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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Well, because so many of the anti-vax/conspiracy theory posters have been posting their similar nonsense on another thread which has just been closed because of this, it's no surprise that some folks thought it was kosher. I'm surprised that someone hasn't come up with the idea of drinking sodium hypochlorite to kill the flu virus, because this was mentioned in the previously closed thread.
  2. Suits me because I'd rather not engage with someone who has a mind like a sewer. Okay, Byee
  3. So you are now a psychologist or a mindreader, as I said previously very sad, especially when it is taken out of context. My only politics are that I support people who try to do the best for their country, and the GOP certainly don't fit into that category, whereas Biden and the Democrats are doing a good job in that regard.
  4. It wasn't a nice try it was merely pointing out that irrespective of what was on video, people with minds like yours put a derogatory spin on it, whereas normal people don't. So sad for you and the way your mind works Bro ????.
  5. Unapproved........as in having no factual basis?? "Considerable damage"? Not much point really when none of this can be proven and millions of lives were saved, AND your support of America's Frontline Doctors says more about you than any of your posts ever could.................and also believing the conspiracy theory about the election puts you firmly in the camp I mentioned above. Take another course of Ivermectin.
  6. That works both ways, because as long as you don't break free of that mindset which leads you to question and denigrate proven science, and the positive results thereof, with millions of lives saved, you leave yourself open for people to attack your mental abilities, and therefore your relevance will be extremely limited, as indeed we have seen here. Touche.
  7. Ah, I see you are in the same camp as the "owl", and as for your comment about "most people wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole any more", well many millions have, and many millions will continue to do so, more so when the mRNA technology leads to treatments and cures for cancer and other incurable diseases. Are you also a supporter of the "America's Frontline Doctors", the discredited anti-vax mob, or perhaps believe in ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine "treatments", or perhaps you believe the 2020 USA election was stolen?? Whichever one, you fit nicely into the conspiracy theory numb nuts, and I for one am so pleased that this breakthrough has been made, which will surely benefit all the human race in years to come – – even you perhaps!
  8. With respect, you don't need to have a "balanced view" on the opinions of this poster (I have him on ignore, so I can't see his posts), and the fact that he believes and supports "America's Frontline Doctors", a totally discredited anti-vax organisation, which promotes ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid, should tell you all you need to know about him and his knowledge/beliefs.
  9. Dont forget Bkk Brian that the "owl" poster is one who believes and supports the totally discredited "America's Frontline Doctors", so you don't have a chance in hell in discussing anything sensible with him. Of course he believes that nature will cure all, just as it did (not) with smallpox epidemics, leprosy, polio, diphtheria and many others both viral and bacterial. Wasting your time Brian, as there's none so blind as those who will not see.
  10. As an adjunct to my previous post, it just so happens that I played in three Sussex Senior Cup finals on Brighton's ground in the late 60s, in front of an average crowd of about 8000 supporters, and again, never saw any of that type of behaviour. I think you're right about going to the game to "exteriorize their behaviour", and I recall something similar a few decades ago with a gang of Chelsea fans who would go to the games to cause mayhem and to injure/stab people, rather than for the football.
  11. Don't forget that you are "talking" to a rabid anti-vaxxer, so nothing you post, even from the most reliable of sources, will sink in...........they are on the same wavelength as "the election was stolen" mob.
  12. You "cherry-picked" the above from an article thereby taking it out of context. mRNA was being worked on by other companies and the technology was known in the 1960s. There were other companies working with this technology, albeit much later on, such as: Moderna (who had a development pipeline of 21 programs), BioNTech, Sanofi, Translate Bio and Curevac. The saving of millions of lives with the potential to wipe out many other diseases means this was a breakthrough of epic proportions.
  13. I hope you do get your health back from whatever caused it. However the virus itself does cause some health problems and a mild form of it can still be caught despite the vaccine, but this is very rare. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are strongly recommended as safe and effective at preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19. From December 2020 to December 2021, about 470 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the U.S. Roughly 12 months of data, including data from tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials, show that the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing serious disease or death due to COVID-19. mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines has been in development for over 15 years.
  14. Although I am a supporter, I am not a fanatic and would like to see them do well.........but if they don't then c'est la vie and my life goes on!! Mentioning fanatics, ofttimes when I am looking at Match of the Day on BBC iPlayer, I see people gesticulating rudely at the opposition players, and/or screaming and shouting as if they are going to have a breakdown. When I used to watch Brighton and Hove Albion as a boy, going there with a family friend who was a supporter, I never saw any of this behaviour, everyone was well behaved and there was none of that rubbish. How times have changed.
  15. Well, the mRNA aspect of the vaccine has been worked on and studied since the 1960s, but there was a problem in finding a way to get it delivered into the cells, however this was overcome when a method was found in the 1970s when nanotechnology advances were made. More tests were carried out in the 1990s so when Covid hit, scientists and the medical profession were prepared. Huge increases in funding for this research was spurred by the Covid 19 pandemic and allowed a huge increase in research into the area. So it's hardly an exploratory drug (the research into it was being carried out over 60 years ago) and the same could be said for many other drugs and vaccines in use today (did the medical establishment know the potential long-term effects of the polio vaccine, for example, and the same goes for many others) so scaremongering is high on the list of the anti-brigade. I put my trust in the medical profession rather than social media websites and the rubbish that gets posted on them. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines
  16. And yet more good news re the MRNA vaccines...... What's Next? The Future of mRNA Vaccines for “Every Imaginable Infectious Disease” The mRNA platform created at Penn Medicine ignited a global renaissance in RNA biology research. Scientists in industry and at universities worldwide are finding new and innovative ways to use mRNA technology to prevent and treat disease. “We're working on every imaginable infectious disease." Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, Roberts Family Professor in Vaccine Research mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases Before COVID-19 erupted, a Penn-developed mRNA influenza (flu) vaccine was already in clinical trials. This existing work directly contributed to the speed at which drug makers could produce the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. With fast development and production times, mRNA vaccines are ideal for protection against new infectious diseases and variants of existing ones. Our researchers are at the forefront of mRNA vaccines for numerous infectious disease vaccines. mRNA Vaccines for Cancer While the mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases prevent disease, mRNA technology can also help treat existing diseases like cancer. The platform's flexibility allows researchers to create mRNA cancer vaccines that activate the immune system to attack cancer cells. Much, much more good news on this website…. https://www.pennmedicine.org/mrna
  17. It matters not that you/we point out that there is much reliable and scientific information available as regards the Covid vacination because there are many conspiracy theory types posting on here who will push back on this and post all sorts of nonsense.......some quoting complete rubbish from the already discredited "Americas Frontline Doctors" website as well as others. What I find amazing is that they actually believe this nonsense. But there again they are the same sort of people who believe the 2020 election was stolen and that 'The Sandy Hook" massacre which killed 26 people, including 20 children who were between 6 and 7 yrs old was a hoax.... I am afraid that AN has become a rallying point for the conspiracy theorists, trumpies and the anti-vax campaigners and not a place where sane discussion can be had......very sad IMO.
  18. Donald Trump prompted a backlash from medical experts after floating the idea that they could look into heat, light and injections of disinfectants as a cure for Covid-19. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub
  19. Ah, that explains a lot about what I've been seeing on here..................LOL
  20. I like your posts as they are factual and get to the point. And the point I have to make is, "how on earth did we get to this moment in time?". I remember as a young boy, being in a long line of schoolchildren waiting to get vaccinated against polio, and our mothers would take us to the school to get the jab and nothing was ever said about it, and I really can't remember anyone refusing to have it. Maybe that was because there were a few children in our town who had contracted polio, so the results of it were easy to see. Indeed I was responsible for pushing a mate around in his wheelchair for many years when polio rendered him unable to walk. Now we have social media upon which many lies and much conspiracy theory rubbish is published, and it gets to folk who think likewise, and to coin a phrase, "they disappear down the conspiracy theory/anti-vax rabbit hole". In addition, the commonly used term "big Pharma" is bandied around as if it means anything in the grand scheme of things, which it doesn't. Luckily enough we have a few sensible posters on AN, but it doesn't stop the naysayers from posting their unscientific beliefs, rubbish gleaned from conspiracy theory websites and utter claptrap. How on earth did it get to this?
  21. In your world nice drug reps never convince doctors to use drugs they probably should not be prescribing. And in your world, doctors are so gullible and have low intellectual capabilities that they prescribe drugs that they should not be prescribing – – utter NONSENSE. All of the doctors I know only prescribe what is best for the patient and follow the Hippocratic oath, and in doing so try to work in the best interests of the patient not the pharmaceutical company. My ex-wife was also a senior laboratory technician (qualified) in a large Manchester hospital and had high ethical and moral standards before she became a medical representative. Now here is something you may wish to take on board: – after she had been in the job for just under a year, we were having a conversation and she said she was totally disappointed with what she was finding out in the towns and villages in rural Sussex, with regards to the knowledge of many of the GPs she was seeing. She stated that so many of them had not had a visit from a medical representative for perhaps years and they were so behind in their knowledge of what was available to treat various diseases/ailments, that she found it exasperating and wondered how on earth these GPs were going to keep up with medical advancements. I totally believe in the medical profession and the people who practice therein and have never ever thought that they were not acting in MY best interests, and I've always found that to be the case.
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