per se, more to do with a kidnapping. The movie was made in 2013 and stars Hugh Jackman, Jake Gillenghal and Terrence Howard amongst others and I may have seen snippets of it before, however was so pleased that I watched it because it's different and exciting, and the ending is one that I would never have guessed in a million years. Also watched recently released movie, "Prey" and its sort of prequel to the "Predator" movies, set in America in the early 1700s and features members of the Comanche nation, and although not outstanding, IMO it was a good watch.
  5. Words straight out of the orange liar's mouth, and spoken more than once.........yet here he is a few years later taking the Fifth Amendment. It is to laugh.
  6. By now it will have become painfully obvious to the posters here, those who have not followed the cult leader and drunk the Kool-Aid, that the FBI search was carried out in accordance with all of the principles in law relating to such a search.......and it will also have become painfully obvious that supporters of the orange clown will not stop in their deflections away from this, which is the major reason I blocked Tippaporn, because failure to understand reality does not make for a good discussion.
  7. Nice try bill766, but the truth is an anethema to the trump cultists.
  8. Well we have different perspectives on things to do with trump....... The fact that he shook hands with "Rocket Man" got him absolutely nowhere other than to bolster the North Korean leader's ego (look how powerful I am, because I've got the president of the USA visiting me) and as for your comment about "not talking sugar", well I would put good money on the fact that being that trump is a coward and a bully, that the rhetoric was anything but severe, more "cosying up" – – until of course he got back home and had to satisfy his cult followers with his version. The man is unfit to be in a position of power in any organisation, let alone being president of the US, so I can only hope that this latest raid turns up something which can nail him, and some.
  9. No matter what you say and no matter what is proven coming from the mouth of the orange liar/conman, his ardent followers just won't believe it, so it would seem to be a waste of time pointing this out to the Kool-Aid gang. And just to add another layer to this, I noticed on the news yesterday that some trump supporters outside of his "fortress" were waving flags which said, "We Won" – – I don't believe you get any more stupid than this, but then again they are trump supporters!
  10. We may well bump in to each other.........who knows?
  11. Great to hear and feedback most welcome......good luck. Well if it is the prostate causing urine retention, then the gold standard operation for this is a TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) which has been around since just after the turn of the 1900s (or thereabouts), however it is not without its potential problems and I quote: – "three common complications following a TURP? Infection. Loss of erections. Painful or difficult urination. Retrograde ejaculation (when ejaculate goes into the bladder and not out the penis)". This is not to say that all of these complications arise at once, but one or more of them are possible. Having said that, new techniques and more skilled operatives have ensured that the TURP is no longer the only option for an enlarged prostate, as there are other options, which have already been mentioned. In addition, the Green Light Laser and Holmium laser treatments are also available for the TURP operation, and cause less bleeding and potential side-effects.
  12. "Anthony the Aardvark goes Quantity Surveying". M. Feldman
  13. Monday's FBI search came as part of an investigation into whether he took classified records from the White House to his Florida residence, so IMO and according to the law, was justified. Trump himself confirmed the search publicly, with a fiery statement condemning it as "prosecutorial misconduct" and saying agents had opened up a safe in his home. While Trump didn't say what the search was related to, the Justice Department has been investigating for months the potential mishandling of classified information. It started after the National Archives and Records Administration said it had received 15 boxes of White House records from Mar-a-Lago, including documents containing classified information. If indeed he is found to have illegally taken classified records, then there is a catch, which may ensnare this moron, because Under Title 18 of the US Code, Section 2071, titled "Concealment, removal or mutilation generally". It concerns the mishandling of government documents. The section states that any individual with "the custody" of such documents who "wilfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys" them "shall be fined or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States". This would stop him running for election again, and will probably do the US a great deal of good!
  14. It is a procedure designed to combat BPH, by widening the passage in the prostate, through which the urethra passes (actually they are part and parcel of the same thing) which of course can cause water retention, and it is an alternative to the long used TURP procedure. Somebody posted that person will have to get the procedure done after 4/5 years, but the poster would have been better saying that someone MAY have to get the procedure repeated down the line. Actually, even with a TURP, which reams out the prostate, it can grow back again and sometimes the operation is required nine or 10 years down the track, so nothing is guaranteed. There is a poster on one of the Prostate threads who had the Rezum operation done, and although it didn't go too well for him early on in the piece, he has reported back that it has settled down and he is peeing almost normally again. I've researched all of the options, this after having a TURP, and a BNI, which still did not alleviate all of my problems, and if water retention was a problem for me I would go after the Urolift or iTind procedures. As it is, I have a neurogenic bladder which doesn't empty fully and cannot be rectified by the two procedures I've mentioned, so I am now adept at using a catheter, which wasn't where I would want to be at my time of life!
  15. I have been out a couple of times since my last post, so this post is an amalgamation of two trips. Despite a friend saying that when he had been out, Bangla was very quiet, I found just the opposite, as it was quite busy, but nothing like the Bangla of old, and although the bars were not full, they were populated. Two friends and I ventured into Soi Sea Dragon, really just have a look around and perhaps a drink, and there were folks drinking at some of the bars, so we decided to stop and have a drink at one bar, and immediately we sat down, a very petite, attractive and young woman sat down beside me, and the more I looked at her, the more I realised how beautiful she was. However trying to strike up a conversation was pretty pointless as she only knew a few words of English and the lady manager of the bar explained that she had only been there three days (heard that before somewhere) and came from down south and really didn't speak any English (great for business!). My friend did manage to speak a little Thai to her and ascertained that she was 21 or 22 years old and had a seven-month-old daughter back home. Probably the reason she was working in a bar, to be able to support her daughter, and it saddened me somewhat, as things (in general) don't seem to have changed since my first visit here in 2004. A couple more drinks elsewhere and then on to Red Hot, which was about 50% full, by which time I was ready to go home, this especially as I started the evening off at Blue Beach Bar and Restaurant with at least half a bottle of red wine, followed by a rare and wonderful mixture of drinks, which I shouldn't have done, but did – – having the willpower of a tame rabbit doesn't help. Other news around the place: – a friend who thought she had a buyer for her massage shop was terribly disappointed because the owner of the shop building has told her that the property is being repossessed by the bank, so she cannot sell her business at this moment in time! It must be a sad time for massage shops, because another owner I know has gone into hiding because she borrowed money from the local "money mafia" in order to keep her business going, now she can't pay it back, so she is hiding out somewhere in Patong. There are a couple of other places I've heard of which are having problems with their bank, and I suspect there are more out there because the slight blip/upturn in tourism which occurred a few months ago, and gave some businesses hope for the future, has now tailed off and although places like Bangla can seem quite busy, the spend isn't there, and the nationalities of the tourists are not those which lend themselves to extravagance of any description. Not surprising really, because the other night when I was out I noticed that I was charged 200 baht for a tiny lady drink, and the surprise was that the last time I bought one a few months ago, it was a 160 baht!!!! Seems like the old Thai mindset, that when times are tough and customers are few, put the price of the drinks up! Just to round this up, I will use the word "patchy" to describe the situation in Patong at the moment, because although Bangla Road itself was busy, the bars weren't that busy, and as I've said, some of the massage shops are struggling, but just to balance this, a couple of restaurants along the beach road did have a good number of customers in them...........
  16. I believe you are being unduly concerned about your position with regards to antibiotics. Firstly clindamycin is a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic and it would seem as if you were prescribed it when it wasn't necessary. As regards taking antibiotics long-term, well I was one person who had to do that over many years, taking doxycycline for three months at a time, before stopping and then having to start again because my prostatitis would clear up and then flareup again, and altogether I probably took that antibiotic for nigh on 10 years?? Amoxicillin or its extended spectrum version with clavulanic acid, Augmentin, is a useful antibiotic, and is sometimes given by dentists (yes I know as I have a couple of friends who are dentists back in NZ) on a prophylactic basis, i.e. given on the day of major dental work, sometimes a day before, and lasting for no more than three days, and that's it. What you have already taken, and what you could be about to take with regards to your dental procedure, should do you no harm whatsoever, and your gut microbiome will soon recover, even if it is undamaged with such a short dose. I will say now that the "science" behind probiotics and being used to help the gut microbiome is sketchy to say the least and any number of papers written on it will have a different viewpoint. Take the antibiotics and don't worry about what you had previously, and what may be given to you for your dental treatment.
  17. Only to pleased to help if I can, however not sure that my post completely answers your question, but if it helps.......... One thing I forgot to mention, and it may not be of any interest to you, is that with the Nord VPN I am able to login to the BBC iPlayer without any problem whatsoever, whereas the others I used were a bit problematic. On the BBC iPlayer site, there are some fantastic documentaries, and I'm into watching hour long docos on history and "some of history's greatest fibs", not to mention some brilliant crime/detective docos, OH, and before I forget, I love to watch the English football on Match of the Day!!
  18. Because if his heart is not in it, as in playing for United, then regardless of how good a player he can be, his performances will be lacking. Would love to be proven wrong, but in my experience, players lacking the will, desire and enthusiasm will not be an asset to the team, and they will damage team spirit.
  19. I have been able to watch the Rugby championship games by using Nord VPN and signing up to "STAN" (Australian site), and the quality is superb. I have used a couple of other VPNs in the past and Nord is far away the best. Good luck.
  20. I've had an adventurous life up until this point and wouldn't change anything about it at all.........BUT I would tell myself to investigate the share market and put a little money away on a regular basis, in a diversified fund for my future, and most importantly – DON'T GET MARRIED.
  21. Many thanks for the link "heybruce" and good to know that some of these dumb low lifes have been sentenced, with a few of them getting fairly stiff sentences! Would like to see a lot more of them go to jail and with longer sentences too, but then again it's not a perfect world is it, but one can only hope!
  22. Lots of interesting comments here, which I have only just got back onto because of some computer problems, and I'm wondering how many of the "mob" that stormed the capital building have been charged/sentenced to a fine or prison term?? I ask this because on a BBC newsflash the other day I noticed that one of the rioters had been sentenced to 86 months (or thereabouts) in jail! Surely others must have had sentence passed, but I haven't seen anything related to that – – anyone have any news?
  23. IMO that is a worry because some governments in the past when they haven't been doing too well at home, need a diversion to take the peoples gaze/attention away from those problems, and to "unite" the people against a common enemy. In addition, ofttimes, the act of going to war and gearing up for it, can stimulate the economy – – more jobs, more money. Frightening thought.
  24. Totally agree with your post, and anybody that can't see that China poses perhaps the greatest threat here, is living in an alternative universe. They will seize anything they can, even if it's in the territorial waters of another country, and if they don't do that they will extend very large loans (as they have done in the Pacific Islands, which is very worrying for me) to countries in which they wish to establish a base, knowing full well that the loans can never be repaid, thereby seizing assets to compensate – – conquering by money and stealth. So no problem for me that Pelosi decides to go to Taiwan, however the only problems I have are with the whole of the US government, inasmuch as previously there was a dumb, lying, cheat as a president, whose supporters included "the proud boys" and "the oath keepers" and who tried to overturn democracy in the US, only to be replaced by Joe "bumbling" Biden, who looks as if he should be followed by an ambulance wherever he goes, and Nancy Pelosi likewise. Surely, this once great nation (many decades ago I will admit) can do better than this?
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