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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Has anyone noticed those on the left, carry enormous hate for trump........ Well, I'm not on the left, whatever that means, but to give some indication, back in NZ I didn't vote for the "left", nor did I in the UK, but I would consider myself to be central/conservative. Having said that, I don't know that my hate for trump could be termed "enormous", but it is a puzzling sort of hate, that a cheat, compulsive liar, thief, rapist and man of low morals, not to mention being very dumb, could even be considered for the job of president of what once was an outstanding country, is extremely dangerous, not only for the USA but also for other countries. .
  2. I hear that he is hawking vials of his urine to the MAGA nutjobs, this to sprinkle on their breakfast to get a good start to the day, and also to help him fight his cases (with more to come)!!
  3. That's good information, so thank you very much for that, this especially as I've always been a bit of a "hot sleeper". Of course for the last two nights with my aircon being out of commission, I've laid on top of my bed, with the ceiling fan on, sweating like a "pig" and absolutely soaking my pillows with sweat. Just getting back onto my predicament (hopefully I won't get offside with the mods or too many other posters) the aircon man came round this morning and did a thorough clean of my aircon unit, both inside and outside units, in fact he took everything to pieces, which was a joy to see and he pointed out what the problem was........a pretty hefty buildup of fat and dust on the fan, as well as cooking oil getting into the cooling fins on the inside unit! I asked him if I should buy a new unit and he said this one was perfectly okay, but if I'm doing my cooking indoors, just about directly beneath it, I need to think about a way to alleviate this (this because I don't have a cooker hood or similar)! So rather than look for a new aircon unit, which would present me with the same problems eventually, according to him, I'm investigating other options.
  4. Did you buy it from the Trump University by any chance??? LOL
  5. Many thanks for the aircon size table topt, and will let you know how things go.
  6. Good point topt and as I have got the aircon man coming round tomorrow (I hope !!!) I will ask him what he can do for me with regards to fitting a new one. I did notice some 18000btu aircons on Lazada and PowerBuy with some heavily discounted prices, so a search around is on the cards. I would like to try Sharp as have been impressed with their appliances.
  7. I set the temperature on the aircon at 25° (sometimes 24°) because my bedroom is just offset against the lounge and aircon unit, and it seems to work quite well. In addition I have the ceiling fan rotating at medium/low speed. BUT, my aircon unit is playing up again, because water floods (a bit of an exaggeration) out from the front of it and covers everything in the kitchen making it a bloody nuisance. I try to get it cleaned once every six months but this still happens, so I'm wondering if this happens to other folks?? Maybe the aircon unit, Mitsubishi Mr Slim 14,000 Btu for a 42/44 m² apartment is too small?? I've got the aircon man coming round tomorrow to give it a good cleaning, and am seriously thinking about buying a new aircon as Sharp has a few deals on at the moment on its 18,000 Btu inverter models. Any ideas anyone? PS. Sorry to go just a little off tangent, but some help on this regard would be fabulous. Thank you. PPS. The current unit is 7 yrs old and the drain pipe seems clear?
  8. I bought a beautiful Nokia Flip Phone on Ebay and am very pleased with it............. https://www.ebay.com/itm/386266624698
  9. In English and Thai should be ok (hopefully)!!
  10. Sheryl is correct and prostatitis can be caused by one of many pathogens or it can be as a result of inflammation. If a pathogen/bacteria, and this can be identified by growing a culture, then you are part on the way to solving it, and I say this because even though the best antibiotic might be found, the next thing is to get it past the biofilm which protects the bacteria and under which bacteria can grow, which is why sometimes the antibiotic regimen can be many months, as I experienced. In my case doxycycline did appear to cure it, but even after 90 days, then stopping, it came back again. And I was on this for a few years on and off. Ciprofloxacin was greatly used a while back for prostatitis, but overuse of this particular antibiotic has caused antibiotic resistance in some cases, so is not always used these days. One older antibiotic which is come back into use for the likes of prostatitis, cystitis and some lower urinary tract infections, is fosfomycin which can be easily bought here over the counter, however as my professor friends in London told me, I may need to take many doses of this (each one is effective for three days) and if there is no sign of the prostatitis abating, then doxycycline can be added then. Unfortunately for many people with prostatitis, treating it can be a little bit of trial and error. This from an exerpt sent to me by my professor friend makes interesting reading...... Sexually active men younger than 35 yearsand older men who engage in high-risk sexual behaviors need to be tested for N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamidia trachomatis [57]. A great percentage of E. coli strains collected from patients with prostatitis exhibit the ability to develop biofilms, which may explain the difficulty in treating of infections. Acute bacterial prostatitis is most commonly caused by ascending UTI produced by E. coli, P. mirabilis, Ps. aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp., Enterococcus spp., and Serratia spp. PS. Seek out the best Urologist you can and who is well versed/up to date with this condition, and first of all get a culture done to stop the guesswork.
  11. Sorry forgot to add this link for the above: https://www.ft.com/content/ed17fac5-0af4-432d-ab1b-0a55bc789865 https://archive.ph/5WMaJ
  12. But it was going to be built by the USA and paid for by Mexico? So what happened to that? Also of course that the wall never really did get underway with the fat orange man running things, and when he left office only odds and ends had been started. Trump spouted his BS and the gullible cultists believed him.....again and again and again. The words of a song come to mind, "When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn". But, hold on, perhaps to use Trumps words, "the poorly educated" whom he favours, are slow to learn, so perhaps there's a reason.
  13. New theory on why Covid seems to persist in some cases................ Researchers believe long Covid sufferers, at least those who experienced severe infections, may never have managed to fully rid their bodies of the virus, allowing it to continue to replicate, or pieces to be retained, even after they had tested negative. This may lead to “persistent activation of the immune system and cause all these chronic symptoms”, Koroshetz said. An NIH study, based on autopsies, found evidence that some who had lost their lives up to 280 days after becoming infected with severe disease had died with active traces of the Covid virus. A longer course of antiviral drugs could help to wipe out any remaining pockets of the virus. A second approach is based on the theory that long Covid is primarily an autoimmune disorder. This suggests sufferers’ immune systems “rev up” to the point where they move from protect to attack mode, weakening healthy cells. Recover investigators will be testing an autoimmune treatment called intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG), which Koroshetz said “resets the immune system and is kind of an immune suppressant”.
  14. Back when I served my electrical engineering apprenticeship, black was neutral, red was live and green was earth, but in the UK that change to brown, blue and green however in Thailand it seems that electricians will use any old piece of wire that they've got hanging around the place, including joining one colour to another inside of the conduit, thereby confusing the person working on it. Black is generally considered live in Thailand, but you may wish to seek other inputs regarding this, however one piece of advice whatever you are going to do with your wiring, be sure to label it, either with tape on each wire with a marking on it, or indeed a separate piece of paper with the wiring code that you have installed, placed where it can be referred to. And Never take anything for granted here, because when I bought my first house I wanted to move the aircon in the bedroom so turned all of the circuit breakers off in the house and was about to start work on it, but tested it first, and it was still live, so I turned off the main breaker for the house and it was still live!! The electrician had tapped into the wires from the supply off the outside meter, before it had reached the distribution board, thereby ensuring that it could never be made "un-live". Beware Thai electricians.
  15. No badge of honour for conspiracy theorists although you probably follow Alex Jones and MTG to name but a few. The vast majority of the medical profession support the Covid vaccines, but some poor souls do not...but the stats prove them wrong. Anyway, off topic so carry on with your nonsense.
  16. May be true and I have been on here almost as long as you, but I never came across you before as being a "conspiracy theorist". So someone invests millions of dollars into a program which will potentially save millions of lives, and you have a problem with that?? Unbelievable. I say unbelievable, however just recently two friends of mine from NZ must have been reading from similar websites to you, because they have also become conspiracy theorists and the nonsense that they come up with makes me concerned about their sanity.
  17. JEEZ, another conspiracy theorist hits the Forum....."pressure applied by Gates".....where on earth do these halfwits come from???
  18. @riclag said: "Pay your share Nato countries or pay the price" . (Just like trump does???) It's very evident that the trumpies are parroting the orange cult leader's words, because time and time again it's been pointed out on this thread and others, that trump has got it wrong with regards to this particular aspect of NATO. However that still won't stop him from being dumb, because he's naturally so, and he really expected Mexico to pay for "the wall" (silly boy), asked his aide to see if Greenland was for sale, has been bankrupted in double figures and here's the big laugh of them all – – failed to pay his dues to those to whom he owed money. Worst of all, IMO, is threatening to allow Russia to do what it wanted to, to these so-called errant members, and this from a world leader – – you couldn't make this stuff up. Loony tunes stuff from a demented leader and an equally demented GOP. AND NOW FOR SOME GOOD NEWS........A New York judge has rejected former President Donald Trump’s bid to throw out criminal charges against him stemming from a hush-money payment to a porn actor, setting a trial date for next month and clearing the way for the first prosecution of a former US president.
  19. You dont really understand what just went on, do you! Some enlightenment for you................ The impeachment of Mayorkas is part of a broader messaging strategy by House Republicans to highlight their commitment to border security and immigration reform. However, their efforts have faced criticism for being more symbolic than substantive, particularly in light of their reluctance to engage in bipartisan border security initiatives. Despite passing a conservative border security bill and pursuing impeachment proceedings, Republicans have struggled to make significant progress on addressing immigration issues, largely due to internal divisions and the lingering influence of former President Donald Trump. It was purely an exercise in futility, as nothing will become of it.
  20. So you are either one of them, or know them????
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