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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Well Putin certainly used the same excuse for invading Ukraine almost verbatim Putin in some ways is worse imo I don’t think hitler emptied his prisons armed the criminals and sent them to attack his neighbors…..Putin did
  2. Careful with your gas lighting you might blow yourself up.a lot of what ifs and a few stones cast at others …..sad
  3. Another words Mike is safe for the moment as long as he does trump’s bidding not necessarily what’s good for America the Russian/Republican Party is sinking fast in my personal opinion it bears little resemblance to what it was …..sad
  4. Whattt???are you saying we aren’t protecting her flanks anymore leaving her open to irans tender mercy?no you are conflating our absolute horror at Israel’s decision to continue bombing a trapped population and exerting pressure to stop.back on subject….its kinda fun to watch the republicans desperately squirm and wiggle their way out of this it’s gonna cost them big time!!ahhh you trumpers tired of winning yet ??oh boy!!
  5. Oh but I have heck I’m a lesbian trapped in a mans body lol 😝 I spent the better part of my youth absolutely obsessed with the joy of enjoying (the lady parts)and I’m still enjoying the person attached to those parts!!
  6. Me thinks perhaps the lady’s know their way around the lady parts better than us guys enjoy yourselves lol
  7. Excellent !! That gun show loophole will save lives here in the states and put a crimp on the drug cartels getting guns so easily get her done!!
  8. He lost in civil court I hope there is an estate to garnish for funds he won’t be missed by most folks
  9. I’ll bet old trump is sleeping with one eye open Incase maliana decides to go mushroom hunting in the middle of the night if you catch my drift lol she must be absolutely livid with Donald dragging her shame through the world wide media oh yea lmao 🤣
  10. You can’t possibly believe what trump says….he will do whatever benefits donald jhon trump.I’ve watched the news today not looking good for the Republican/russian party the women folk over here are livid and thats putting it mildly im predicting all 3 branches of government in democratic hands come November this issue Ukraine the chaos in the house …on and on…..
  11. Then ya must be beside yourself when old trump said the blue coats took the airports in the REVOLUTIONARY WAR lmao 🤣 two can play this silly game what kinda planes was they a flying in the late 1700s hummm…..
  12. Well most trump supporters are broke,the wealthy ones are in it for the tax breaks and the rest I suspect are bots or Russian/chinese/iraian/saudi trolls
  13. I do have to admit your post are far more entertaining in a dark ugly racist kinda way
  14. It’s amazing to me that in 6+years trump has managed to turn the r in republican to mean Russia……..wow!
  15. Yup and the trials haven’t started yet (that’s were REAL facts) are presented not trump playing victim,the 19th century law in Arizona just revived ain’t gonna help trumps fawning/admiration of the criminal leaders past and present aren’t helping him.his support of and being an asset of the enemy (Putin) ain’t helping he’s toast burnt toast.meanwhile Joe Biden quietly governs and accomplishes good things for America and the world in spite of all trump can do to derail it…….yea I know he’s old so is trump get over it!
  16. Executive orders are a method used as a last resort when legislation has failed or in this case squandered to give trump something to convince the rubes to elect him.executive orders are also used when action is needed immediately with no time for a legislative solution they are a method of last resort
  17. Naaa I’m an American I remember when government functioned like it should through legislation not being forced to do things via executive orders trump killed border security pure and simple so the troll farms have something to blovate about thinking they can confuse what is really taking place and try to sully Biden’s governance not to worry the house will soon be in dem hands so we can move forward again as a country
  18. Ho ho ho ho I’ll bet he does lol 😂 that In itself is going to turn Arizona a beautiful shade of blue lol oh boy he was bragging about killing roe versus wade yesterday on camera then this!!it’s like a gift 😂!!!and don’t forget the J6 coup attempt the classified docks fiasco and obstruction he he he then starting Monday his trial for using campaign funds to cover up his (don’t make me say it) trist with stormy Daniels as his newborn son is cared for by his wife!!!And on and on Georgia !!!hes toast burnt toast
  19. Reality check as most responsible successful presidents have done in the past they wait for legislation to address problems the senate hashed out the strongest legislation in decades to address this problem,trump had his spineless cowards in the house kill it because trump doesn’t want the government to function.now come November when the democrats control the house senate and presidency it’s definitely questionable if they will adopt the bill as originally preposed by the senate my guess is they will add language to protect the dreamers.
  20. At the moment I’m guessing he’s starting to realize he’s not going to win he’s going to be broke and is standing a good chance of getting locked up!that draconian ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court is really a strong wake up call as to what he’s about!he’s toast
  21. Pssst……I know were you can buy some stock lol 😂 heck he better hope they aren’t as ignorant as the Arizona supreme courts he would be a takin a bigley pay cut lol 😂
  22. No I don’t hate the money or the good fortune of winning the birth lottery……it’s what he’s done with the gift……here’s a thought it would sure be nice to hear from the woman folk on this thread seems to me it’s just a bunch of dudes…
  23. Oh I suspect the lady’s along with most guys will be a voting lol 😂 it’s a gift to the democrats no doubt about it!to bad the women folk have to suffer tho.allready they are organizing!
  24. Hopefully the court rejects this fraud bond and gets busy with those assets!!
  25. Come swim a few klicks in my flippers bucko trump is what he is every thing is transactional with him he’s not guided by principles or morals he’s defective and should never ever be allowed near power again.the one and only reason he is were he is is because he was born into money that’s it…….
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