It was probably worthwhile to see if people vaccinated over 40 years ago still had some protection or not. That does not mean though the vaccine given more recently would not be effective. Just like they have annual influenza vaccinations.
They were showing the video on Thai TV about 2 days ago now. The driver waited for 2 motorcylces to clear and took off. I guess he didn't see the third one.
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They were also saying he drove over one of them again as he continued on. Sort of looks like the vehicle was just sort of slowly rolling on after the impact.
If I answer this am I sheep? I want to know.
Lots of times I am the one initiating the clinking of glasses. It is for commraderie, fun, and I guess to turn everyone else at the table into sheep.
Join in. It's for fun.
For $50 they do. It is basically just a notorization of your statement of address.
As others have already said you can get it from your local immigration office for free. But need more paperwork and a photo now.
I don't see anywhere where it says they ran into the back of the truck. Perhaps they were passing a slow vehicle just as it was making a turn.
No way to know what happened for sure from one photo of the aftermath.
Go to the manufacturers website or facebook page and send them a message about the new model year and when you can order it.
Lots of years the changes are mainly cosmetic. Some years there will be major upgrades.
If they have too many in stock why would you have to wait at all?
Basically you are going to get what you order. If you want the newer model you will have to wait until they start taking orders for it.