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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. For an icecream salesman he's relly making the US economy go "gangbusters"..........an oldie but a goodie.
  2. For your perusal, and other similar sites to this place BBC neutral or very slightly left of centre. Please note at the bottom of this chart......."Allsides media bias ratings are based on multi-partisan scientific analysis".
  3. A while back now, I do remember making it from scratch using a recipe online, and it turned out fine, using pork and the usual ingredients, including some chili because I like chili infused food. So a couple of weeks ago I was meandering around Big C and decided to buy one of the packets of pad kraphao mix and all the ingredients and have it for dinner that evening. As I said I like spicy food but the spice level in this packet of ingredients, although I only used half of it, was overpowering (chili -wise) so I decided against buying any more like that and if I want it I'll make it from scratch.
  4. Don't have to watch news channels to know that he is a compulsive liar, that is a fact and has been evident for most of his life unfortunately. And I don't really care about other politicians, because they are not in the running to be the president of the USA, which may come about if this clown gains traction..... and my post was about trump, not Biden or other politicians. I don't watch any other news channels than BBC, which is neither left nor right biased, but I do read Internet articles and it's pretty clear that the man is a moron, and a dumb one at that. As for your reference regarding, "while the anti Trump crowd and left can't tell you what a woman is..and that men can get pregnant....hummm...", Well that seems to be the way the world is going at the moment, not that I'm in favour of it, in fact I'm not, but no need to get your knickers in a twist over that! You and Yellowtail seem to have a fixation on "the left/the right, yet none of this bothers me, what does is the prospect of having a complete, dumb, lying moron in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world, when he has already presided over more than a dozen bankruptcies........good track record eh?.
  5. Angry much!!!! 555 Trump deserves what he gets as he is an absolute plonker and a lying one at that, and unfortunately all that I have posted is true, so live with it.
  6. Well I hate liars and Trump is a compulsive liar and despite what other MAGA/trump followers might say, his lies are extremely well documented and of course before his supporters jump in, he did take documents from the White House, which were found in Ma Largo, yet he said he hadn't got them, and when he was proven to be a liar, because they were found there, he said that he had thought about them and therefore was able to "declassify them" so he was able to take them – – absolute nonsense. With his ies he is able to grow a following of the gullible, or as he put it (his favourite people) the less well-educated and he deceives them with his lies which is even more despicable. He makes promises that he can't keep, simply because he is not smart enough and that's not good for an American president or for America. He pays hookers for sex and then denies it, it then arranges to get them paid off so they keep quiet. All the while, cheating on his wife while she was pregnant. He panders to the evangelicals and at the same time breaks just about every commandment in the Bible. Many of his businesses/companies have been liquidated or gone bankrupt and in this scenario many American working people have been deprived of wages/money, yet he has no problem with doing this, because he has done it many times. He has been found guillty of "misappropiating" (stealing) funds from a Charity to fund his campaigns and was fined $2 million and quote, "Donald Trump is in charge of enforcing the nation's laws, but he doesn't follow them. What a delicious twist of constitutional irony! He has overvalued the properties that he has in order to deceive banks and lending organisations to fund him, and hopefully these lies of his will be coming home to roost in the very near future. And the following may be of interest to you: – "It has long been a truism that politicians lie," wrote Carole McGranahan for the American Ethnologist journal in 2017. However, "Donald Trump is different" from other politicians, stated McGranahan, citing that Trump is the most "accomplished and effective liar" thus far to have ever participated in American politics. McGranahan felt that "the frequency, degree, and impact of lying in politics are now unprecedented" as a result of Trump.[ During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post's fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.[1][5][6][7] The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6.1 per day.[2] Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump's mendacity as "unprecedented" in American politics,[13] and the consistency of falsehoods a distinctive part of his business and political identities.[14] Scholarly analysis of Trump's tweets found "significant evidence" of an intent to deceive.[15] But of course the Trump followers will not believe anything untoward about their glorious orange leader, and it's unsurprising that Trump likes the "poorly educated" because they will gladly go down the rabbit hole and believe his lies and the MAGA conspiracy theories, because they are poorly educated and gullible. As has been said many, many times on this forum, it is pointless trying to state facts and truths to Trump followers, because they believe the lies that have been fed them through their association with this truly despicable man. Please don't insult my intelligence by trying to dispute the above because it is extremely well documented. In fact I am putting you on ignore, because I can handle and welcome "differences of opinion" but not Maga/trump supporters who persistently lie and refuse to see the truth because that is ignorant and stupid and a waste of my time.
  7. Nice retort/response Yellowtail........Touche! And for the record, it's been some 17 years since I last voted, and when I did I voted for the New Zealand National party, which is opposite to what one would normally call the Labour Party/left, and the politics in NZ are far removed from those in the USA, so very difficult to pin one down to an actual ideology. As I have said before, I absolutely hate Trump with a vengeance because of what he is and what he has done, and IMO he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything/any position with regards to the governing of the country.
  8. Oh, I hope I haven't upset you, you poor thing, but I really wanted to focus on the nonsense remark about "the deep state", and I don't know where you got the idea from that I was a "leftist"? If you think that my political leanings are to the left, then you would be completely wrong, it's just that I can't stand the dumb orange lump, who grifts his supporters, lies continuously, steals from charities and has had so many businesses go bankrupt that it would take too long to list them here. Successful?? Not in a million years. I don't actually fancy myself as an intellectual, but I was responsible in NZ for producing a brochure/guide on investing using Managed Funds from various countries and providers, and this was vetted by well-known investment companies as well as by the banking ombudsman, and I was afforded many accolades for this, and conducted many seminars around NZ, so my credentials stand scrutiny. So please remain amused when people do focus on a particular part of your post to highlight a point. Deep State......really! And you think that you are an intellectual, believing in that nonsense. Utter rubbish, and gullible for believing in this and the conspiracy theories that surround it. Maga/rabbit hole/conspiracy theories/far right/deep state, how dumb can one get?
  9. This thread seems to have gone quiet, so not quite sure if my post is okay or should be moved elsewhere, but all the same here goes........ The BBC News every night shows events in Israel and Gaza, so no one is short of information if they want it and there are many on here who call for Israel to cease what they are doing and American and UK politicians (and others) seem to think that a "two state solution" will work and wonder why this suggestion hasn't been adopted by Israel? My question would be, "why should they live next to a race of people who are governed by, and who have been infiltrated by terrorists, intent on destroying Israel"? And besides this, Israel has offered a way out of this conflict by suggesting that Hamas returns the hostages, and Israel will release its prisoners, and if Hamas lays down its arms, then the war, such as it is, will cease. Seems like a simple solution, so why won't Hamas accept it? The answer could well be in the fact that as they are a terrorist organisation, they need the weapons to be able to carry out their avowed intent with regards to destroying Israel and the Jews. So there is a solution, but Hamas won't accept it, and this being the case this conflict will go on and Hamas will reap what they have sown.
  10. Just had to come back to that remark about the "deep state" because I didn't think it was widely accepted by normal, rational folk...... "According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States . Political commentator and former presidential adviser David Gergen said that the term had been appropriated by Steve Bannon, Breitbart News, and other supporters of the Trump administration in order to delegitimize the critics of the presidency and critics of Trump's use of the term 'deep state' maintain that it is a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality. It has also spawned conspiracy theory advocates like Alex Jones who posits that the Sandy Hook shooting which killed 26 people, never happened and it was all a deep state plot to discredit the NRA. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones filed for bankruptcy, after he and the parent of his Infowars website were ordered to pay about $1.5 billion for spreading lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting". So maybe this will help the conspiracy theorists.....just because one is crazy, it doesn't mean one can't have style.
  11. As soon as I saw the line above, I knew that I was in for a load of MAGA/ rabbit hole nonsense, so I stopped reading!! So sad that you have got it so bad!! LOL.
  12. Bearing this in mind, there are many microwaves now on the market and some of them are not expensive at all, so has the OP tried looking at a new one??
  13. it's that so many seemingly normal and or intelligent people can support him. It's bizarre. I agree with you, it is bizarre and I just can't understand it, whereupon the Christian evangelist types still support him even though he's broken just about every commandment in the Bible, he's been found guilty of misappropriating funds from a charity, pays hookers for sex, even when his wife is pregnant/giving birth, and that's just a few of his moral misdemeanours. On top of that he has "shafted" the everyday average American working man who carried out work on his projects, starts rumours to disparage other potential candidates (birther rubbish) and cannot stop lying about anything and everything. So, as you say, "it's bizarre". Maybe it's the supporters that need to have a good look at themselves, because it's not normal to support an abhorrent specimen like this.
  14. Well I can't fault the care that was given to my old friend at Bangkok Phuket Hospital, and personally I've had "mixed experiences" there, and that is why I visited Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok when my bladder stopped working, because nobody seemed to know why, and anyway Sheryl on this forum, recommended Dr Charuspong at Bumrungrad so I thought I'd give him a try, and was very pleased that I did (thank you Sheryl). I had a very thorough going over with tubes and wires going into just about every orifice, before being hooked up to a computer for about an hour, and the result after meeting with the doctor (actually he is a urologist) was that I have a neurogenic bladder and there's not much that can be done about it, apart from clean intermittent catheterisation, done by yours truly, which is what I have been doing now for over a year, and getting by I may add. However I did some investigation and found that a company called Medtronic in the USA makes a small device, similar to a pacemaker, which fits under the skin and the wire from it runs close to the sacral nerve, and it stimulates the nerve to work, thereby making the bladder contract, so it would/should make my bladder work again. However, having got no satisfaction from the company themselves or any other hospital here, I did contact Dr Charuspong and he has just this morning contacted me by telephone (how brilliant is that in today's world) and explained the process to me and why it is not available in Thailand. I won't go into the explicit details, but a first unit has to be inserted to see if it will work, then it is removed and the second one inserted, and this preliminary work takes about a week to 10 days, furthermore the whole thing will cost something like 700,000 baht, and it's not even sure that it works efficiently anyway, so he has answered my questions. Back on topic I suppose there will be good and not so good doctors in many hospitals around the world, but going back to the original topic the care that my old friend received at Bangkok Phuket Hospital was excellent.
  15. Looking through the movies available on BBC iPlayer I came across one that I had seen a few years back, but couldn't remember too much about, called, "The Theory of Everything" about Stephen Hawking, and I'm so glad that I downloaded it, because it was brilliant. Not only was Eddie Redmayne absolutely amazing in it, his movie wife, Felicity Jones was also amazing and not only that she is absolutely beautiful IMO. There are a couple of scenes that brought tears to my eyes, especially at the end when he and his now "ex-wife" are watching their three grown-up children running around in a garden, and he says, "Look what we have Made" and I do believe that both actors really lived that scene and that's what made it so special and moving. If you haven't seen it, then my advice is to watch it.
  16. It is a shame really that America has to choose between an elderly leader in Biden, who has made some very good decision so far, and an obese liar and thief who is as dumb as a bag of rocks, and "bigly" so too.
  17. You reignited my interest in this particular plane crash, Will27, and I remember seeing a film about it a few years back, but I couldn't remember what it was called and there seem to be a few made about this particular incident, including documentaries – – so I went back online and found the one that I remembered from way back, called "Alive", downloaded and watched it last night, and enjoyed it. It starred Ethan Hawke, amongst others and as I said, was very watchable. HOWEVER if there is another one out there which is good/better, then I'd like to know about it, please. PS. Forgot to mention that I also watched another of my old favourites a couple of nights ago, and it was a film starring Gerard Butler, probably one of his best movies IMO, and it was called, "Law Abiding Citizen", and I thought it was very well done, not necessarily for the special effects, but because of the way Jamie Foxx, the lawyer, conducted the case, which did not bode well for Butler – – I know it's only a movie, but I wonder how often such things could happen in real life??
  18. You are probably right when you say that, "aren't all of these fridges double insulated anyway?"....... Luckily enough whenever I have had to install something like this or a large microwave, I have found a way to earth them satisfactorily, and being an electrical engineer by profession (although long since stopped practising it) I knew what I was doing. Then a friend asked me to look at his fridge/freezer because he was getting a "tickle" from it, which was very noticeable, so I used my multimeter on it and sure enough there was around 50 V between the fridge and earth! I ran a separate earth wire from the back of the fridge to a socket outlet nearby and that cured it, so the moral of this story is not to rely solely on "double insulation"!
  19. From my recollection of insurance policies in the days when I was in banking, the cover should be for personal injury, for third party injury and for property damage, so I think you are pretty well covered.......unless of course he has got a totally useless and cheap policy which covers him for next to stuff all! I wouldn't worry about asking for his insurance if he is in hospital, because you have a right to do that, so go to it!
  20. Thanks Patong2 and have a good and safe flight back to NZ tomorrow. All the best. Xylo
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