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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Groan............ PS. I notice the OP hasn't posted, even after some pretty good responses??
  2. I have never liked crooks, liars or thieves, in fact I hate them, so it's quite easy to see why trump is hated by so many people, at the same time it is very difficult to understand why people like him, given the above and his record of total dishonesty. So I will own up to having "hate in my heart" for trump – – it's only natural that a law-abiding, goodhearted and honest citizen like me will feel like this. Plus of course he is slowly destroying America.
  3. Well at least they're not trying to curry favour with the Russians. Sorry about that, I'll get my coat.............
  4. Have just watched "Cape Fear" on BBC iPlayer and didn't remember how good it was, and Robert de Niro was absolutlely superb. IMO his best role in any movie of his I've seen.
  5. It's pointless quoting facts to any of the MAGA nuts/trumpies because if these facts in any way prove that the economy, or anything else for that matter, is going well under Biden, then they will just dismiss it out of hand. They are in a right mess, they have got some very strange (MTG, SP, amongst others) folk in the party, and God help America if they or their lard-arse leader manage to get back into power.
  6. A big THANK YOU to those great posters who replied, and I very much appreciate you taking the time to do so. I did manage to download one suggestion from @recom273and watched it last night, and it was very informative, and left me with conflicting thoughts, i.e. dropping two bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was catastrophic and inhuman (some might say) however I consoled myself with the fact that the Japanese had committed some absolutely inhumane atrocities in their wartime activities. I did visit the "Peace Park" in Nagasaki a few years back and the results of the bomb could be seen in photographs and relics in that park, and my thoughts were, "never again". I believe JRO was treated unfairly during the McCarthy era, and sadly he died at a relatively young age.
  7. Anyone have an idea when Eriksen will be available again?? Also Utd need more creativity and strength in midfield as the current squad seem devoid of controlling it in a meaningful way.
  8. Sorry, I meant to say, "THANKS" also!!!! All the best.
  9. Thanks a lot, and am trying to download the second one you listed, right now. Cheers. Xylo
  10. Had the same thing happen on just about all of my posts @KannikaP and still do, and don't know why, but I don't let it bother me know, as I just rest easy knowing that there is a f....wit taking the trouble to follow my posts!!
  11. Thanks for the info Bendejo, but cannot find the doco, "The day after Trinity" anywhere..........anyone got any clues/info??
  12. And therein lies an issue, because there are STI's which don't present with symptoms early on in the piece, so a particular poster could be passing an STI onto many others, thereby infecting them and possibly having long-term effects on them. IMO it is irresponsible.
  13. Because stopping the spread of STI/STDs is something that we should all try to contribute to, and as I said earlier, passing a disease onto another could well ruin their lives. And if a male is unlucky he could well get bacteria/organisms which lodge in the prostate and which become almost incurable, so he is destined to have a life of pain from prostatitis – – just trying to be a responsible citizen, but like another has said, not a lot of traction with common sense on this thread. Taking a lead from your post, "each to their own", one could well argue the same case with an infectious disease which someone doesn't get treated and passes it on to someone else – – does that become, "that person's business?".
  14. You seem to have missed my point, which was that surely we are all obligated to practice safe sex, not that one has to get tested for something which one doesn't have. Having said that there are several organisms which can be picked up through unsafe sex and not just syphilis, which was mentioned, although in its later stages, the damage which it has done to the body is irreparable. As for the "incurable" gonorrhoea, which can remain dormant for a long time, so far, many months of very powerful antibiotics don't seem to have worked and the long-term effects can include damage to the joints and pain therein. On that note, some of these organisms are extremely difficult to cure, not that we don't have enough antibiotics around the place, but simply they cannot reach their target (bacteria) due to biofilms which protect them. Many of these organisms have been found when researchers have been looking into the causes of prostatitis, which is why it is extremely difficult to cure in many cases. So bacteria and other organisms which can be passed on through sexual activity are not always easily that curable. My main point was that the post displayed a "laissez-faire" attitude towards safe sex and as someone else has pointed out, there are many girls/young women starting in this "industry" hoping to be able to support their family this way, and the long-term effects of some STI's could well ruin their lives.
  15. I'm halfway through the series, "An Undeclared War" and so far I have found it very good, and I'm hoping that the second three episodes carry on in the same vein. Fingers crossed.
  16. Absolutely unbelievable.........spreading an STI/STD around is ok with you?? You don't care about giving it to others?? Despicable.
  17. Tried to watch, " Staircase Murder" last night (starring Colin Firth and Toni Collette) and got to the end of the second episode and turned it off, because I didn't want to sit through seven episodes of this particular series, when it could have easily been wound up in two, perhaps three series. Furthermore the jumping around of timeframes/scales was a little confusing at times and didn't make for easy viewing. In addition I concluded that Michael Peterson was guilty and didn't need to see any more!!!!!! I did look it up online and it would appear there is/was some suspicion that the guy may have been involved in a previous staircase murder................
  18. Banks refusing to witness Life Certificates for UK Pension Service now? Bkk Bank has been doing that for a while now, so went to the local medical clinic where I had a wound dressed and got the receptionist to sign the form and stamp it with the clinic stamp........no problems and it was accepted by the pension people.
  19. Yes but we try our best with these trumpies anyway as we know they are not that smart!!
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