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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Elect an evil clown expect a circus 🤡 hey don’t worry with polio and small pox just a ripping through our population again….hey it will be great!obvious sarcasm alert I just still can’t believe we went down this road….im heartbroken 💔
  2. Wow what a blow to America and the world.every morning I awaken to a feeling of dread and dismay.yes I’ve been here I just needed a few days to try to crawl out of this pit.every day I think of that loony rfk having a say in our health care system.for as long as it lasts that is.whats going to happen to drug prices for seniors or infrastructure the chips act?we all know that a malignant narcissist will try to destroy it just for spite.he will abandon nato Ukraine Europe and all the rest creating a vacuum for you know who to fill.from hope to despair 😞 this is not a partisan feeling I’ve voted republican many times before trump.It is a statement of what I think is coming………we will pay dearly for our racism and misogyny.
  3. I’m sorry to all the free nations we have failed as a people Ukraine Europe England as an American I feel deep shame that we have failed you good luck.a great vacuum is being created that the bad actors are about to fill.It ain’t over but it’s deeply wounded don’t trust us don’t share information I am so sorry 😞
  4. We will know within 48 hours im thinking possibly sooner
  5. I’m trying to stay positive I’m thinking trump is going to have his rear end handed to him again…..
  6. Grant his wish after he leads a battalion of North Koreans troops on the front lines lol 😂
  7. I dono could apply to both,love to see her annoy Donald that would be fun!🤩
  8. WHAT she wasn’t forced to carry it to full term lock her up!!!(obvious sarcasm alert) I hope she can recover her mental wellbeing poor kid.
  9. Lovely fella that putin wouldn’t put it past him heck didn’t he snuff out an airliner full of passengers just to get one man…..someone needs to give him a Russian flying lesson without the benefit of a flying machine….
  10. Ya don’t murder your women because they are fed up with being suppressed it’s wrong and barbaric no excuses
  11. Why Harris doesn’t have anything against him
  12. Straight out of that old movie dr strange love or how I learned to love the bomb ……the renegade SAC general was one of those fluoride in the water plot nutters.a great old movie to look up and enjoy.i can still remember slim pickings riding the bomb down waving his cowboy hat.
  13. A heroic leader defending his nation against an invading looting raping murdering plundering aggressors …….salva Ukraine a pox on putin may he be overthrown the Russian people deserve better.
  14. Why?let him go down with his pal trump.
  15. Nope not wrong it’s barbaric the way they suppress women absolutely no excuse none I don’t care what religion it’s archaic and barbaric
  16. A brave woman my heart breaks to think of her fate in the hands of those murderous mullas ……..heartbreaking
  17. That’s our Donald only the best people……imagine this nut case in charge of healthcare,is this trump’s concept of a plan taking shape?
  18. Just gotta love John he can explain something really really ugly and dangerous when he’s done it leaves me hopeful and chuckling thanks 🙏 John you are the bomb!
  19. First off I want to thank the aseannews team for running this.I have been deeply troubled how many Americans have gone down this conspiracy stuff I mean my god (hang dr Fauci) !!! That’s just nuts!never in my wildest dreams heck we over here may end up with a president who is giving a absolute nutter a big say in our healthcare system.to me it’s really simple when someone advances a weird idea I ask myself who benefits.In the case of politics especially…….
  20. Cheney doesn’t lack physical courage.to stand up to trump and his violent followers not to mention putting her career on the line are not the hallmarks of a coward.they are the traits of a genuine hero.That’s one of the reasons the baby man is so jealous.flush the trust fund baby enough sniveling enough bleating from behind your ivory tower and secret service detail.flush the coward!
  21. Get ready to say madam president lol 😂 she will be just fine and will continue the policies that got us back on track after the trump abomination!cheers!
  22. Whoosh rite over your head lol meanwhile trump threatens the press cowers from any meaningful question/answer interviews Good one!touche my man lmao 🤣
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