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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. IMO that is a worry because some governments in the past when they haven't been doing too well at home, need a diversion to take the peoples gaze/attention away from those problems, and to "unite" the people against a common enemy. In addition, ofttimes, the act of going to war and gearing up for it, can stimulate the economy – – more jobs, more money. Frightening thought.
  2. Totally agree with your post, and anybody that can't see that China poses perhaps the greatest threat here, is living in an alternative universe. They will seize anything they can, even if it's in the territorial waters of another country, and if they don't do that they will extend very large loans (as they have done in the Pacific Islands, which is very worrying for me) to countries in which they wish to establish a base, knowing full well that the loans can never be repaid, thereby seizing assets to compensate – – conquering by money and stealth. So no problem for me that Pelosi decides to go to Taiwan, however the only problems I have are with the whole of the US government, inasmuch as previously there was a dumb, lying, cheat as a president, whose supporters included "the proud boys" and "the oath keepers" and who tried to overturn democracy in the US, only to be replaced by Joe "bumbling" Biden, who looks as if he should be followed by an ambulance wherever he goes, and Nancy Pelosi likewise. Surely, this once great nation (many decades ago I will admit) can do better than this?
  3. There seems to be no end to these nut jobs, and I wonder if it's because they are just stupid, or because they are in it for the fame and money? Perhaps he believes it, but the proof is there for all to see, so why broadcast lies and rubbish in much the same manner as the Anti-vaxxers have done? Someone should do the world a favour and have him put down, one way or another. just as a reminder:- for years the bombastic, far-right Infowars founder ranted to his millions of followers that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, that children weren't killed and that parents were crisis actors in an elaborate ruse to force gun control.
  4. I like the French Elle & Vire unsalted butter, which I buy from Big C here.
  5. I do believe that in many cases the guy does not like being alone or is totally incapable of looking after himself. I had a friend like that in England and he was so useless after his divorce that he couldn't even open a can, so you can imagine what his meals looked like. of course he had to get married again, and he did. Worse than that, a guy I know here has been married six times, five in the UK and once here, and he's now living with another Thai woman whom he wants to marry, but she is still married to a guy living in Italy and he can't be traced, and she doesn't seem that keen to follow-up on it anyway. So if he had his way, he would be married seven times – – totally unbelievable IMO, and although he is relatively well off, he would be difficult to live with because he has a snappy temper and is tight as the proverbial ducks ar- -, so perhaps the girl is wise not to. I was married once the UK and it was the biggest mistake of my life, so I would never do it again.
  6. In the case of the poor victims, it was a bullet each. Seems like a well-planned operation, and not just a local marital-type tiff.
  7. Even though my health insurance is expensive these days, and I know that because I've just renewed it for the coming year at 146,000 baht, I'm not sure that I want to do without it at the moment. I was lucky enough to take it out with BUPA here just before the age of 60, and they guaranteed that the policy would cover me up to the age of 100 and I have got that in writing (if that makes any difference) and of course they have now been taken over by Aetna and they are still renewing my policy at the age of 75 this year, so hopefully it will last until I reach the ton, if indeed I want to! I did try to switch when I noticed that the premiums were increasing quite markedly, but at the time I investigated the market here, including Pacific Cross, I'd had a few medical conditions which fell into the "pre-existing" category, so would have been excluded in my ongoing coverage, and I didn't want this, especially as one of them was for an enlarged aorta, so I needed future coverage, hence staying with Aetna. Although my cover is for just over 1 million baht, I am fortunate enough to have some investments in NZ which I can draw on if necessary, or of course there is always the option to travel back to NZ and get medical care, given the fact that I am an NZ citizen, so I think I have got my options covered. I suppose I was lucky enough back before my 60th birthday to research my options and duration of policy/coverage, so that has stood me in good stead so far.
  8. Found another movie that I'd never heard of before, called, "High Life", starring Robert Pattinson and Juliet Binoche, so thought I'd give it a try, and the best that I can say about it is, that it is different, odd, strange and disturbing in places, however I thought I would watch it through to the end to see the conclusion! Feedback welcome.
  9. I came across a movie I'd never heard of before, starring Johnny Depp and Forest Whitaker, called "City of Lies" so I decided to download it. Based on a true story and IMO it was good, although I don't think that the IMDb rating was particularly high.
  10. So the Pope goes to Canada to apologise! To apologise for the fact that the Catholic Church has been a haven for paedophiles/sex offenders and whatever else fits that category for centuries, and nothing has been done about it. But to apologise for what has been found out as regards the treatment of children in schools in Canada, so I find it hypocritical that someone who by his very position, defends the fact that the Catholic Church is riddled with corruption of all sorts, when it goes to great lengths to hide and cover up the evil practices which have gone on in that place for centuries – – evil in itself. Even as far back as the 16th century, the Catholic Church was known for its paedophilia and similar practices, and yet now many centuries later it still prevails. Fast forward to the turn of this century when the Boston Globe investigated the very same thing in its local catholic churches and found a history of cover-up and denial, whereby offenders were moved to other areas so that they could be hidden and start their evil ways again. Rotten to the core, and an apology from an overfed/corpulent Pope will do nothing to change the ways of this evil institution.
  11. I should have looked again at my post, because thinking that the government might do something which would not only help the farmers, but would help the air quality, reduce allergies amongst the people and also improve their health, as well as helping the climate – – silly me.
  12. There has to be a better way of getting rid of the rice stubble, or whatever it is and I'm surprised that the government hasn't come to the aid of the farmers with some sort of rotary ploughing machine which rips the stuff up and buries it in the ground. There is no place in the world for this massive burning which takes place, and really no excuse for it given that we are in 2022 and we are well aware of the problems with climate change and similar, not to mention the health problems that come with the smoke.
  13. Pic of me (front right facing) on the NZ grade 5 around the early nineties!!
  14. Yes it can be, and I have done a few white water rafting trips in NZ, mostly on the lower ranked runs, however I did try a level 5 and nearly died!!! Although I was fully kitted up, the rafter leader said that we were going over a couple of high rocks and would drop down with the water, and there was a 50% chance the raft would overturn (or thereabouts), and it did, and in the struggle to get out from under the raft and find some air, I was pushed over to the far side of this particular stretch, which had a sort of cliff face, under which the water was gushing, and it was gushing. They'd had some problems there in the past so hanging from this rockface were a couple of ropes with knots in, on which to hang, so I grabbed hold of one and hung on for dear life, all the while with the current pushing me against the rock and underneath it, which terrified me. A couple of guys managed to throw a rope to me which was supported by miniature buoys, and it drifted my way and I gladly grabbed hold of it, and was pulled to the other side of the river. I was exhausted and needed some time to get my breath back before we set off again. I learned later on in the day that this was the most dangerous part of the river and just a couple of months previous to that a young man had died when the raft went over in exactly the same place, however he didn't surface, and he was later found (obviously dead) under the water with his foot wedged between a couple of rocks, so even the small lifejacket didn't help. Moral of the story: – great to experience this on some of the lower ranked rivers, however if you get up to the number five river, then be prepared for some danger.
  15. Well we're going to have to disagree aren't we, because although the cast may have been good, the acting wasn't, nor was the plot, nor IMO the movie, hence my comment. As regards your next comment, well I like to know what I'm supposed to be watching and knowing what type of movie it is, makes it more enjoyable for me......give me an action movie so that I can enjoy and appreciate the action, give me a comedy so that I can enjoy the comedy, but don't present a childlike mishmash of a movie with comic-like scenes when it is supposed to be an action thriller and expect me to like it.
  16. Not at all, and it seems you've missed my point, because if I was watching a comedy and knew it was supposed to be a comedy then I'm sure I would enjoy it, however if I was watching what is supposed to be a CIA/spy movie, but it is nothing more than a CGI/Marvel rubbish nonsense juvenile flick, with very little going for it, then that's the difference. The skill of the moviemaker, the actors, and the subject makes it for me, and this one just didn't cut the mustard, whatever it was supposed to be!
  17. I don't know Giddyup as have never watched movies like that as I don't like them. For me, I either watch something which is pure fantasy, and know it to be that, like "Lord of the rings" for example, or straightforward movies with plots etc and those with a believable storyline and action. For that reason I don't watch the likes of Spider-Man/Marvel movies/similar, however give me a good movie like "Bridge of Spies" or "The Shawshank Redemption and "Castaway" and I'll be happy!!
  18. IMO, this movie was an absolute pile of cr@p with a totally improbable storyline, which almost makes it a fairy story with the amount of ridiculous action scenes. Furthermore after watching it through to the very end, I still don't understand it, and for many it seems that it was just a nonsense. Whatever it was supposed to be, it comes nowhere near the good CIA/Black Ops/spy movies of the past, those without all of the totally unrealistic "action" scenes. It should have been labelled a comic – strip movie.
  19. Yes I can also highly recommend this Dr, and although he didn't cure my problem, he did all the tests to ascertain exactly what the problem was, which no one else had been able to do up until that point. Nice clean hospital with good, friendly and attentive staff, and Dr Charuspong is a caring individual and speaks very good English.
  20. My mistake Giddyup, as I thought it was a series, but am pleased that it's not, because I rather prefer a movie where I can remember everything that has gone on previously, whereas with a series it's not so easy.......
  21. Same here, and I wasn't expecting much of it, however I did enjoy it which was a nice surprise – – aiming to watch the first episode of "Grey Man" tonight, although some feedback has been mixed..............
  22. I noticed in another thread that it was said, "Phuket is being boosted by Indian/Arab visitors" or words to that effect, and although I haven't been out to Bangla/night-time for two weeks because of this damned sinus infection, a friend went out a couple of days ago as he had been away for two months, and remarked how many Indian and Arab folks were around the place. He said there were quite a few small groups walking up and down Bangla, but none in the bars, which has been fairly commonplace over the years, and it got me thinking that although visitor numbers from those countries are up, I don't think spend will see the same incremental increase. A while back I was thinking that Patong in particular was on the up and up, however I don't think that is the case at the moment, judging from the feedback I've had from a few small businesses I know of. One lady massage parlour owner is into some pretty big debts to the local "moneylenders" and has fled her shop and is hiding out somewhere, whereas another delightful lady I know who owns two such shops is struggling big time with just about no business to speak of. A small bona fide massage parlour near me has been closed now for about a month and I've no idea why, however couple of small bars nearby have also been closed for a while, one of them which has seen several reincarnations, all unsuccessful. In addition, the Italian restaurant nearby has been closed for a while, although a sign on it said that it was closed for the holidays?? Having said that, the furniture appears to have all been moved out as have some of the fixtures and fittings? Also I have noticed that the number of shoppers in Big C has dropped from what it was even a couple of months ago, so all round I don't think the uptick which I had written about previously, is being sustained, despite the TAT "positive spin". Although one has to remember that it is the "low season" so millions of visitors and billions of baht are not the normal expectation for this time of the year. However one high note for those people who love kebabs and similar, is the fact that my friend was very surprised by the number of kebab shops, not to mention those of Indian/Arabic origin, that have opened up in Soi Sansabi and I do believe there was mention of it by another poster, Patong2, who visited the newly opened Arabic restaurant on the corner of that road and Rat-u-thid. I am keen to get out again and sample the food at Blue Beach Bar and Restaurant, and have a nosy around Bangla, so I'll give it a few more days to make sure this damned sinusitis/allergy/whatever has cleared before doing so.
  23. It was mentioned in a follow up article that he had skin cancer.......not serious as a rule and very commonplace, in sunny climes.
  24. I wasn't suggesting that you missed anything, just pointing out that once the word "serious" was added before the word "Covid", then that would have been factual. He is prone to the occasional verbal gaffe, but IMO because of age rather than purposely lying or being dumb, as per his predecessor.
  25. I concur with your sentiments, however reading about his malaise really has brought it home to me that at 79 years old, he is not a sharp and steady man (with respect). Despite a few comments to the contrary, I believe he's a good president, however at his age, and he certainly shows it in many ways, is he really the president the US needs at the moment, especially after the last clown in office. I wish him a speedy recovery, and I also hope that the US can line up a few good strong Democrats in the coming local elections and for the future presidential race.
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