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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. As I have stated previously, now that there are possible alternatives available, I would gladly settle for trying one of those, before TURP surgery, and below are a couple of paragraphs from various medical websites which you may wish to consider: – 1). TURP is a major surgery with serious risks and potential complications. You may have less invasive treatment options. Consider getting a second opinion about all of your treatment choices before having TURP. 2). Your doctor may only consider A TURP for you if other treatment options that involve less risk of complications have been ineffective. Ask your doctor about all of your treatment options and consider getting a second opinion before deciding on a TURP. Common side effects of TURP surgeries include: -difficulty completely emptying the bladder -urinary incontinence or leakage -urinary urgency or the sudden urge to urinate -discomfort during urination -small dribbles or clots of blood in the urine, for up to 6 weeks -possible retrograde ejaculation As I have also mentioned previously a TURP is also considered the "gold standard" in dealing with prostate problems, however as you can see above it does not come free of potential side effects. Also have a look at this from the Mayo Clinic... https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/turp/about/pac-20384880 Of course, if all of the other procedures are not suitable/fail, then perhaps TURP is your only option until something else comes along.
  2. I probably should have said "another bottle" because I'd had many beside the last one, which I have now posted to someone on this thread, so I hope they work for him, because they didn't for me. And yes I tried Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, Selenium, Lycopene and just about every other herbal remedy I could buy, all to no avail I'm afraid. However it's important to remember that it appears it's not my prostate that's causing me the problems, just that the nerves in the bladder which control emptying, have ceased to function. PS. I should add a rider to this post because even prior to having the TURP I had tried just about every natural remedy known to man, as well as tamsulosin/Flomax and perhaps one other, the name of which I cannot currently recall. And none of them worked although the Flomax did have some affect.
  3. No problems, and I am only too willing to share my experience with others in the same boat: – It was around 2008/9 when I had the TURP done at the Epworth Hospital in Melbourne and was kept in for three days with an indwelling catheter to drain the bladder and flush out any debris that was left, as can often be the case with this type of operation. After that I was discharged and less than two days later was rushed back into hospital feeling very unwell and unable to pee, so the emergency nurse inserted a catheter and drained out 1.5 L of urine, which was exceptional because a "full" bladder is supposed to be around 400 to 500 ml, so you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt. The nurse then trained me on how to use the catheter on myself because she said that it was necessary to do this in some instances after the operation. So I did this for about two or three weeks as I recall and then I could do without it as I was able to pee without catheter assistance. However I will add that since that time I have never been able to have a really strong and full stream of urine. About nine years later I had a few UTIs and realised that my bladder wasn't emptying, so went to see a urologist at the hospital who suggested that I might have had some scar tissue at the bladder neck, which he could remove to make my life easier and that there would be no side effects. I had the operation called a bladder neck incision, and even after that there was not a good urine stream and I encountered retrograde ejaculation to boot. That leads on to a period of time around 18 months ago when the current problems arose and I started using a catheter shortly after, and have been doing it ever since, despite a couple of cystoscopies and other tests. As I mentioned in a previous post I would gladly settle for the iTind or Urolift procedures had they been available then, but they weren't. If you do some research on the outcomes of the TURP, you will find that there are some dissatisfied customers and it isn't always as straightforward as others would have you believe, or the medical profession come to that.
  4. Because it's the fifth or sixth bottle I have tried, and whereas others have said that they get almost immediate relief, I had no relief over the many months I tried them.
  5. Similar story with a friend of mine here, however he had deposited his 800 K in a four-year term deposit with the bank, and the immigration officer would not accept that, although other officers had done so in the past?? He went to an agent who charged him 22,000 baht and did everything for him with regards to his retirement extension.
  6. To be honest, I'd settle for having the same procedure every two or three years, which takes between 10 and 30 minutes at most and is painless, over anything else.
  7. I can sympathise with you FL as I have been battling with the water retention problem and the catheter use now for over a year and more, and it has gotten to the point where I am seeking the possibility of a spinal implant, not as bad as it sounds! (I hope). I found that the water retention would often give me a UTI (infection) and at first I thought it was me and my hygiene/cleanliness not being up to scratch, however the good doctor Charuspong, said that provided I washed my hands vigourously with soap and water prior to handling the catheter and so on, and that I stored it correctly/hygienically, everything should be okay, whereas the urine remaining in the bladder was the real problem. Luckily enough I happened upon an old antibiotic called fosfomycin (sold as Monural here) and it comes in a packet of 3 g which one dissolves in water and swallows it immediately, and that's it, and it works extremely well. Just to back that up I have also started taking a tablet called Hiprex, which is a urinary antiseptic that fights bacteria in the urine and bladder and you can take it on a daily basis and from having a UTI every two or three weeks initially, I haven't had one for a few months now.
  8. With all due respect Farmerslife, I have had a TURP in one of the best hospitals in Australia and it wasn't all smooth sailing although it did come right after a few months. If I was in the same position again I would certainly look at the iTind procedure, because it's quick and painless and if it doesn't work then nothing lost apart from a few thousand baht – – that's presuming that the size of your prostate does not rule it out. Again if I had been in this position when the Urolift procedure was around, this would have been my second choice, and I think I would have met the criteria for this procedure with regards to prostate size. The "gold standard" TURP should be the last resort, because it does involve an invasive procedure/surgery and is irreversible, and things can go wrong, whereas with the two options above, any problems and you can revert to the norm and then consider the TURP. Just my opinion for what it's worth, and as Sheryl has said, it's the doctor and the number of the operations he has done, which should be a guide, and my doctor/surgeon in NZ has said exactly the same.
  9. Obviously you're playing the fool, because no one can be this dim in real life, surely? Just to help you out a little (as you obviously need it), the iTind device is put in place, painlessly, for up to 7 days and then removed, and thus far there have been favourable results for up to 3 years for this procedure. It takes less than half an hour and one is all set for up to three years of effortless peeing. The part of my post which you have reproduced, has nothing whatsoever to do with meatal stenosis, and if you had understood my post you would have known this, but then again it is difficult for some people to understand the basics, as you have proven. My bladder has stopped working and it has nothing to do with a blockage anywhere, so please refrain from your inane comments on something you obviously know absolutely nothing about – – shortly to go on the "ignore list" I think.
  10. No. So you are way off track with your inane comments, and if you understood the purpose of the device you would know that it is removed after about a week.......but then why expect you to understand a simple procedure! PS. For your enlightenment, no-one has mentioned "meatal stenosis" on this thread, other than you, originally in your crude description.
  11. I will be looking into that shortly, and thank you for the information, however a couple of questions for you if I may, because the answers will help determine what course of action I take: – – An outpatient procedure, but how long do I have to be "near to/around" the hospital to get checkups or similar. I.e. how many times do I have to revisit after the original op. – Overall how long does it take for the tests to be undertaken to see if it will be successful, and then how long to fit the device "permanently". The reason I ask is because if it is a matter of weeks which are needed, then travelling backwards and forwards to Bangkok, and staying in hotels etc is going to be a pain. Having said that, if I did travel to Brisbane and the same scenario unfolded, I do have friends nearby which would be very helpful, but then of course there is the cost involved of the airfares and the operation, so I'm hopeful that after seeing Prof Dr Art tomorrow at Bangkok Phuket Hospital, things will become clearer. Any light you can throw on the process/procedure regarding the implant would be most helpful. Thank you.
  12. I never really did plan anything my old life, however things have worked out very well indeed, and I have no regrets/complaints. Adopted into a poor family and left school at the age of 15 without any qualifications and started work as an apprentice electrician in a brickworks – – not what you would think would be a great job, but it was fantastic, with so many aspects/elements of the electrical world to work on. After I finish my apprenticeship I went to work in the Sahara desert for three months only, before the contract finished and I was then sent off to Nigeria, neither of which I minded because to me they were all adventures. Did more time in Libya (the Sahara desert again), the North Sea and Norway before eventually getting married, which was the biggest mistake of my life. In amongst all of that lot I achieved some local fame playing football for a senior amateur team, and was asked to go for trials with QPR, but I didn't, however I loved every minute of my football playing career. Headed for New Zealand in 1984 and achieved a few good things in the corporate world, finally becoming Chief Manager of Investments for a major New Zealand bank. When I look back on it now I wouldn't change anything, coming from humble/poor beginnings to my last position to me was damn near a miracle.
  13. As regards Patong, I have seen quite a few backpackers strolling around the place, and these along with the budget end tourists, are unfortunately not going to save Patong. A few more "Arabic looking" guys roaming around the place, and judging by their dress code, they're not going to boost the coffers of businesses here, nor are many of the other low end visitors and to prove a point, I was getting a foot massage at the local massage shop where I know the owner and her sister, and have done for years, when a tall slim Pakistani in his early 30s scruffily dressed, came in and wanted a massage. A while later he came out of the back of the shop with the masseuse, and she sat outside on the chair whilst he talked down at her, seemingly arguing with her and saying that "she wasn't his friend" and she looked decidedly uncomfortable and I was about to go out and help her, when this guy walked away. I asked what it was all about and she said that if he could get a discount on the massage he would bring many of his friends to the shop, and she said that only the owner could do that, then he asked for a "hand assisted extra" for 20 baht, which she refused and he was not very happy at all. So, far from attracting the rich and famous, Phuket, or at least Patong, has managed to attract a few dregs and low lifes from what I've seen just recently.
  14. I did comment on it a few posts back and I thought it was pretty good, and I knew nothing about Denmark's polar expedition in 1909, so the movie was very informative for me.
  15. I can't subscribe to your viewpoint I'm afraid, because the approach you take is like an "umbrella approach" covering everything from a great height, but pinpointing nothing IMO. Digging deeper there are some specifics that haven't been addressed and need to be: – For example how long has it been since we have had a good consistent and strong midfield playmaker? – And how about a striker (or two) who is on form for more than a couple of goals a month? – Why have we got so many players on our books who are not getting game time and should have been sold at least at the last transfer window, even if we didn't recoup our initial outlay for them. – Just look at how many managers, whether part-time or full-time we have had since AF departed.......Ralf Rangnick, Michael Carrick, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Jose Mourinho, Louis van Gaal, Ryan Giggs and David Moyes. It seems to me that the administration in the club are not able to pick a suitable manager. – Something is deeply wrong within the club because on the managers and signings front we have not really "cut the mustard". For me, Varane has been the best signing for quite some while, and IMO United will need the influx of a few players, not just one or two, to adjust the balance, as well as getting rid of a few "posers".
  16. First of all I did not have a blockage "at the end of my cock" (your words and about as subtle as an air raid) but swelling at the bladder entrance and the urethra, and after an emergency procedure at the hospital, the nurse taught me how to do this myself until the swelling subsided, and this took more than a week or so to come right (long time ago now so not too sure about the time). So in my case it was not just a "one-off" to "clear the blockage" because there wasn't a blockage per se. The Rezum treatment looks promising, as do the Urolift and and iTind procedures, so good luck to those folks looking at trying one of these. Your knowledge of these things is about as good as your punctuation skills – – just about non-existent.
  17. Thanks yet again Sheryl, and I may well contact him by email, although I'm hoping that the email I have sent to the hospital for an actual appointment may yet work (fingers crossed). At the appointment I will discuss with Dr Art whether the operation can be done here, and I will make my own enquiries as to the possibility of having it done in Australia, so slowly but surely I am building a picture of an action plan! Dr Charuspong at Bumrungrad did not say that they carried out the procedure there, and when I mentioned to Dr Art here, he did say that Dr Art carried out that procedure, and it is mentioned on the Bangkok Phuket Hospital website although their staff don't seem to know much about it. As I said in another post, it may be just as cheap for me to travel to Australia to get it done, however I will do some more research, and thanks again for your help, very much appreciated.
  18. I hadn't really looked at it like that, but since you mention it, I think you are just about spot on, sad to say, as they have been my team since 1956/57 and I always have been an avid supporter, and always will be, but am not afraid to be critical of a team from which so much more is expected.
  19. Very often when I visit 1337X to look at available movies, I see some old ones which reappear under the H265 format, which I don't have, however it's a good reminder for me to search for the H264 version to download, which I did last night with an old movie called "Straw Dogs", with Dustin Hoffman and Susan George. I remember bits about it from when I first saw it, however seeing it again through a whole new different light on it for me, because it was pretty obvious that Susan George got her just rewards (in the film) through her taunting, and also seemed to enjoy it, which was something I never picked up on originally. Quite a few other little scenarios I didn't catch on to 1st time round, so it was a worthwhile watch again.
  20. Hey @simple1, a question for you because I have not had much luck trying to get hold of Prof Dr Art at Bangkok Phuket hospital here as I keep being fobbed off by someone in reception who doesn't understand what I want to talk to him about and simply says, "we don't do that here", so we have a receptionist who is determining my health, which I'm not happy about, and if I do go to the hospital I'm going to break his firking nose! Apart from that, it was stated to me that the cost here for the sacral neural stimulation modulator here would be about 1 million baht, yet you managed to get yours done in Oz for just about half that; so my question is where did you have it done? It may well be worth me travelling over to Oz to have it done there, so I will do some investigating if you would provide me with a few details please. Thanks in anticipation.
  21. As you may have read from a previous post, the prostate is not my problem, it's just that the bladder has ceased to function. I bought a bottle of Swanson Stinging Nettle Root capsules, and have hardly used any, so you are more than welcome to have my bottle, and as you are a fellow sufferer, if you want to send me a postal address via PM, then I will post you it free of charge!
  22. Perhaps if I'd have understood what was being said, it would have become easier to understand!!! Irrespective of that, I still think that "Locke" with Tom Hardy was a better movie.
  23. I watched "Nightride" and didn't really enjoy it because there were times when I couldn't understand what was being said because of the Irish accents, not only that it seemed to be a little convoluted to me? It comes nowhere close to the movie with Tom Hardy, called "Locke", which was of the same genre but a far better movie IMO.
  24. Yes I have just re-watched that movie, along with another Michael Caine classic, "Funeral in Berlin". Must be on a bit of a roll, because I watched "The Odessa File" a few nights back, although it wasn't Michael Caine classic, it did star John Voight, and he was very watchable. Something about Michael Caine, as Harry Palmer, and he is still intriguing to watch after all these years.
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