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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Perhaps specifically to short the stock and make money off the falling share price!!!!!
  2. A rather posh Englishman finds out that he has been left the farm in outback Australia, by a distant cousin who has recently passed away, so he decides to visit it. As he is standing on the porch of the farmhouse, he spies a cloud of dust in the distance which gets closer by the minute and eventually an Australian in a Ute (truck) screeches to a halt right in front of him. "G'day mate, how ya goin (with an Aussie drawl)? You must be my new neighbour and as we don't get many newcomers round here, what about coming over to my place tomorrow for a BBQ – – simply head due west, then turn right for 30 km and you'll come to my place". "I tell you what, I'll throw a few steaks on the barbie, get a few beers in, and we'll have a bit of singing, a bit of dancing and a bit of rooting"!!! Oh, that will be rather lovely said the Englishman, what should I wear? The Aussie replied: – "doesn't really matter, there'll only be the two of us".
  3. Thanks for the heads up Will27, as I watched it last night and thought it was good.......downloaded from 1337x.to, eventually!!
  4. Yes, I agree with that post and I have to say that the poor grifter is certainly looking his age now and perhaps the last few months of frantic activity and worry are catching up with him, as he certainly looks tired and pudgy now........
  5. I recently downloaded the whole series as I liked it so much when I first saw it on tv. Not quite the same impact now but still worth a watch.
  6. I'm not sure whether my post quite fits in with what's going on, however the quote above does lead into what I'm going to say........ Without a doubt, the police are very lax on pulling up Thai motorbike drivers, especially those that don't have a helmet, and I have witnessed this on so many occasions that I've lost count. In fact on one occasion two Thai guys, without crash helmets, were waiting at traffic lights when a couple of the BIB pulled up alongside of them and completely ignored them, when it would have been so easy to take them to the side of the road and fine them, and this is not an isolated occasion by any means. Fast forward to today when I was travelling in my car towards Phuket town with my Thai daughter and her mother and there was a traffic stop with police pulling over just about every motorcycle and one of them came up to my drivers side window looked at me and beckoned me over to the side, whilst other Thai drivers were waived on through. The policeman asked for my international driving permit, and was surprised when I gave him two Thai driving licences, so he let me go. The two Thai ladies in my car had a bit of a chuckle and were discussing the fact that the police were looking out for foreigners and were checking all foreigners driving through the checkpoint, and what surprised me was their next comment, inasmuch as, "it's always been like this" and the reason it would appear is that foreigners are an easy touch for a fine, whereas Thai drivers, especially motorbike drivers, would be almost a waste of time. I most certainly am not advocating driving whilst under the influence, on any vehicle on the road, which is why I get motorbike taxis to and from the town centre.
  7. and if getting wet bothers you so much stay at home or wear a raincoat if you have to go out...... Wearing a raincoat doesn't stop the idiots from trying to spray you, and I remember a few years back having to go out on my motorbike to get something from the supermarket, so I put on my raincoat and crash helmet and set off – – unfortunately I was held up by a slight traffic jam and one idiot rushed out from the side of the road, lifted up my helmet visor and sprayed water directly into my eyes. What an absolute f/wit.......and what amazes me is the amount of older foreigners who participate in this nonsense. If they like water fights so much why not stay in their own country and throw/spray water at each other?
  8. That was the same as me in my situation.......until the IO got stroppy with me and "demanded" that I use the 800k in the bank method, which I promptly did, so as not to cause any problems with them.
  9. Yes, you can do that, and as long as the 65K is logged in your bank account on a monthly basis, then in my experience that's all that immigration need to see/know. Immigration just need to know that you have an "income" of 65K per month to enable you to live here – – the more the merrier, the less, then you have a problem!
  10. I've got the same thing happening on my Lenovo Idea Pad and I will have to do something about it soon. As it's not something which I carry around with me and stays in one place all the time, I will have a crack at drilling through the top and bottom parts, missing vital innards, and put a very thin screw/bolt in it. It may sound strange, but I did this with an old Toshiba laptop which someone gave me because the same thing was happening and I did exactly what I suggested above and kept it for another few years, before finally ditching it! I do have an old HP laptop as a backup, but I'm not keen on putting that back into service, however I will have to think again about that.
  11. Watched the first episode and thought it was a load of old cobblers, so won't bother with other episodes and have deleted them from my downloads!
  12. I agree Trans and I made a similar point on one of the other threads about this and I mentioned the carpet bombing of Dresden, and the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, all of which killed innocent women and children, and it was done to demoralise the armies, population and governments of the countries – – that is war and if one starts a war, one should expect the consequences.
  13. You may believe I have a vile post-history, but that's not my view, and my request was quite innocent because I couldn't find anything about this targeted killing. I did read something about Ismail's sons being part of the Hamas terrorist organisation, or did I get that wrong? Again, nothing sinister in my request.
  14. This is what happens in war.....innocents get killed. Start it and pay the price as has happened over countless centuries. Can you please give me a link to the event; "4 innocent children were targeted and executed intentionally" as I haven't been able to find it.
  15. Thanks HP, and as regards the ex/gf coming to look after me, well when we parted company many years ago I made the decision to ensure that both her and her daughter (now my unofficially adopted daughter) would not want for anything. So I provided them with a small business to run, and helped with building a house for her up in Phitsanulok, and of course have supported my daughter financially for all of these years, so we have been on good terms and they have been only too pleased to be able to repay my kindness by coming down to take care of me. My daughter has moved down to Phuket and wants to stay here, so she will be close by in the future, which is a bonus. I have got to say that I'm still in a great deal of pain and just about immobile, but the back pain I can put up with, however damage to my heel is extremely painful and the room spins don't seem to be getting any better, so I'm just hoping that time will be the healer! Thanks for your concern HP, it is much appreciated.
  16. UPDATE........ I am afraid there will be no more ventures for me out into Patong, any restaurant or indeed Bangla Road for a couple of months, mainly because the second x-ray on my lower back revealed a fractured coccyx, which was not surprising because I had been in quite extreme pain for five or six days after the accident, so as there is nothing they can do for an injury like this apart from rest, I have been prescribed a huge amount of strong painkillers and told to rest. Trying to rest is more a theory than a practicality, because no matter how many painkillers I take I am still in pain whether sitting or laying down, so sleep is fairly alien to me at the moment. I can shuffle around for a few steps, but that's about it, so until a couple of months have passed, I doubt whether I'll be posting much on this thread. Actually my Thai daughter has come down to Phuket after finishing university in Bangkok, and my ex-girlfriend, her mother, has come down as well and they are both taking care of me, what with cooking, cleaning and shopping, and I am absolutely delighted about this. One thing they have said is that this is not the Patong that they remember from days passed, because of a vast increase in traffic, of tourists, and crazy drivers – – something I have posted about here a few times, so I'm not alone. Bye for now.
  17. The peace talks are a farce and one reason (amongst others) why Hamas are proposing such "uneven" conditions could be based on the following; killed whilst captive?..... As part of those ceasefire talks, Hamas informed Israel on Wednesday that it could not locate 40 Israeli hostages in Gaza, who the Israelis had hoped would be released as part of a proposed first step in a deal, a senior Israeli and a senior Hamas official said. There are about 100 living hostages remaining in Gaza, according to Israeli officials.
  18. I use a wok on my induction cooker plate and the wok does have a flat area which is sufficient for cooking the contents therein.........but as others have said, I use the little portable gas stove on my balcony when cooking anything substantial (like chilli con carne, then finish it off in the slow cooker).
  19. Just a thought, as it was how I sold my house here................are there any Lawyers in your area who have Chinese connections one way or another?? You could approach them with your house details and see if they have any clients interested? Of course you will probably have to give them a 3% commission, as I did, but it was well worth it.
  20. A follow up to the d-mannose/cranberry juice 'treatment" suggests that it may not be of much help according to recent research, but I can vouch for Hiprex tablets...............for me anyway!! D-Mannose Fails to Prevent Recurrent UTIs D-mannose did not reduce the proportion of women with recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI), the randomized, placebo-controlled MERIT trial showed. Over the 6-month study period, 51% of women taking 2-g D-mannose powder daily had a further episode of a suspected UTI for which they contacted ambulatory care compared with 55.7% of women taking a fructose-based placebo powder (P=0.26), reported Gail Hayward, DPhil, of Oxford University in England, and colleagues in JAMA Internal Medicine. Based on the results of the trial, "D-mannose should not be recommended by GPs as a way for women presenting to primary care with recurrent UTI to avoid having more episodes," Hayward added. https://www.medpagetoday.com/urology/urology
  21. Reminds me of a song from Journey......"Don't stop believing" because your reply shows the warped MAGA mindset to twist trump failures into a "win".
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