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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I see the cult is strong in you..............
  2. You are shooting blanks cowboy............. Biden presided over an economy that defied pessimists and continued to grow even as its central bank pushed up borrowing costs to historic highs to fight inflation. Growth America’s post-pandemic performance has been impressive, with the country bouncing back from lockdown faster than any other G7 nation. The world’s biggest economy is now 8.7% larger than its pre-pandemic size. This compares with 1.7% for the UK and 3.4% for the Eurozone. Jobs More than 15 million jobs have been created under President Biden and, until recently, unemployment stood below 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years. Official figures show the US economy added 206,000 jobs in June, slightly higher than predicted by economists. Health insurance Ensuring Americans have access to affordable healthcare is one of the Biden administration’s biggest achievements. The share of working-age Americans who do not have health insurance has dropped from about one in five before Obamacare was signed into law, to less than 10% today. Ukraine Biden helped to secure billions of dollars in fresh military aid for Ukraine this year after months of political gridlock over the issue. Many leaders in Europe are concerned a second term for Donald Trump in the White House would weaken financial support for Ukraine and Nato. Trump claimed he once told allies at a meeting he would encourage Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that don’t meet their defence commitments. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/
  3. "Defiantly" ???? Are you mentally well? Biden's time as POTUS has been particularly good for the USA...... Biden presided over an economy that defied pessimists and continued to grow even as its central bank pushed up borrowing costs to historic highs to fight inflation. Growth America’s post-pandemic performance has been impressive, with the country bouncing back from lockdown faster than any other G7 nation. The world’s biggest economy is now 8.7% larger than its pre-pandemic size. This compares with 1.7% for the UK and 3.4% for the Eurozone. Jobs More than 15 million jobs have been created under President Biden and, until recently, unemployment stood below 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years. Official figures show the US economy added 206,000 jobs in June, slightly higher than predicted by economists. Health insurance Ensuring Americans have access to affordable healthcare is one of the Biden administration’s biggest achievements. The share of working-age Americans who do not have health insurance has dropped from about one in five before Obamacare was signed into law, to less than 10% today. Ukraine Biden helped to secure billions of dollars in fresh military aid for Ukraine this year after months of political gridlock over the issue. Many leaders in Europe are concerned a second term for Donald Trump in the White House would weaken financial support for Ukraine and Nato. Trump claimed he once told allies at a meeting he would encourage Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that don’t meet their defence commitments. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/
  4. I took a full sachet last night (there isn't a great amount in one sachet) and got a result this morning, so it will be my "go to" evening drink now!! Wonderful!
  5. So Trump didn't still from a charity? Something he was found guilty of an ordered to pay back $2.5 million? So Trump didn't denigrate John McCain and call other war veterans, "losers". So Trump didn't have more than 10 bankruptcies to his name? So Trump wasn't found guilty of sexual abuse/rape? And Trump didn't get his MAGA gear made in China whilst supposedly supporting the American working man? You are sorely misinformed or are a typical Trump supporter and MAGA conspiracy theorist believer. All of the above are well documented by all and sundry and are by no means "false propaganda" and no amount of your protestations will prove otherwise. I should feel sorry for you, but I don't because you do fit into Trump's preferred supporter of "the poorly educated". Sad so very sad that folk like you exist in America......and one last thing; do you believe that the 2020 election was stolen?? This will be the telling point!
  6. Tried that thanks JetsetBkk, to no avail....and I really have tried just about everything imaginable over the years/decades from every fibre stuff available on the market, to castor oil (the old-fashioned mothers remedy from years ago), a double dose of sennacot tablets, to prescription laxatives and everything in between hence me being ecstatic when I found the stuff, because it works for me. The reason that prunes work is because they contain sorbitol, which is a well-known laxative agent and I even took to buying a litre of the stuff to add a few tablespoons of it to some prune juice, and that did work, but it was a little vicious (if you see what I mean) and if you weren't within a couple of metres of a toilet when it started to work, then you were out of luck. In addition it was not that reliable if you slightly under dosed on it. I will persevere with this stuff, but may have to go back to the sorbitol if all else fails.
  7. Well I will find out soon enough.........just hope that it keeps working for me as it is just what I need!!
  8. Well I have tried psyllium in all its different forms and it has made no difference, only bunged me up even more, so whatever else is in this, is definitely working for me. You can buy it at Boots, Watsons, and according to a couple of other posters from some 7-Eleven shops. For the record this one tastes very sweet, so much so that I have to take a drink of water after it, just take away the intense sweetness!
  9. Agree and nearly threw up when I read this: "We just have to look to God to protect us like he did that night that Trump got shot.” Something which trump had said just after the shooting. Trump had also said earlier…”There was blood pouring everywhere, and yet in a certain way I felt very safe because I had God on my side". Is there no end to the mindless rambling from this clown? A poor excuse for a man who has broken just about every commandment, yet panders to the Christian right because he knows they are gullible enough to believe his lies – – you couldn't make this stuff up!
  10. Yes I decided to try that last night, but unfortunately no result this morning, so tonight back to the full sachet!!
  11. it's what they do that counts. Like being a compulsive liar, stealing from a charity, setting up a bogus/scam university, frequently cheating on his wife, inciting an attack on the seat of democracy, denigrating American war heroes, claiming to help the American working man whilst getting his MAGA merchandise made in China, and not to forget that he was found guilty of sexual abuse/rape. Trump has done all of these things and perhaps many more, yet the fact that millions of Americans still support and vote for him speaks volumes about the limited mentality of his supporters.
  12. As I mentioned earlier Tamarind powder is the main ingredient, however just in case you didn't see it, it also has the following powders..... Tamarind powder. Chlorella powder. Psyllium husk powder. Guar gum. Fructo-oligosaccharide. Indian gooseberry powder. Spinach powder. Terminalia powder. Ascerola Cherry powder. Parsley powder. Pomegranate powder. Sea buckthorn powder. Chrysanthemum powder. Dandelion extract. Polydextrose. Reishi mushroom extract. Anyway, it works for me and I am delighted!!!
  13. Good day, only too pleased to help if I can, so here goes with how I make it work for me: – I mix a whole sachet with about 250ml of cold water and stir it briskly, then leave it for about five minutes before stirring again and then drinking the whole lot, and I do this just before I go to bed......and I get a response the next morning. For me one sachet did the trick however I will take it for a few days on a continual basis because I think I may need to retrain my digestive system with this stuff, although I'm not sure if that is something which is medically possible in my case! Because it works for me the next morning, I may well limit my intake to one sachet every two days, and even that will be a godsend for me! I suppose one could take it as and when needed, as per your question, however I need to get my digestive system working on a "regular basis" so at the moment once in the evening seems good for me, possibly then moving on to once every two days. I hope this answers your questions, and by all means ask others, and if you want to ask any more "in-depth/personal" questions, then you can always send me a PM. I did note that one poster suggested spicy Thai food works for him, however it doesn't work for me, even though I eat raw chilis, both green and red on some of the food I cook for myself – – different strokes/digestive systems for different folks I suppose? Just before I sign off I will share an amusing storywith you and other posters – – I went on holiday to Spain with some friends in the early 80s, for a two-week break, however after the first few days I was so constipated it was becoming painful, and I didn't know what to buy in Spain to alleviate that problem. So I briefed the other friends that they were to seek out one of the dingiest/unclean restaurants they could find and point them out to me because I was desperate to go along to sample the food in order to give me a good clear out. I also suggested that if they could find any prawns which were past their use by date, they should let me know, because I would buy and eat them. I was that desperate!!!
  14. Too much Kool Aid and Rabbit hole nonsense old chap!!
  15. Yes I had read that magnesium helps alleviate constipation, so I got onto that and tried magnesium citrate and others, but to no avail, sadly. As for fruit, well I don't really consume any of it apart from tomatoes, but suffice it to say that when I cook a meal which is accompanied by a salad, the salad consists of 1/2 head of raw broccoli, along with avocado, smothered in olive oil, but despite having copious quantities of raw broccoli in a salad, it doesn't help although I would partake of that at least three or four times a week. Bananas give me indigestion although I occasionally partake of mango when I'm cooking something exotic (poached chicken with brie and chopped mango) nothing seems to work, hence the reason I have taken to the product I posted about. I can only suppose that the doctor's verdict that I have a "slow digestive system" is something which is not easily overcome, as I have found. Having said that, thank you for the suggestions.
  16. There is some debate as to the efficacy of polydextrose, but much of it suggests that it is good for the microbiome in the gut, and I doubt that the minuscule amount in the product would be harmful to anyone. Nothing I have found suggests otherwise, so I will continue to benefit from my newly found "saviour food".
  17. Reminds me of this old joke: – Man goes to his doctor and states that he has a problem, because every morning about 7 AM, he empties his bowels. The doctor says that is wonderful, so what is the problem, and the man replies, "I don't wake up till 9 AM".
  18. Too much Kool Aid and Rabbit hole nonsense old chap!!
  19. It might be 1.5 to 2 tablespoons rumak!!! If you try it please report your experience here as I am sure there are others out there who might be interested.
  20. No problem Hummin and pleased to get your feedback on my initial post as I realised that you were trying to be helpful.
  21. I will post the ingredients shortly, but in answer to your questions, one small packet contains about the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of the powder, so not sure if half a packet would work, although I may give it a try. It's not really strong in that it makes you run to the toilet, however if taken before bed, about 10 to 12 hours later one feels the need to go to the toilet although not like my combination of sorbitol and prune juice which means that you have to be close to the toilet as it can be quite "vicious" when it works! Of all of the things I've tried, including prescription remedies, this seems to really fit the bill for me, and as per your request, here are the ingredients therein: – Tamarind powder. Chlorella powder. Psyllium husk powder. Guar gum. Fructo-oligosaccharide. Indian gooseberry powder. Spinach powder. Terminalia powder. Ascerola Cherry powder. Parsley powder. Pomegranate powder. Sea buckthorn powder. Chrysanthemum powder. Dandelion extract. Polydextrose. Reishi mushroom extract.
  22. Or perhaps it's because they don't like compulsive liars, grifters, people who steal from charities and set up fake "universities", is definitely a misogynist and who bankrupted over 10 companies, thereby financially impacting the everyday working American – – ever thought about that? I'm not an American and I'm not a far left or a far right type person and I do like what the Democrats have done, not so much the Republicans, however it is so easy to dislike Trump and what he is, because he stands for everything I and many other people, don't like one iota. If trump is the best alternative to an ailing Biden, that America can produce, then God save America.
  23. Well, when I was first diagnosed with a "slow digestive system" I was playing a good standard of football with 2 to 3 games per week as well as training, so even that didn't make a difference back then. I have increased my water intake and now try to do a fair bit of walking, but as I said no amount of training/exercise ever made a difference. Also I can't swim and at the age of 76 I'm not about to try and learn! As well as containing many natural ingredients like gooseberry powder, spinach powder and so on, they do have Fructo-oligosaccharides which do make the drink taste very sweet, however the following may be of help to anyone who is worried about sugar intake: – "Fructo-oligosaccharides are made up of plant sugars linked in chains. They are taken from asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, and soybeans, or produced in the laboratory. People use these sugars to make medicine. Fructo-oligosaccharides are used for constipation, traveler's diarrhea, and high cholesterol levels. Fructo-oligosaccharides are also used as prebiotics. Prebiotics act as food for “good” bacteria in the intestine. They pass undigested into the colon where they increase bowel mass and promote growth of certain bacteria that are thought to be beneficial". To be free of constipation after more than 40 years of suffering from it and trying everything, yes everything, to alleviate the problem, for me this is a godsend. AND the ingredients supposedly help with lowering cholesterol, an added benefit/bonus.
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