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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I understand where you're coming from LLF, however I will say that in all of the dance/music bars I've ever visited, there has been no chance whatsoever of what is called "social distancing", and that surely should apply to Bar Funk?? And as regards Thai logic, well it is what it is, illogical! I thought you said that you had given up on the Black Horse bar because of the girl hassles?? Your point about "holding a conversation" is something that the bar owners here haven't cottoned on to yet – – that many farangs like to go to a bar for a drink and a chat/conversation, and of course to ogle the females, and I and a few friends have moved on from a couple of favourite bars because it's impossible to hold a conversation whilst the glasses are rattling on the counter because of the loud music and bass.
  2. I believe it is a German production, so does it have English subtitles?
  3. Possibly because the BIB found quite a few Covid cases amongst some of the bar staff tested in Bangla about a week ago AND the music bars are potential "super spreader" venues........most of the folks in these places are drinking so don't wear masks. Two friends of mine contracted Covid on or around the New Years Eve celebrations and think they have narrowed it down to three possible venues.
  4. Help Line Conversation…….. Hello, my name is Bob. How can I help you?” Caller: “Hi Bob, I really need your advice on a serious problem. I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs: If the phone rings and I answer, the caller hangs up. She goes out with ‘the girls’ a lot. I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home, but I usually fall asleep. Anyway, last night about midnight, I hid in the shed behind my Monaro. When she came home, she got out of someone’s car buttoning her blouse, then she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them on. It was at that moment, crouched behind the car, that I noticed a hairline crack in the left hand rear wheel. Is that something that can be welded, or do I need to replace the whole wheel?” seriously worried!
  5. Many thanks for taking the time to look for me, IB2, but this isn't the one, however I will have a look at it later on; much appreciated.
  6. Have to agree with your post balo, and what surprises me the most is how two very good players like that have suddenly become very average players with no tactical nous at all, and it hasn't just happened, because it started under the reign of OGS! Aston Villa deserved to win that game, but a United win puts them into the next round, but it won't fix the malaise at the club, and I'm not sure how it does get fixed? I am somewhat alarmed when I watch United play, because they are eons behind the other top clubs with regards to just about everything that constitutes a good team. And although DVB got a run, and not before time, from what little he did, he didn't seem to be very fit?
  7. I have a question for the very helpful folk here on this thread, who have helped quite a few times in the past, and I'm looking for help again!! It's a doco about a survey/expedition in Antarctica, where they drill through the ice using some sort of heat/steam generator...........that's all I know about it because I watch the BBC World News and in between the breaks in the news there is often a clip which looks like it is promoting this documentary regarding the Antarctica, and includes a BBC reporter or scientist. and so on. The commentator/scientist on this clip is shown in front of an aeroplane which has landed on the ice, and he also comments on the fact that he didn't expect to be spending five weeks camping on the ice! But can I find it anywhere, no chance, and despite a few similar documentary type things, I just have not found this one, so I'm reaching out to those folk here to see if they can help. I have looked on the BBC World News website but I can't locate it – – any suggestions please folks? I can tell you that it's not part of the/a David Attenborough series, and I think it was made just recently.
  8. Try this version..............and another sent by PM. Thai Will template amended.docx
  9. That's strange, because I can open it by double clicking on the link I posted?? However, I will look in my files for another copy and send it to you by PM and see if that works.
  10. I've had a Click for about 14 years now, and it's a marvellous little scooter, and have had no real problems with it over the years, so as you say, practically "bullet-proof". I'm not fond of the bigger bikes/scooters either, so I'll stick with this one until such time as it has done its dash, and then I'll probably buy another one/equivalent one, as is only used for pottering around town, because I have a car for longer journeys.
  11. Thai/English Will template attached. Thai Will template amended.docx
  12. Their friends said they were convinced their healthy lifestyle would protect them and they were admitted to hospital in mid-December. So Covid doesn't discriminate between ordinary folk and a couple of surgically altered weirdos! Beware!
  13. No real answer for you LLF, although a friend who went out to Bangla a couple of nights ago said that although there were a few people around, there was a dearth of girls, in the bars, or walking around? Rumours that there are more than a few cases of Covid around seem to have had an effect, although today when I went past the top of Bangla (the end furthest away from the beach) the small bars on the corner were belting out music, with one Farang sitting there with his beer! Two friends of mine have contracted Covid, quite possibly from their excursion to Bangla a week ago, but with mild symptoms, and are self isolating at this moment in time, taking regular tests to see how they are progressing. I will give it a miss for a while to see how things pan out.
  14. Is that a new movie or the one released a few years ago?
  15. I watched this because I have a few friends back in NZ who are restaurateurs and I have visited their restaurants many times over the years, and this seems pretty well true to form, and I thought it was good, and well worth a watch.
  16. It wouldn't hurt for him to discuss his current meds regime with his specialist given that it was implemented four years ago, and that's what I was meaning, given new research.
  17. No problem mate, however it may be that she considers staying on them to be beneficial for you, especially given your circumstances, however it would be good if you brought up the subject you mentioned earlier on about Celebrex and the Apolets, to see what she has to say.
  18. Yes, I bought some through Lazada and it was fairly cheap as I recall, however I have just thrown at least half of the packet away!! Reason being is that I have a slow digestive system, and the psyllium husk expands in your digestive system and can cause constipation for folks like me, especially if I don't drink enough water, so beware that if you are taking it you need to drink a lot of water, even if it is taken in water like it should be!
  19. If the Apolets you are taking are the low-dose aspirin for prevention of heart attack (blood thinning etc), then you might wish to look at the link below, and there are many others on the Internet regarding the low-dose aspirin and prevention of heart attacks, because they are not now recommended! So you may wish to consult with your doctor with regards to the latest findings on this, if indeed he knows about it? Aspirin No Longer Recommended as a Preventative Measure Against Heart Attacks and Strokes in Older Individuals. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/aspirin-no-longer-recommended-as-a-preventative-for-heart-attacks-and-strokes-in-older-individuals-180978866/
  20. Wife says to husband "You only ever want sex when you're drunk" Husband says "That’s not true . . . sometimes I want a kebab" As a young boy I was blessed with a nine and three quarter inch penis . . .. Unfortunately it belonged to Father O'Malley.
  21. The phone rings and the wife answers. A pervert breathing heavily says, "I bet you have a tight a-se, with no hair?". The wife replies, "Yes I do he's watching TV – – who should I say is calling?"
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