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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I thought I saw a movie called "Prisoner's Daughter", starring Brian Cox and Kate Beckinsale mentioned on here, but couldn't find it again. However I did download it and watch it and thought it was pretty good, so stayed with it until the end and was pleased that I did. On another note, on the BBC iPlayer I watched the movie, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" because I had never seen the movie, although I did go to a theatre in Auckland to see a live performance, and although I never took to it, it had a cult following whereby the audience (often the same one over and over again) would show up wearing costumes pertinent to the show and I believe it was the same in the UK? Anyway not my style so didn't watch it to the end; it was written by Richard O'Brien and starred Tim Curry, so it was very appropriate that they were appearing in a movie about Transylvanian transsexuals, when they both identified as exactly that a little later on.......transexuals, not Transylvanian!
  2. I might have to get onto that as I worked on several platforms in the North Sea and Norway, both production and construction, the latter being very, very dangerous despite all of the so-called "safety measures".
  3. I clicked on another link and saw a photograph of him and his girlfriend, and looking at his body made me feel sick – – not with envy but wondering why on earth someone would want to do that to their body, and indeed just how did they do it? He looked totally unnatural and paid the price for being so.
  4. Well, I'll give you a clue........they used to serve some pretty reasonable croque monsieur eats and also a cheese and ham croissant, both of which I liked to put pepper upon, as is my wont. But as I said in my previous post, my last few visits I have found the food very poor, and dominated by the sweet, sticky, carbohydrate stuff........and for your information, I do not put pepper on those!! I don't know what the hell you're raving on about in the rest of your post, as I never mentioned expense, or the students and youths who need their wages. So I have nothing to "get over", just voicing my opinion as I believe that's what these threads are for. Get a life.
  5. There's always something new to learn, and I have just seen that Vonoprazan is a fairly new drug to help with reflux, one that I'd never heard of before. I suffered from reflux for a few years until it got to the Barretts oesophagus stage, which my doctor was very worried about, so he did put me on omeprazole 40 mg twice a day and that did the trick, as well as getting some sleep aid with a low strength sleeping tablet for a short while. Mainly though the secret to my success was getting out of the rat race and moving here, because stress was a major concern for me. Nexium was launched as a "successor" to omeprazole and it was very expensive at the time, and there were concerns because whereas omeprazole was the standard treatment, the manufacturers of Nexium basically added another molecule to omeprazole, so it became esomeprazole – – and there were suggestions that this slight change didn't make much difference?? So to the OP, try doubling the omeprazole dose in the morning and/or take the 20 mg twice a day, and as my doctor informed me, I could go up to 40 mg twice a day, which I did. Also, lansoprazole sometimes seemed to work better for some folks than others, so that may be worth a try and it is the main ingredient in Prevacid, which can be easily obtained here. I don't need to take it any more, and I did find a natural "cure" which really seemed to help, namely, "d-limonene" and actually cleared up my Barretts oesophagus according to my NZ doctor when he did a gastroscopy on my last visit. Good luck dealing with this awful affliction, and there is some good information on this thread.
  6. Jeez, that's cheap scuba; I recently paid nearly 2000 baht to have that very same thing done at Bangkok Phuket hospital and it was all over and done with in less than 10 minutes.
  7. I'm sure that I read somewhere, that clothes like this are sprayed with formaldehyde (??) and/or a sort of permethrin to kill lice and bugs.
  8. Whatever the condition of Biden's brain, and folks of that age do suffer from forgetfulness, it would be in far better shape than trumps ever has been, or ever will be for that matter (if he ever had one). I can only hope that the previous POTUS carries on with his diet, so that all of the discussions about who will be nominated or win the next election, will be pointless.
  9. I am not a regular coffee drinker, in fact I might have one cup of coffee per month, if that, however Starbucks where I am was a regular meeting place to catch up with friends over a cup of tea and something to eat. Then of course Covid came along and everything changed, and my usual Starbucks in Patong closed down, and only recently opened again, so I caught up with a couple of friends there and I've got to say that the service and the quality of the food has gone downhill quite markedly – – in fact the majority of the food consists of high sugar carbohydrate crap and not what I need to keep my waistline in trim! As such they have lost a regular customer or three, and don't ask me to comment on the coffee because I rarely drink it and am no expert on the subject. As an afterthought, the senior management need to train the staff, in as much as when a couple of my local Starbucks stores ran out of pepper before Covid, I asked when they would have it back in, and I got blank stares, and then three years later I go into one of the shops I had previously visited and they still didn't have any?? Something stinks in the management of those shops and it's not the food, well not all anyway!
  10. So, being demolished as a bar complex...............and reopening as a bar complex!! Sounds very Thai LL.
  11. All in good fun LL, and on the subject of Tiger, any news on the grapevine of what's going to happen to it??
  12. Your post misses the point I was trying to make in my other post, inasmuch as I have known three of these girls for many years, a couple of them for over 10 years, and one of them is married to a friend of mine, so to be able to catch up with them was a pleasure – – and I always know what I am up for when buying drinks, and it is of no consequence to me as to the cost of such. Fortunately the horribly tattooed and muscular pole dancer wasn't there at the time, and even if she had been, because I didn't know the woman, I wouldn't have bought her a drink! Anyway LL, everyone to their own...........
  13. You make a good point and on more than one occasion I've been waiting at traffic lights on my scooter, complete with helmet and licence, and I have seen a police guy on a motorbike sitting next to a couple of Thais who have pulled up beside him, neither of them wearing crash helmets and he has done nothing – – I say more than one occasion but I could say I've seen this around 10 times or more. I have been tempted to tap the policeman on the shoulder and point to the guys, but thought better of it because who knows what their small minds are thinking and what might happen to me. There is no way whatsoever that the BIB will uphold active law enforcement and patrolling, because they are lazy, poorly trained and unsupervised.
  14. I think that's putting it a bit mildly, and if the other folks who support Biden are of a like mind to me, then the only fear we've got is letting a dumb, egotistical, lying, cheating scum bag (trump) become president again – – and that's a rational fear!
  15. Interesting comment about getting fleeced LL, and it happens all too easily if you're not careful. However last night I went out to eat (more about that later) and after I and my friends had finished they decided to go home so I took a wander up Bangla and much to my surprise it was crowded (again). I should have suspected this because the beach road was full of traffic from end to end, but of course that could have been because of the roadworks in the other Soi. I noticed a lot of folks in Bangla of Arabic and Indian descent, and Kangaroo Bar was full, whereas the last time I was out it was about half empty, and the same went for a couple of the other music bars which were also half empty, but the New York Bar was full and fairly humming, and my old favourite, Red Hot was only about half full and the band didn't appeal one iota, a lot different to the second band that usually comes on. I was considering heading home after eating at Blue Beach with two friends, which I didn't enjoy very much because the music was far too loud and we went there to catch up, but we couldn't hear each other across the table and the band was belting out the music, which made it virtually impossible to hear each other, which spoiled the evening for me. When I go out to eat and I have done so thousands of times in my life, I like to go with friends, have a chat, eat good food and drink good wine, have the occasional discussion and laugh, and then all is well with me and the world. But what I don't like is to have music blaring out which drowns out any hope of conversation and really doesn't have a place, IMO, in a restaurant – – if I wanted to hear music that loud I would go to a rock concert or similar. I enquired as to the days when this particular small band was on again and will make sure that I don't visit my favourite restaurant on those days. Sorted. Now back to my comment about getting fleeced.......I was considering going home after my dinner, but decided to wander over to the new Smiley Bar, mainly because I know a couple of the girls there and have known them for years, so I thought a chat would be in order with perhaps a nightcap drink. I wasn't considering buying them a drink, but as we got chatting away (and their English was good) and we had a few laughs, I bought a couple of rounds of drinks for the four of them and actually enjoyed the almost 1 hour I spent at the bar with them, so I didn't begrudge the drinks and I didn't consider myself being fleeced because I was willing to buy them drinks and they didn't ask for one. After that I trotted off home and had a decent night's sleep for once.
  16. Another specialist joins the thread, this time one who looks a lot like Clint Eastwood, so of course he would know! Even a Joe Biden with his forgetfulness and gaffes is a damn sight better than someone whose name begins with a T. Also it might help you if you knew a little bit more about dementia, and this is from a medical website: – Is Biden Suffering from Dementia? While we cannot diagnose President Biden without a thorough evaluation, there have been some concerns raised about his cognitive health. Again, it’s important to stress that his symptoms can also be caused by other conditions or simply be a normal part of aging. Only a qualified neurology specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Nao Medical.com
  17. Is it possible that there is something else behind this so-called depression?? I say this because even though the avatar shows a male (and a gay one at that from the movie "Shawshank Redemption) the avatar description says: – Gender. Female? Then in one of the posts the OP says that they prefer Filipino women? So I'm confused as to exactly what this poster is all about? Coming to terms with their sexuality could be a part of the "nervous breakdown/depression"?? Who knows.
  18. Same same as my experience with them!
  19. OOPS.....didn't look at the link!!
  20. Tefal do make a range of pots and pans that are suitable for induction cookers, and like any other pots and pans of their ilk they are made of some sort of aluminium mix, and they have steel studs embedded in the bottom of them which is why they work on induction cookers.
  21. I have been using an induction cooker for the majority of my cooking for more than 10 years and seem to manage well on the 800 W setting. I use frying pans and saucepans and have had no problem with Teflon peeling off, and anyway I have stopped buying Teflon coated pans these days and use the "marbled nonstick" cookware.
  22. And he does have some similarities to the previous POTUS, inasmuch as he is a lying, overweight plonker.
  23. I see no reason for them not to take their chattels and branded stuff with them when they go to a new location, after all they belong to the owner, and in many cases a bar will have been in, say for example Bangla, for many years and has become well-known and a bit of a focal point, so that's building up their "brand" so to speak, so good to keep it. Smiley Bar is a good example of that as it has been around for almost 20 years and is well known, and only changed positions because of a new ownership agreement with a couple of friends. Offshore Bar, I'm not sure about, but again it was a well-known bar years ago. I also believe that there are bars which close down and move elsewhere, not only because the rent has increased, but because the business has dropped off, and in some cases, quite markedly, so they're hoping to resurrect that by moving elsewhere – – but often as not it doesn't happen like that.
  24. I have got an Aussie friend of mine who has come down from Chiang Mai, so will be out to eat tomorrow, probably at Blue Beach and then a wander around Bangla, but not too late as I've decided to curtail my late evenings in that place. Driving down Nanai, apart from being a nightmare now that the roadworks are directing traffic into it, I noticed a few things happening, inasmuch as the building which was the "Loft" restaurant is having a bit of a makeover, which I did mention before, but it looks like the rooms above it are being tidied up/made ready for occupancy, so it'll be interesting to see what this becomes. The old guy who "caretakes" the hotel named "Chang Residence" by virtue of the fact that he stays inside the locked downstairs compound, has told me that it has closed completely and that he is out of a job, not that it was ever much of one anyway, but it seemed to provide him with a place to bed down at night. Often I would take some food over to him and a few other odds and ends, but now I'm not sure what will happen to him? I did mention a bar that was undergoing some sort of renovation, and it was called "Ting Tong Bar" but now it has had a complete makeover and is called "Hurricane Rock Bar" and it looks like it's got a new owner, but the decor is appalling IMO, because it's all black, from the floor to the tables to the "chairs" which look like they've been made out of repurposed oil drums, and of course it's right next door (actually attached) to a fairly successful bar which has its fair share of wifebeater wearing customers, called "Offshore Bar". Today they were tying up balloons outside because it was obviously an opening party which they were getting ready for, and of course there will always be a few mongers who will attend the balloon parties because the drinks can sometimes be cheap or even free on occasion, and possibly some food, but after that initial opening has died down it will be interesting to see how it fares. Very quiet out and about now apart from the traffick in Nanai, and judging by what I've seen, more businesses will be finding it very difficult, indeed a small coffee and waffle shop just inside of Nanai 6 has closed and the small massage shop next door to it hasn't had much if any business in the last couple of months. Low season and hard times are in the offing, despite the short upturn a few months ago.
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