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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Unfortunately it's a regular thing and because they/we all know what causes it, then it should be easy to deal with – – but TIT! You can see the fires burning throughout Thailand on the "fire map", but although we are getting some of it from Malaysia and Indonesia, we should be able to handle the stuff that we produce. Here's a suggestion – instead of spending billions of baht on a submarine which will be as useful as tits on a bull, why not save that money and buy scores of tractor driven rotary hoes for the tambons/farmers so that they can till the rice and sugarcane stalks into the ground, thereby saving burning and possibly enriching the soil. I'm not a farmer, so fire away with your responses at my idea.
  2. Hamas, and people associated with them should be wiped from the face of the earth, but it is timely to remember that Hamas started this war with its own form of brutality, and they must have realised what the outcome would be, but they went ahead anyway. They are reaping what they have sown and any other casualties who are not linked to them are "casualties of war" which has happened since time immemorial – – so no surprises there. They knew what they were doing and now they are paying the price, as are others, so the Palestinian deaths are on their shoulders.
  3. Good to hear newnative, and it amuses me how these trumpies wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the face, and the perfect example would be my graphic (posted a few days ago) of the rankings of various media outlets, whereupon BBC rates as neutral, whereas it doesn't register at all with these clowns. I had to chuckle when one of them suggested that he "only supported his family", and I was tempted to reply that trump also supported his own family by stealing from a children's charity, and also stole from the American workers on the sites of his, which went bankrupt. Just how low can he get? Anyway, I've had enough of these MAGA nuts spouting their nonsense and refusing to recognise facts, so I am going to put @frank83628 and @uttradit on ignore, because I believe in the old adage, "never argue with idiots, because they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". I wish you good day newnative. Xylo
  4. You are sad man and a cult member as is uttradit, so you are unable to see the truth and have the temerity to suggest it is those who can see the orange man's faults and stupidity who suffer from some sort of TDS.......the derangement lies with you. It would be interesting to know why anyone would support this poor excuse for a human being, especially as it is well known that he is a compulsive liar, a philanderer, a crook (stealing from children's charities) a convicted rapist and has been bankrupted around a dozen times, thereby shattering the myth that he is a good businessman. Please call me a trump hater, because there is absolutely nothing to like about the poor specimen. Maybe you guys have something in common with him?
  5. You are quite right schlog, and I only use my little motorbike for travelling from my apartment to Big C, for example, and even then you have to be on top of your game to watch out for the idiots, and although I mentioned one near miss in my post, I've had a couple where I've had to swerve out of the way of the French Africans who decide to drive crazily up and down on their big bikes, not to mention the Russians who don't know which side of the road they are supposed to be on!. Patong is not the place it once was, and as for LL going out five nights a week, well I stopped that malarkey many years ago, and only go out to Bangla once a week these days, and the main reason being that I can catch up with a friend or two and enjoy a meal at a couple of restaurants I know. I do visit a couple of bars on this occasion, but nowhere near in my earlier days here. I have seen more Russian businesses popping up, and I wonder when that will stop. I also see many young Russian families here and I'm wondering if they are here for the long term and just sussing out the place for a permanent move or are really here escaping the war? A friend of mine here who is very friendly with the BIB, with many contacts throughout the island, has told me that they are very worried about the Russian "organised crime" here and especially in Rawai! No doubt they are orchestrating many other scams around the place and I wonder if the advertisements on Facebook regarding getting a driving licence here, without having to do anything, are part of that? So schlog, may I wish you the best of luck with your move and ask to where it is you are moving (don't have to answer if you don't want to) and to stay safe and well.
  6. Well, that rules you out of the equation then as most of the Donny clan are mentally still in the infant stage (bigly, covfefe) and when they grow up they will realise that they've been taken by this grifter conman, but for now they don't know any better. That you support a dumb, lying, cheating, rapist crook says so much more about you.
  7. It looks like I touched a nerve there Frank, however in amongst all of your rambling and diversions, the bottom line is that you do believe the 2020 election was stolen. Man up and admit to it, you've drunk of the Kool-Aid and are a cult follower. There, I've said it for you – – you poor nobody man.
  8. If he needed an adult to explain it to him, it would be poinless asking you!
  9. But frank, you haven't answered the question I have asked you twice already on this thread, which was, "do you believe that the 2020 election was "stolen" from trump"? I get it that you don't want to answer truthfully because then other posters will know exactly where you are coming from with your posts, as if they didn't already! And your answer is......
  10. Still cannot find your answer to this question frank?????? Question for you: do you believe that the 2020 election was "stolen" from trump?
  11. That I'm still alive to be able to post again is a miracle, well not a miracle, mainly because I was able to swerve out of the way on my Honda Click, when an idiot came round a left hand bend on the wrong side of the road whilst overtaking a truck, which he should not have done because he had no view whatsoever of the road ahead . He was going extremely fast and luckily enough I wasn't, so I was able to swerve out of the way, whereas he had nowhere to go – – it was one of those times when I wish I had been driving my car, because I would have wiped him out, meaning one less idiot on the road to kill someone else. Anyway back on track, despite the fact the traffic here is disgustingly bad, and I'm not the only one experiencing this, I decided to get a motorbike taxi out to meet a friend in Bangla for something to eat and a mosey around. We ate at Anema e Core as a change from my usual haunt of Blue Beach Café and Restaurant, which I still consider to be one of the best restaurants/venues here in Patong, with great staff and a great menu. Anyway this little Italian restaurant was good and apart from the very loud music emanating from the "Weed Shop" right opposite, the meal went well. After that we went to a little bar in Soi Sea Dragon, where a friend of ours works, and passed the time away there, until he met up with another guy and they went their own way visting other bars, whilst I stayed with our friend at the bar, until I decided to visit another friend at Smiley Bar. I was making my way home at about midnight, when I walked past Red Hot and the owner/manager beckoned me in, which I wasn't going to do, however I noticed two of the original band members were playing so I popped in, and a very attractive blonde woman came up to me and gave me a hug and said she remembered me from four years ago!! Once the lead guitarist (and original band member) saw me in the audience he beckoned me up to sing a couple songs, which I did and was so glad that I did because it's been many months since I did that, and I enjoyed it, as did the audience by their enthusiastic applause after a couple of songs, and I got a few hugs from the bass guitarist of the previous band who was in the audience!!! I felt good about the experience so may do it again! Bangla itself was busy, which it wasn't on my last few journeys out, and even the usually empty Soi Freedom had a few punters in it, which was good to see for the bar owners and girls in that Soi. Out and about in Patong, the smaller bars still seem to struggle to make a go of things, judging by the number of customers in them, and I do believe that quite a few of them will be up for sale shortly, if they aren't already in that mode, surreptitiously so. A little south of Makro on Nanai, what was once the Chang Residence hotel, which had been closed for almost all of the Covid period has been refurbished and apparently taken over by an Indian concern and I've got to say that they've done a good job with the refurbishment from what I can see, and although they have included a restaurant facing out from the hotel, it was barely used and over the last couple of days I have seen it closed, which would be a shame if it remained that way. Soi Sansabai is now a regular hub of new shops, massage parlours, shisha "bars" and a couple of new buildings, and because it's so busy it's very difficult to get down there in the evening, or come back up there for that matter, although it is supposed to be one way, it's used by whomsoever wants to go up or down it as there is no policing of it whatsoever. Something which struck me when I passed a few places over the past few days is that the pubs/bars which advertised "English breakfasts" and a few years ago would be pretty full in the mornings, don't seem to be doing the same business these days, so perhaps there are less English folk journeying to Patong, or maybe those that do are more health conscious than previous visitors??? Overall, Patong is now a completely different place than it was before the pandemic, although there are some buildings/roller blind shops that remain in an almost derelict state as a result of the pandemic, much of it has been improved/rebuilt so I can't say that the title "Patong – The Wake" is all that relevant at the moment, however it does give people the chance to comment on their experiences in Patong these days, so perhaps it does have a place?
  12. And more good news for the trump supporters....... Donald Trump has been ordered to pay US$83.3 million ($136m) to columnist and rape accuser E Jean Carroll. The former president, 77, had been found liable for defaming the journalist by lying about sexually assaulting her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s. The New York jury returned with a verdict less than three hours after beginning deliberations. Beware that he will start grifting again to help pay for this....NFTs anyone??
  13. But you do believe just about everything that trump says!! Question for you: do you believe that the 2020 election was "stolen" from trump?
  14. Lefties on here have no idea how much easier it is to find links to support even their most wingnut stuff Never in my life have I been called a "lefty", yet on here and on a similar thread it's the label I have been given! What the Maga nuts find hard to believe is that I don't have a particular political persuasion, but I will not support a dumb, liar and cheat like trump – – it really is that simple, but hard for those who follow trump, to understand, after all he is their messiah and cult leader, so everything he says, must be true – – yeah right.
  15. There are many things that can be found on the Internet, and facts are one of them, however if you like to think that "Lizard people secretly run the world and we have proof" then you are obviously the sort of person who Trump likes to have as his supporter (look that up if you wish), AND one generally hopes that intelligent folk can see the difference between facts, backed up by facts and nonsense backed up by nonsense publications. Oh, and "common sense" should be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff, in the main, however I understand that this can be difficult for trumpies.
  16. Many times when I have been waiting in line at a checkout, with only one or two items, a Thai person has offered me to go in front of them to check out, esp when they have a load of items. Very civil I have to say.
  17. I like the Waitrose Gold blend teabags, nice and strong for a morning starter.
  18. I agree with that statement.......but would also like to see him held accountable for his misdemeanours and crimes. And he's lucky cos orange suits him!!
  19. How about........"the government now charges, Trump “perpetrated three conspiracies”: one to defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified; another “to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified”; and yet another “against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.” Then there is the unlawful taking of classified documents, some of which were found in Mar-a-Largo, plus other fraud/tax charges. So the orange clown is in for a busy time!!!!
  20. If not, then everything else goes downhill In this particular instance maybe.........but plenty of other cases lined up for the orange clown to deal with!
  21. Very amusing, it is to laugh, whist you accuse me of "repeating all of the anti trump msm outlets word for word", even if they are true, you repeat and believe in the trump/Maga nonsense. Read Truth Social much???
  22. Sad man........you are too far down the rabbit hole to understand what the orange clown has done. No more kool aid for you!! Take a look at the Walker88 post a little prior to this if you want some truth........ Those of us who think trump is a self-serving, evil, ignorant, treasonous clown are told we have something called TDS, but the real TDS seems to me to be an affliction of people who pretzel bend to rationalize his criminality. So, without further adieu... 1) Why did trump call his goobers to come to DC on 6 January, Tweeting "It'll be WILD!"? The certification of the election is pro forma; the States already did the accounting. What is "the right thing" that trump expected VP Pence to do, since the actual "right thing", according to the law and Constitution, is merely to rubber stamp what the 50 States already certified? 2) Why did trump tell his gathered goobers to march to the Capitol? What did he mean by "You have to fight like hell if you want your country back"? What sort of fighting was required when inside the Capitol it was merely that pro forma certification of the election? 3) Why did trump demand GA SecState Raffensperger "just find me...11,780 votes", when Raffensperger told trump there was no evidence of fraud nor unaccounted for votes? The answer here is rather obvious, but I would be interested in hearing the excuse. 4) Why did trump sign on to the fake elector scheme, when actual electors had already been selected by the legitimate voting process? When trump's appointed tech czar told trump "This was the most secure and fair election in US history", why did trump fire him? 5) Why did trump steal highly classified documents (with TS, SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD classifications) and bring the docs to his country club? What does a wedding planner need with that material? (Note: As a former member of the clandestine services, I carried a TS/SCI clearance and had classification authority. I know the system quite well as well as the declassification process. Neither trump nor any POTUS can "declassify with his mind"; there is a paper trail signed off by relevant agency chiefs and then finally signed off by the White House Counsel. That was not done. Oh...and even POTUSs do not have a security clearance; their election allows them the privilege of seeing classified material while POTUS. Once their term is done, they have zero clearance, and mere possession of classified documents is a crime, especially if it is willful. Biden and Pence's possession of much lower classified material was not willful, and both men cooperated fully with the FBI to gather and remove everything. trump, OTOH, lied and obstructed. As for the docs, HCS is Human Clandestine Sources and rarely, if ever does any POTUS see that, as it reveals identities of clandestine assets. trump's theft of HCS docs puts both individual assets and their families, as well as national security, at risk. It also discourages potential future assets from cooperating, as they see a reckless and cavalier POTUS could cause their identities to be revealed. Finally, documents classified RD, or Restricted Data, can ONLY be declassified by the Dept of Energy, as such material relates to nuclear matters and secrets. The only possible explanation for trump to steal and keep such documents is he planned to monetize them. Certainly putin and Xi would pay well to learn the identities of any penetrations of their government or military. Bonus question: If some 140+ Republican members of the House decided not to sign off on the certification of Biden's landslide victory, why were they all so quick to accept their own victories in the same election on the same ballots? So...what are the excuses?
  23. Sadly, you are wasting your time quoting facts the trumpies as they have been brainwashed by the conman in chief. Who would think that "normal" people could be so gullible.....but there they are, and posting here!! God help America!
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