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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Yes................ Even Republicans admit who was responsible the huge increase to national debt and subsequent inflation….. He should be on this stage tonight,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is attempting to establish himself as the leading Trump alternative despite recent struggles to break out from the rest of the pack. “He owes it to you to defend his record where they added US$7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation we have now.”
  2. A very informative article, thank you for posting it. It puts a little more "perspective" on the whole situation IMO.
  3. Therein lies the conundrum, because how can a stable country be content with its borders, when they have been eroded/taken away from them by Israel and even what is left of their borders/country, is being "colonised" by illegal settlements, which is against UN mandates.
  4. That's a possible scenario tgw, but until we know for certain, it's still a bit of a mystery. I notice that I got a bit of pushback to my post, however I wasn't trying to defend any actions from any side, other than to point out that both sides are culpable and capable of inflicting horrific injuries on each other, by whichever means they are perpetrated.
  5. The population of the West Bank and Gaza is almost completely Palestinian Arab. The bulk of these are Sunni Muslims: 92 percent of West Bankers and 99 percent of Gazans, with the rest Christians. In addition to the Palestinian population, approximately 214,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and Gaza, according to the Foundation for Middle East Peace in Washington, D.C. Not sure what your point was?
  6. You reap what you sow................"the 1948 Nakba, or the ethnic cleansing of Palestine where an estimated 15,000 Palestinians were killed, including in dozens of massacres". Not saying it is right, but both sides are guilty of the massacre of innocents.
  7. Yes, Hamas must have known that there would be severe retaliation, possibly multiplied many times over to that which they initiated, so am puzzled as to why they did it. On the other hand, the Palestinians have been treated badly for decades, sold out by the British after they fought against the Turks, then sold out again in the 1947 "United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine" by mainly the US and Britain, then in the 1948 Nakba, or the ethnic cleansing of Palestine where an estimated 15,000 Palestinians were killed, including in dozens of massacres. The Zionist movement captured 78 percent of historic Palestine. The remaining 22 percent was divided into what are now the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip. When a race of people is subjugated and mistreated over decades, then something is bound to give, therefore Hamas doing what they did. I'm not saying that I agree with what they are doing, just that the world has stood by whilst the Palestinians have been grossly mistreated.
  8. Mirrors the right wing sentiments in the movie, "Mississippi Burning"...............
  9. "This is Desdemona’s kind of satire". WASHINGTON, 26 January 2012 (The Onion) This is satire from 2012..............
  10. Seems like his GOP mates did also.................. Even Republicans admit who was responsible the huge increase to national debt and subsequent inflation….. He should be on this stage tonight,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is attempting to establish himself as the leading Trump alternative despite recent struggles to break out from the rest of the pack. “He owes it to you to defend his record where they added US$7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation we have now.” AND…..Even hours before the debate began in Simi Valley, about 65km northwest of downtown Los Angeles, the first group of supporters for any campaign to arrive waved Trump flags and put up a banner reading “Trump, our last hope the big dope for America and the world”.
  11. Nature D'Lite : โรงงานผลิต ขายปลีก ขายส่ง ไส้กรอกเยอรมัน มัสตาร์ดและแยม I just recently bought some bratwurst sausages from this company (sorry don't know the Thai language translation) and you should be able to track them down. They ship all over Thailand in temperature controlled conditions, and delivery can be expected in one to 3 days. What I like about them was that they are made by a German guy and use only prime pork with no nitrites/nitrates or any other preservatives, and you can taste that in the pork itself. I also bought some pickled red cabbage from him to go with it.
  12. You make some good points, and this really didn't hit home to me until I watched an old movie the other evening, called, "Mississippi Burning" wherein there were references to not allowing "mixed blood" (sound familiar?), the Confederate flag being flown, KKK being prominent and several mentions of a pure race/aryan race. My mind immediately went to recent remarks by trump, and just how sad the US has become these days with comments like those from trump. Sad.
  13. Well you are wrong on a number of counts, so firstly, I'm not necessarily a Biden supporter, although from all of the bona fide information/statistics I've seen, the country is in a good shape now that he is in charge. Sure he may be a bit doddery from time to time, but the alternative really doesn't appeal, nor should it to any sane, sensible person. I would never vote for the orange fool, because I don't like habitual liars, nor do I like crooks who have ripped off charities, nor do I like grifters and so-called "successful" businessmen who have had so many bankruptcies as to make one think that there is something wrong with him as regards what little grey matter he has. Oh, and on the matter of bankruptcies, just think of all the everyday American tradesmen that he has shafted when doing this. Then of course you've got the current state of the GOP, which would fit quite nicely into a Disney Donald Duck/loony tunes production. Reasons enough not to change my point of view.
  14. That is something I have done for most of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I did live with a lovely Thai lady and her young daughter here, and after five years we parted company, however I've unofficially adopted her daughter and have put her through high school and now University, so no regrets and benefiting from now having a lovely daughter. I was always a bit of a loner, but was also considered the "life and soul of the party" although it may seem contradictory, because I can come to life in company if I want to. Catching up with friends here occasionally is something I look forward to, but for no other reason than discussing sport, folks we know or the situation back in our home countries. After that I may not catch up with them for weeks on end, and that's fine by me. Alone is good for me, and I'm never lonely. That's the way it is and that's the way I am.
  15. Thanks for that info placeholder, as I had no idea about this RFK jr, so had to look it up online and I can see how he fits in with some of the conspiracy theorists on this thread, and others for that matter............ Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., also known by his initials RFK Jr., is an American environmental lawyer and writer who promotes anti-vaccine misinformation and public health-related conspiracy theories.
  16. I have to agree with you on the Dengue vs Covid comparison, having had both of them and the Dengue was far worse by a huge margin, and I was bedridden for about two weeks, with an awful headache and terribly aching back, and even after it eased off a bit, I was still a little fragile for some time afterwards.
  17. Have seen this and it is very good IMO, one of the best I have seen in ages.
  18. You make some good points in your post and this one in particular above has prompted me to book an appointment next week to get the flu vaccination, a freebie, courtesy of my health insurance policy. I don't remember having a flu vaccination in the past, but I have been checking on my vaccinations over my lifetime and they include: – polio, measles, mumps, rubella, TB, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, many tetanus jabs, immunoglobulin (for yellow fever) and three Covid vaccinations here in Thailand, and I got no side-effects from any of these, so I don't suppose another flu jab would go amiss! Thanks for the reminder.
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