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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Such a sad post for decent and intelligent people, and shows the mindset of many of the supporters of the crooked, dumb and right wing former president.
  2. Well just about everyone knows what is in trumps mind, and it relates to the expression that "he is dumb as a bag of rocks", so what little space was left was dedicated to spurring on his mindless followers – – there you have it, plain and simple for all to see, apart from those so blind that they will not see! Cheers!
  3. You scored an own goal, or shot yourself in the foot as the saying goes, because even if you believe that trump didn't incite a riot, he knew full well what result his actions would have, and when you have some brainless individuals and far right idiots in the crowd, then it's not hard to understand what the outcome would be – – and indeed it was a disgrace and despite trump supporters here trying to defend it, there is no defence. I'm sincerely hoping that a lot of people will get jail time for this, even the "dumb as a bag of rocks" ex-president, because it's no more than he deserves. It's not hard to see the staunch trump supporters on this thread, and I would bet good money that there are even some of them who still believe that the Democrats were running a satanic cult out of a pizza parlour...
  4. That is a nonsense and proof is not needed of intent, just proof that the threat was uttered. Of course one could argue that the erecting of a hangman's noose and several rioters dressed in combat gear and carrying "wrist ties", meant that they were there for a picnic – – yeah right. Get real.
  5. I repeat.............. And this from a reporter at the scene:- I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor. It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed. Whatever different spin you wish to put on the "Hang Pence" chant, a threat, whether a threat of intent or threat of any sort, is an offence which can result in jail time. No need to excuse it, or try to whitewash it, it happened, it was recorded, and it was inexcusable.
  6. The problem being that trump supporters have been used to listening to nonsense and lies throughout his time in office, so it's become ingrained in them, or maybe it's even genetic, which is why they support him? Whatever the reason it really is hard to believe that there are people who have little or no respect for the truth, and ignore facts that are plainly and clearly presented and there for all intelligent folk to see. How on earth did the US get to this state.
  7. It was a threat of intent to hang the Vice president........and a gallows was erected. A threat or an intent to harm is an offence which can mean jail time in your "good ol US of A" so I hope they get jail time. Also some were filmed with "wrist ties"........for what peaceful purpose I wonder???????? How on earth anyone can condone this behaviour is unbelievable. And this from a reporter at the scene:- I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor. It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed. This and much more on Snopes……. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hang-mike-pence-chant-capitol-riot/
  8. As well as cutting down the wage bill, therefore freeing up funds for other things and perhaps other players.
  9. What planet are you from? The January 6 storming of Capitol Hill and the shouts of "Hang Pence" along with the violence which ensued was a disgrace, a disgrace to the whole American nation, orchestrated and driven by Trump and his "boys", and many Republican supporters, and it was tantamount to treason. How on earth anybody can refer to this as "pre-emptive propaganda" is beyond comprehension.
  10. Yes I thought it was pretty good, and am waiting for the next few episodes to drop so that I can continue watching. What I did find interesting was the correlation between some characters in this series and some in the "Young Guns" film, namely: the lawyer named McSweeney, John Tunstall, the baddie, Murphy, and a couple of scenes, especially one where Billy the Kid removes a few bullets from another gunfighters gun so he has the edge on him. These could be fact or just being copied from other movies??
  11. Thanks for the feedback Mike, however it wasn't just MF's Scouse accent, it was just about every Scouse accent, and I don't want to have to work that hard to understand what's going on. Anyway, as I said I really enjoyed the doco on ancient Britain and although Neil Oliver is a Scot, it's not a broad accent and he speaks very clearly so I understood every word!
  12. Thought I would have a go at watching the series on BBC iPlayer called, "The Responder" with Martin Freeman as it has been highly rated but.......couldn't be bothered to finish even the first episode because for me the Liverpudlian accent made it very difficult to understand, so I switched over to one of their other series (documentary) with Neil Oliver going over the history of ancient Britain, which I did like!!
  13. My thanks again to Liverpool Lou and Moonlover, because I have just ordered something from Lazada, and I did what was suggested by both of you gentlemen, even though I couldn't remember the name I used on my original card (I sometimes include my middle name/initial and sometimes I don't) and it worked because my order was accepted!!!! I can now go back to Bangkok Bank and cancel my credit card application, which was going to take two months to arrive anyway AND they made me put another 20,000 baht into my 800 K immigration account to cover it, so that can go back into my savings account! Well done to all.
  14. I just loved the steam trains when I was a lad and travelled all around the UK, well the southern part anyway, getting the numbers of these wonderful beasts and also trying to get inside the cabs, which I did on many occasions. When I moved to New Zealand I vowed to go on the Trans Alpine Express steam train which connects the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand to the West Coast, but never got round to it, however it's still something I want to do. Went on the Bluebell line many years ago and not sure if it's still running? So perhaps I'm the last of a generation that loved steam trains, not sure about that?
  15. Many thanks for your feedback, Liverpool Lou and Moonlover, and I'm pretty sure I tried before and every time I try to pay by debit card, they ask me for the name on the card, and my name is not on the card (or my SCB debit card) as they don't put names on debit cards, only credit cards. Anyway, the next time I order something from Lazada, I'll give it a go, so thanks for the replies from both of you.
  16. Nice words, and IMO and experience here in Thailand, the banks are a long way off being able to do anything like this, in fact they would be in the equivalent of the "dark ages". Some examples: – – I cannot set up a direct debit/credit from my Bangkok Bank to my Aetna health insurance company, because according to Aetna, "the systems won't talk to each other". – I went to Bangkok Bank yesterday to set up a credit card and after filling in all of the forms which took over half an hour, the woman then suggested I would have to wait two months before I got the card! – When I was with SCB, I went into the banking chamber to enquire after something on my account, and the personal banker (behind a desk) asked me to put in my password etc, so I went round to her side of the desk, which she allowed me to do, and pulled up another seat whilst I did this, however things weren't working as they should have done. So after about five minutes the woman said she had to go to the toilet and left me sitting behind her desk (yes behind her desk in the banking chamber) messing around with my account. About 15 minutes went by and I she didn't return, so I beckoned to another staff member in the banking chamber to ask what had happened to the woman, and she promptly replied that she had gone to lunch!!!! So I was left sitting in the banking chamber, behind a desk, with no explanation or customer service whatsoever. It's no wonder that I left that bank. – When I need to get my banking statements for proof of funds in my Bangkok Bank account (for immigration purposes), they have to send to head office to get them, which means a wait of about 5 to 7 days, and last time it was even longer. – Yesterday a staff member at Bangkok Bank kept pestering me to buy insurance, and I told her that I had enough funds in my bank here and in NZ to be able to cover me and my daughter, and anyway I had health insurance here, and my daughter would inherit my NZ funds if I should depart this mortal coil. So I didn't need any insurance, but she was persistent, and by that I mean PERSISTENT and eventually she said, "well if you don't need it, then if you buy it, it will help me" (meaning commission I would think) and I told her that I was Chief Manager of a major bank in NZ, and I knew what she was doing and that I didn't like it, and no way was I going to buy any insurance from her. I left SCB because of the episode I mentioned above, and there are times when I consider leaving Bangkok Bank, however I have my overseas pensions paid into this bank and I don't want to go through all of that rigmarole again, but on the positive side, the floor manager is a nice guy and has helped me on occasion, so that's why I stay, but there are times when I am close to leaving that bank.
  17. Probably one of the funniest series I've ever seen and downloaded some a short while ago.....must download more now you come to mention it!!!
  18. I find that interesting, so may I ask a question of you? I would love to pay on Lazada by debit card, but have never found the "way/process" to do it on (or maybe I've missed it) so how do you go about that, as up to now I've been using my NZ credit card, which is not ideal as you can imagine. Thanks in advance.
  19. I really don't read much at all, best if I rephrase that by saying I don't read anything these days, apart from the online newspaper from NZ. The last book I started to read was, "Sapiens" by Uval Noah Harari, and only got about a quarter of the way through that before I stopped, and it's on my sideboard now waiting to be restarted. I have a couple of books by Dee Brown in my collection, dealing with the American West and I found those very interesting. Bill Bryson is another one I have somewhere around, as is the Richard Dawkins book, "The God Delusion". I have a few books on wine, and in particular Jancis Robinson's "Encyclopaedia of Wine". I keep saying to myself that I must get back to the "Sapiens" book, but never seem to get round to it.
  20. So a country that does not want to be invaded, and its land "stolen" is "extremist" in your view?? So based on that, you would call the French opposition to the fact that the Germans invaded them, and occupied their land, as "extremist"??
  21. Thank you......watched "The Take" last night and thought it was great. I don't know anyone who does evil/nasty villains and criminals quite like Tom Hardy, and his acting in this miniseries was a testament to his acting craft. I did watch another of his movies called, "Locke" in which he was none of the above mentioned, but it was a superb performance by him.
  22. Nonsense, I don't have a bias one way or the other, but waiting for many minutes, and actually going to another checkout queue, because someone in the front has tried many times to pay a bill with their smart phone, and not succeeded, just shows that supposedly simple things, do not work for everybody. It would be great if it was as quick as it is supposed to be, but often as not, it isn't. Maybe I pick the queues with more than its fair share of halfwits in it!
  23. I must have been terribly unlucky in encountering more than my fair share of halfwits because so many times I have waited in line behind people who are trying to pay bills with their smart phones, in the likes of Starbucks and Tops, and they seem unable to do so. Cash or debit card are my preferred methods and as you say, are all quick and easy.
  24. My dad served in Montgomery's eighth Army in Libya (Alamein) then was part of the force which landed in Italy and proceeded northwards, however I never did get to find out all of his exploits/service, which now saddens me tremendously (although I did get to see his war medals). He didn't say anything about the war or his role in it and really spoke nothing about it whatsoever, and come to that he really didn't speak to me throughout my childhood and youth, and I wonder now if that was because of his experiences during WW2? It's only now that I have gotten older that I regret not trying to communicate better with him, or to encourage him to do likewise with me. Sadly, when he died, I wanted to have his war medals so that I would have something to remember him by, however they were "disappeared" when I went to search for them. So I have no experience of real wartime, although I did have a loaded pistol put to my head in Libya, by an irate Libyan soldier and thought that was my last minute on earth, and now when I think back to the war that our folks had to fight for our freedom, I feel saddened indeed, but grateful that they made the sacrifice for us/our future.
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