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Everything posted by rwill

  1. I mostly shop Makro online now. 60 baht delivery fee is less than what I would spend for fuel to get there and back. Plus no waiting in line.
  2. Looking at the drawing it looks like they are planning observation platforms too. With plenty of parking I would imagine...
  3. If there is any THC in his bloodwork you know that will get the blame.
  4. Which will all lead to more unlicensed drivers on the road. Which will mean more uninsured drivers on the rood.
  5. Well the restaurants that get orders online like grab or food panda get hit quite hard by the charges. To make money on the order they either have to charge more or give smaller portions than what you would get eating there.
  6. If you are talking about chains like Boots and Watsons they charge more than the local pharmacies. Part of it probably has to do with having to pay more for their space in a mall.
  7. Change the regulation and then do nothing anyway.
  8. Both Pfizer and Moderna have already done so but it is going thru testing/approval right now. And even if they become available in other countries by then will Thailand once again drag their feet in obtaining them?
  9. So they are giving them to girls who for the most part are not menustrating yet but not to those who are. Makes sense.
  10. I read on a shipping site that customs exemption was for items less than 1,500 baht and less than a kilo in wieght. Unless they contain prohibited or restricted items. I try to keep packages small and light and never have a problem receiving them. The exception to the exemption is when your package arrives with UPS or DHL. They like to create problems that don't exsist. In my experience UPS is the worst offender. But I read others here saying DHL is bad. I have had many packages arrive with DHL no problem at all. A couple of things DHL sent me an email and said they needed a copy of an ID, a description in Thai of the item, and a purchase receipt copy. But I received them no problem after that. UPS has on a few occasions demanded that I either mail them my passport or bring it to the customs office at the airport to get my package delivered. Once was for a box of candy canes.
  11. About 4 years ago we were staying at a hotel in Nonthaburi. My wife is somewhat claustrophobic and doesn't really like going in elevators. We were on the 6th floor or so and decided to go down the stairwell. When we turned to go to the ground level floor there were boxes and other junk completely blocking the door. So we had to exit on the second floor and take the elevator down.
  12. My wife kept getting called with a recorded message. Something about people were reporting problems with her phone and she needed to contact them to fix it.
  13. It's an optional field. You could leave it blank if you wanted too.
  14. If you look at the side panel it list one ingredient. Whole Soy Bean 100%

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