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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I am neither a Democrat or a Republican supporter, although I do favour the Democrats. HOWEVER, I also see no good reason to put up a gay pride flag in a classroom, and as you say, I agree that the US flag or state flag are the only flags which belong in a classroom. That being the case, there will be no arguing or disagreements about which flags are being displayed – – simple really.
  2. No problem.......at least I know that we both think alike!!🙂
  3. NO I was agreeing with you......in response to a Yellowtail post 16 hours ago, Yellowtail said: Yeah, they get their instructions direct from Biden, get Trum To which you replied............Pure misinformation. Good gosh. Hence my post..........Just shows the gullibility and/or IQ level of most of the trumpies on here.........whatever next??
  4. Just shows the gullibility and/or IQ level of most of the trumpies on here.........whatever next??
  5. I think you really believe this nonsense you have posted, and the only thing missing is that it wasn't written by Lewis Carroll who wrote two of the most popular works of fiction in the English language. ........radical far left that has taken hold over the Party. ........ Another example - Invading the house of the ex President to recover documents allegedly stolen, only to have nothing happen as an outcome because nothing was 'stolen' or of a 'national security' level to warrant charges etc ......attempts being made by Democrat Judges to have Trump removed from the ballots for an allegation (insurrection) ....Now it is even worse, as shown by the evidence that is becomming evident that the 2020 election was less than 'pure and honest ....Hopefully Trump wins, tears down the far left swamp and all the PC rubbish Not one ounce of truth or sense in your diatribe and false claims, so off to bed you go with your cup of cocoa (not Kool-Aid, you know what that does to you) and perhaps you will feel better in the morning.
  6. I finally decided to watch a series that I'd noticed on BBC iPlayer for some time, called "Steeltown Murders" and it was good, although it stretched over four episodes and IMO it could have been completed in three episodes. It takes a little bit of getting used to because it goes backwards and forwards in time from when a detective was investigating the murders of three young girls in and around Port Talbot (Wales) when it actually happened, to 30 years later when the investigation is reopened. Pretty straightforward with some good acting and a little bit of guesswork needed, but all in all a good evening's entertainment.
  7. Would Alabama be a Republican governed state by any chance.........there's your answer. Complete numbnuts and some!
  8. He also said:- For hard-working Americans, November 5th will be our new liberation day,” he said. “But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our Government, it will be their judgement day.” So it will be judgement day for the trump crime family and a few of his cohorts.........can't wait for that day......"lordy, lordy".
  9. Donald Trump is racing against time to find a half-billion dollar bond 26 Feb 08:22 AM New York Times: Trump doesn't appear to have enough cash on hand to pay up. trump doesn't look too happy in this pic, poor orange man LOL.......
  10. I have to agree with you on your post, and as I've been living here for 17 years, I've noticed the driving has gotten progressively worse, with it currently being horrendous. As you quite rightly say there is zero enforcement of road rules, with perhaps the occasional police stop on one or two roads, but then again, they also let drivers through who are not wearing crash helmets, and I've seen foreigners drive past these police guys, even when they are signalled to stop, and nothing is done about it. I've been here that long that I can outline the nationalities and their driving habits: – – older farangs who do not wear crash helmets – Thai people who also do not wear crash helmets and who are never stopped by the BIB – French Africans who love to do wheelies, drive way too fast and are a danger to all others on the road, especially as they don't know the road rules. Never seen one of them wearing a crash helmet – Arabs/Middle Eastern (shirtless mostly and without crash helmets) who disregard just about every norm/rule with regards to driving a motorcycle (too fast, weaving in and out of traffic) – Chinese tourists who have no idea whatsoever as to how to ride a motorbike and usually go two up and wobble all over the place whilst they are trying to look at their mobile phones – Russians who have no idea about any road rules and don't even know which side of the road to drive on, and often go the wrong way round roundabouts. If I do drive my motorbike around Patong, I do so very carefully, and for any journey outside of Patong, I use my car. OOPS, something else I forgot to mention is; watch out for Chinese tourists stepping out into the road without looking and fortunately/unfortunately I've clobbered a few of them with the wing mirrors on my car and motorbike, mainly because I couldn't avoid them!! If only the BIB weren't so lazy they could increase their revenue manyfold AND make the roads safer for all.
  11. You mean the Afghan withdrawal which trump pushed for and signed the agreement upon; that one? It was the military personnel which were responsible for any stuff up, and they were the same military personnel which served under trump, and if trump hadn't of signed the withdrawal agreement, then none of this would have happened, so sheet it back to the orange blob.
  12. Hmm.............well at least we know that his IQ doesn't improve with each reincarnation and stays about the level that his cult leader, trump prefers – – quote, "poorly educated".
  13. Sounds simple enough doesn't it, however with Hamas wanting to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the map, that's highly unlikely to work; on the other hand, Israel's determination to build on Palestinian land creates another flashpoint – – back to the drawing board WD.
  14. Dr John Campbell is a nurse educator with the dubious distinction of promoting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as "cures" for Covid 19, which have been disproven time and time again by many doctors and scientists/organisations/hospitals/universities in the medical profession. He switched his narrative from what the medical fraternity were advising, when he realised that he could make more money from promoting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine along with other anti-VAX nonsense. The man is a charlatan and belongs alongside the likes of trump for his lies and misinformation.
  15. Maybe this thread is getting a bit "old hat" now because up until this point in time just about everything that could be said about Patong, has been said! I did venture out to catch up with a friend on Friday evening, and also ate at Blue Beach again, and it was all but packed to the gunwales, with quite a few groups of people, including some "punk-like" Russian young men, a group of investors, overseen by an American "investment specialist/venture capitalist" and quite a few Chinese in amongst the mix. Nothing much different to report about Bangla other than it was crowded, however I did notice more than the usual share of hookers lining either side of Bangla, and that included some ladyboys as well, and am not sure why that should be. The beach road was less crowded than it recently has been, which was a blessing, however the journey home on the back of a motorbike taxi was hair raising because of the volume of traffic weaving in and out of the place! I noticed an article in the Phuket News which stated that there are over 500,000 vehicles in Phuket, and there are times when it would seem that the majority of them are in Patong!! The recently opened Diva hotel (and renovated formally Chang Residence) on Nanai seems to have attracted a few punters and it has been smartened up somewhat, so I hope they succeed. However just metres around the corner the Italian restaurant/guesthouse is devoid of dining customers every time I have been past it, although it looks as if they do have a few residents? I recently visited my old favourite "Sweet Lemongrass" massage establishment in Soi Patong Whiskey after a long absence, and they have been attracting some Russian visitors, according to the manager whom I've known for many years, and not surprising because they do have some excellent massage ladies, all fully trained, and the place is very clean and tidy. I notice that the recently Russian acquired small guesthouse in Soi Banzaan is quite full of Russians, and the place also has a cannabis shop included in it, so an added attraction for them whilst trying to forget about a possible call up to the war! Finally, I wonder if Patong will ever get back to some semblance of normality, without too many Russians, not to mention visitors from other countries who appear to be able to get here "Visa free" at the moment, which makes for a very crowded Patong.
  16. This quote applies particularly to you, so wear it with pride: "I never argue with idiots because they will drag one down to their level and beat you with experience". So no more from me in answer to your nonsensical posts and on to IGNORE you go.......you deserve trump, the idiot that he is.
  17. So a liar, a cheat, a thief and a rapist should appeal to the Christian voters eh? LOL 🤣
  18. Totally agree and I will again quote this from a great post on AN because it also "hits the nail on the head" in regard to the trumpies... I try not to argue facts with Trump/GOP supporters for the same reason I don't bother trying to teach my dog how to drive a car And the other applicable quote was that haviving a discussion with a trumpie is like playing chess with a pigeon........
  19. He has broken just about every one of the ten commandments, so a place down below, stoking fires will be his destination..........
  20. NEWSFLASH………….. A charity pantomime in aid of Paranoid Schizophrenics and Homosexuals descended into chaos yesterday when somebody shouted, 'He's behind you!'
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