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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Just watched a movie called; "The Man in The Glass Booth" and it was very heavy going despite a standout performance by Maximillian Schell. Hard to fathom at first and gets harder to do after the halfway mark, but although the ending is not clear cut, one gets the gist of it at the end and it is intriguing to say the least.
  2. Ironically Kermit would do a better job than trump.......so pleased that you owned up to that!!!
  3. The guitar playing by LB was just phenonemal.......has to be the best around.
  4. Very happy to do so........one more anti-vax conspiracy theorist whose nonsense i won't have to see.
  5. Well I have sent a letter of apologies to the creator of the Muppets for bringing them down to your level, and I believe that misinformation is something employed by conspiracy theorists like you, so take what you will from that. No need to address anything that you have posted because most of it has been picked apart already and shown to be full of nonsense or half-truths, so why waste my time. So not wanting to stay involved with you and your anti-vax/conspiracy theory nonsense, I am pleased to be able to put you on IGNORE and just as I do this I have read a few posts a little further along and they confirm my suspicions that you're not worth wasting time on, and I'm not sure whether it was you or one of your other "friends" who has been described as a nutter, but then again if the cap fits, wear it.
  6. I wondered how long it would be before the conspiracy theory muppets would get round to quoting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with misinformation from various YouTube posters with dubious "qualifications", and now it's arrived, so I will take my leave from this thread because it has become a nonsense. Just to reiterate what I have said earlier; the mRNA vaccine has been worked on since the early 1960s and perfected in the 80s/90s and has and will be proven to be a potential godsend with regards to curing illness and diseases. Many tens of millions of people around the world have received this vaccination and many more will do so in years to come as it proves successful against other diseases such as cancer. It is in use currently and I see no reason why a thread like this should even exist because what the anti-vax/conspiracy theory muppets fail to realise is that the mRNA vaccination process is being used today and is here to stay. Thanks to all of the intelligent and levelheaded posters who do post on here, and as for the others, why not go and join the "flat earth society" for something else to occupy your time. Or you could rail against the fact that motor vehicles have replaced horses on the roads today........oh sorry that one has long gone!!!
  7. I saw a Doco on BBC iPlayer of Fleetwood Mac, and knew I just had to watch it because they are my favourite group of all time. So as soon as I had finished that I got online and managed to watch, IMO, one of the greatest live shows ever, which was performed in 1997 in LA and also featured the University of Southern California's Trojan Marching Band performing with them to Tusk, not a particularly brilliant song in its own right, but with the marching band included, it was fantastic. Needless to say I spent the rest of the evening listening to the whole album – – simply brilliant and put me in a great mood for the day to come.
  8. but obviously have much higher degrees than anyone in this thread........ And you know this how??? Stop your nonsense and get back to reality.
  9. Try and keep up.........he is not a medical doctor:- "Maharishi International University, formerly Maharishi University of Management, is a private university in Fairfield, Iowa. It was founded in 1973 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and practices a "consciousness-based education" system that includes the Transcendental Meditation technique."
  10. And already discredited in a previous post by TallGuyJohninBKK...... (Thanks TGJBKK) and as for Hatchard having a PHD in Psychology from an Ayurvedic yoga university........next the AntiVax mob will be stating that one one of their mob got his/her diploma from the back of a CornFlakes packet BUT it was endorsed by Kellogs. The claims from both Mr Steyn and Dr Hatchard include incorrect statements about excess mortality, Covd-19 risk factors and vaccine effectiveness." https://fullfact.org/health/guy-hatchard-mark-steyn-gb-news/ AND Finding fame in the anti-vax space "Looks at Dr Guy Hatchard, finding fame with 'alternative facts' in the online anti-vaccination ecosystem. ... and how Hatchard seems to lack any actual expertise to speak on epidemiology or medicine. Looks at his role as a 'superspreader' of misinformation and his claim to have received a PhD in Psychology from a Ayurvedic yoga university unaccredited by the American Psychological Association." https://natlib-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=NLNZ&docid=INNZ7175107670002837&context=L&search_scope=INNZ How low are these people prepared to go in order to twist the science in order to prove their case......as I said previously; Luddites and scammers.
  11. Also, liquorice not a popular taste here? Difficult to find it in shops. I have seen it in Villa Market outlets.
  12. Plenty of other references to this quack and his misinformation, there for all to see, even the Luddites on this thread, but they will find ways to not see them/dismiss them/post other nonsense, when it's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man is after the 3F's (which is likely why he changed his stance); Following, Fame, Fortune.
  13. I forgot to add that as the mRNA vaccine has been worked on/in progress for over 50 years, when does it cease to be something which the anti-vax mob call, "an experimental vaccine?". Many other vaccines and drugs have had nowhere near this length of time in study and development. Food for thought, no less.
  14. I did post elsewhere a bit of information as regards the timeline on mRNA vaccinations and it was being worked upon in the early 1960s when its potential was beginning to be realised, however the problem was in being able to "encapsulate" it in order for the body to use it efficiently, and this was overcome some years later, hence the reason for it being used now. There follows a bit more information about how it is being researched for use against other diseases......... What's Next? The Future of mRNA Vaccines for “Every Imaginable Infectious Disease” The mRNA platform created at Penn Medicine ignited a global renaissance in RNA biology research. Scientists in industry and at universities worldwide are finding new and innovative ways to use mRNA technology to prevent and treat disease. “We're working on every imaginable infectious disease." Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, Roberts Family Professor in Vaccine Research mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases Before COVID-19 erupted, a Penn-developed mRNA influenza (flu) vaccine was already in clinical trials. This existing work directly contributed to the speed at which drug makers could produce the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. With fast development and production times, mRNA vaccines are ideal for protection against new infectious diseases and variants of existing ones. Our researchers are at the forefront of mRNA vaccines for numerous infectious disease vaccines. mRNA Vaccines for Cancer While the mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases prevent disease, mRNA technology can also help treat existing diseases like cancer. The platform's flexibility allows researchers to create mRNA cancer vaccines that activate the immune system to attack cancer cells. Much, much more good news on this website…. https://www.pennmedicine.org/mrna
  15. Why on earth would I want to waste my time reading misinformation by this fraud. "Dr" John Lorimer Campbell is an English YouTuber and retired nurse educator known for his videos about the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the videos received praise, but they later veered into misinformation.[2] He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[3][4][5] As of June 2023, his YouTube channel had 2.8 million subscribers and over 653 million views. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)
  16. Rewatched a movie I had seen a few years ago (though fairly recent) as I couldn't remember key parts of it, and so pleased that I did. It was called, "Get Out"........very good acting, unusual plot and good ending. If you haven't seen it, then give it a go as it is currently on BBCiPlayer
  17. .....is that it might help understand the mechanism that makes triple-jabbed people more prone to covid-infections. Which turns out not to be case............ Are triple-vaccinated people more likely to be infected by the Omicron variant than the unvaccinated? No. But that is the message television viewers in France apparently got from an interview with Dr. Martin Blachier. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-pseudoscience/are-triple-vaccinated-people-more-likely-be-infected-omicron-variant-unvaccinated
  18. They obviously didn't visit Rarotonga (Cook Islands) which has beautiful beaches, almost white sand and is a dream.
  19. History is almost always worth knowing, esp if it give a background to current events. Over and out on this thread.
  20. My pleasure, but the link contains information that I would suggest many are not aware of.........or indeed do not want to know about! Anyway enough of my comments on this thread because like others of this ilk, it will go nowhere and if generation upon generation of well-meaning countries/people/governments have tried to solve it, and failed, then it won't be solved here, so therefore most posts will be meaningless.
  21. Don't have to as it is all here........ https://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine/The-Crusades
  22. Many thanks for this @Nick Carter icp as it gives the background to this mess; and for those who continue to post that, "there was no such place as Palestine in years gone by" then I suggest they read up on the history of the region from the link provided by you.
  23. What I was trying to convey was that both sides have committed atrocities/murders on each other whether by incursions or bombings etc over the years.
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