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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. The problem is that they float when you put them in your cup of tea!!
  2. I feel sorry for you as you seem unable to understand that what Clarence Thomas has done is totally unethical and compromises his position; but then again you might just be a MAGA nut, a shill, or someone who just doesn't understand the simple aspects of ethics.
  3. So, what we seem to have, according to you, is a safe method of generating electricity, which may well be the case, however that doesn't take into consideration the dangers to the miners and those who die from cancer is alarming, in fact..... "They reported that a miners' life expectancy was twenty years after entering the mine, and about 75 percent of the miners died of lung cancer". Not a good look for the miners, and also of course there's the problem with the tailings which destroy surrounding wildlife and pollute rivers, along with killing people. Then of course is the fact that the nuclear waste remains radioactive for thousands of years, and mankind hasn't found a safe way to deal with this, just kicks the can down the road, so Earth is being seeded with a contaminant so powerful that it could destroy mankind, and we doesn't know what to do with it (safely). That to me is the reason we must seek out other ways to generate electricity. Not much point in my continuing this, as you have your view and I have mine, and as the saying goes "ne'er the twain shall meet".
  4. Obviously a nuclear power supporter, and your "answers" gloss over too much.......e.g. mining for uranium far more dangerous and as for spent nuclear fuel, then it doesn't become "safe" for thousands of years Burying it is still the option taken, so is unsafe in that environment due to circumstances beyond our control, water table or not.
  5. Not sure the idea to get kids killing feral cats was too bright, however there is nothing to stop a campaign getting underway which precludes kids from the hunt. They are indeed one hell of a nuisance and are indiscriminate killers at the best of times, so god knows what these feral ones are like – – get rid of the buggers, and as soon as possible, wouldn't be soon enough.
  6. They are just a bunch of dogs..............and even that is too kind a description.
  7. So you have no problem with justice Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, telling lies and being unethical in his financial affairs. Doesn't reflect well, and I hope he gets called out big time (or should I say, bigly) but then again the GOP are a spineless bunch of crooks so will probably protect their own, or maybe MTG can issue a statement in his defence – – yeah right! PS. It could well become a legal issue if he is found guilty of defrauding the IRD with regards to tax being paid.
  8. They can't help themselves, and to quote the "scorpion and the frog" fable, it's in their nature. A news channel which bases itself on inaccurate news and lies, will attract personnel with the same failings, and that will never change.
  9. You can eat them whole and they are available in supermarkets here....... Pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients which help to reduce an enlarged prostate. Firstly, they contain protective compounds called phytosterols, which have been found to help reduce an enlarged prostate. Their rich zinc content is another reason why pumpkin seeds are considered to be good for prostate health.
  10. I have so far watched two episodes of a brilliant series on BBC iPlayer, called "Berlin 1945" and it is actual footage of the Russian advance on Berlin, and eventually of the taking of Berlin and the deaths of Hitler and his hierarchy, with more to come. Nothing is spared, dead bodies and all and there was one particularly poignant sentence in the second episode which really did hit home, when one Russian soldier, in the midst of fierce fighting, was quoted as saying, "why did they do it, why did they invade us, what was the reason?". I suppose the Ukrainians could be asking the same thing now about the Russians. Just a warning for the faint of heart, because in the first episode there is footage of what was found at a couple of the concentration camps, and it is not pretty at all, in fact it is disgusting that one human could do this to another, with body, upon body, upon body, looking no more than a grotesque rotting human carcass being piled into a mass grave.
  11. I bought an Apple SE (second hand) a couple of years back on Lazada (or EBay??) and it's going fine, not that I use it for anything else other than phone calls and messages, although I have used the camera on a couple of occasions. My computer handles all of my emails and other stuff, and because I get quite a few emails, I don't want them following me around on an iPhone or similar. So this Apple SE is fine and should it decide to pack up then I will go back to my old Nokia 3710 flip phone, which I think is absolutely gorgeous. Sorted.
  12. So why doesn't this inorganic mineral buildup which you say calcifies on the prostate due to improper diet and drinking water, happen elsewhere? After all, elements of the diet and drinking impure water start in the throat, then the stomach, then the intestines, also the kidneys and the bladder, not to mention the urethra, are associated with water/fluid transfer – – so why no buildup in those places?? The only calcification found in prostates is that which is due to infection in the prostate which hasn't been eliminated/dealt with successfully. Pleased that you are free of BPH, but I don't think your analysis "holds water" (as the saying goes) and as for drinking your own urine, well...... Drinking your own urine isn't advisable. It can introduce bacteria, toxins, and medications into your system. There's no reason to think that drinking urine would benefit your health in any way. There are much more effective routes for getting a high dose of vitamins and minerals.Mar 21, 2561 BE What Are the Risks and Benefits of Drinking Urine? - Healthline https://www.healthline.com › health › drinking-urine
  13. And if nothing shows up, as is often the case in nonbacterial prostatitis, where then? After that it becomes a case of eliminating other causes and settling on something which "seems" to be the cause.
  14. Well, I think that's about the first post of yours that I've ever liked! However that also describes me and although I do have a couple of female "friends", the idea of anything even like permanent or more than an hour or two, is an anathema to me. Single and content to be so.
  15. But he is totally thick as two short planks.........a product of the education system here, or how positions can be bought.
  16. Yes, I think you're right there Denim, because in the other parts of Thailand to which I have ventured I have never seen the likes of the drongos, dropouts, deadbeats and drunks that I have experienced here in Patong, so that's why I have a very small and select circle of friends. I go out only in the evening once a week to catch up with friends and have a bit of a lair up and will visit a couple of bars with these friends, but I'm not a big beer drinker and certainly wouldn't go to a bar in the daytime. I have a friend who is a "functioning alcoholic" and when he runs out of money to buy a half-decent bottle of red wine, he buys the cheapest and nastiest 2 L bottles of wine he can possibly find. I have done him a few favours, as he has done me, however I'm not a close friend and certainly wouldn't go on the binges that he and his mates do. I'm happy with my own company, sampling some nice wines and going out and about during the daytime, taking the car for a drive, or pottering around Patong on my motorbike, or going for bona fides massages, as well as spending far too much time on the computer staying in touch with friends in the UK, Australia and NZ. Normal? Well I think so for a 76-year-old, but then again..........
  17. That's pretty much my routine Moonlover, whereby I empty the bladder via a catheter at around 11 PM before I turn in for the night, and I can sleep right through until 9 o'clock in the morning. The urologist at Bumrungrad recommended that I use a catheter, and that I should try and keep the fluid in the bladder down to 400 ml and below, but very difficult to do that unless I self cath two or three times a day, which I'm not prepared to do. So like you I try and keep the fluids down during the day, although I will not forsake my half bottle of wine and a glass of port in the evening (bad boy, I know) with my meal, but I do get by with the occasional dribble during the day which probably takes the pressure off the bladder, not that I can feel it anyway. Just today I got his report out of the drawer and studied it in more depth and did some more Internet research and have come across a tablet which is supposed to assist the bladder to regain elasticity/feeling, so I'm going to do a little research and contact him to see if I can get onto that for a trial period.
  18. The problem is that the trump supporters et al. don't have the capacity to think outside of the Maga influence, so what is a very clear case of dishonesty/corruption just doesn't register with them; pitiful.
  19. LOL, I thought about posting something to that effect but didn't want to in case it offended some people!! Never mind, all taken in the right context.????
  20. No, the man is an idiot, which is not unusual in this country in people who occupy high status, I'm afraid.
  21. Mmmm, that is terrible and a bit of a worry for me because my Thai daughter and ex-GF are attending a traditional Thai funeral in Bang Rakam today.
  22. As I think I mentioned on another post, if I had my time again, and judging by the mixed feedback from those who have had the Rezum treatment, I would certainly opt for Urolift, even if it meant travelling to another country to have it done. IMO it would be worth investigating an overseas hospital which carries it out (Singapore, India etc) and determining the cost of everything all up. After all, you have the rest of your life to consider. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  23. To quote, or misquote lines from a song: – "Every move you make, every lie you fake, every vow you break, we'll be watching you".
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