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Everything posted by Tug

  1. No x is censored if musk doesn’t like what you say,personally I think musk should stay in the electromechanical world he’s obviously brilliant there .with humans not so much.this particular thread is an excellent reminder of what a trump (administration) brings.absolute chaos wreckage across the healthcare system disabling our government wrecking the institutions that have served us well ,much to the delight of our enemies.
  2. Meme master perhaps I prefer more concrete accomplishments not cartoon nfts fake gold sneakers bibles play acting at McDonald’s or riding around in a brand new trash truck.I prefer stuff like revitalizing nato infrastructure taming inflation dealing with the chaos created by the felon you know real beneficial concrete stuff not play acting.
  3. Creepy looks like a simple task I’d be more impressed if it was doing something more complex
  4. Hey don’t worry it will be great!just think no more vaccines now the kids can get polio and be crippled and diphtheria whooping cough tb and all the rest!!that’s our trump only the best most qualified people!!obvious sarcasm alert just another reason this jackaloon is showing us not to vote for him!
  5. He could barely get the door open to be driven around like the sack of waste he is a ( garbage) human toxic to the core.
  6. Yup he’s a sicko the general population in prison will soon have him sorted out!
  7. Yup he will be in demand lol 😂
  8. Well his old cabinet certainly believes he’s un fit.the majority of Americans agree to varying degrees. personally I believe he resembles Mussolini with a bit of that 1870s politician boss tweed thrown in.regardless in our system the 2 party’s are supposed to be a check and balance system not enemies therefore working across the isle is a positive.
  9. Ahhh okaaa……if you say so……as everyone edges towards the exit
  10. Putin making threats again quell surprise 😮 especially so close to the election
  11. Yea I saw trump get driven around in a new garbage truck took him 3 try’s just to grab the handle hey that’s a great prison job for him emptying trash cans.or perhaps if you like a more presidential ride like president Biden’s 7 hr train ride through a war zone (Ukraine) to meet with Zelenskyy but then again Biden is for real not a cartoon nft kinda president .
  12. He was referring to trumps comedian as you know heck I think he should’ve thanked the guy he just gave the dems 500,000+ votes!quite possibly more cause the Latinos will view it as a slur as well!yup madam president definitely got a ring to it!lol !
  13. I liked Romney but I liked Obama more especially after the housing bubble and the irresponsible business practices that brought it about.kinda soured me about the business types.
  14. Why just the other day trump the felon was calling America the garbage can of the world……the enemy within…..referring to those that appose him so spare me the histrionics besides it doesn’t concern you
  15. You are the man we all feel the threat trump represents there are many republicans voting early……female republicans that is……im feeling better every day about the outcome.Im in the states on purpose just to be here when it’s called my path was easy by mail it’s been received and accepted.
  16. Care to elaborate how Harris is going to (destroy the country) I’m all ears 👂
  17. There was lots of taking back then unfortunately the can was kicked down the road Obama tryed and the republicans killed it Biden tryed trump killed it
  18. No laws were removed executive orders were nullified the only law that was removed was the BIPARTISAN BORDER BILL trump tanked it so he has something to try and bs the gullible .no more no less when trump is finally put away we will get back to dealing with our problems.
  19. We have eyes and ears we don’t forget nor forgive.
  20. Guess you will never know cause you don’t bother to watch
  21. Harris has made it VERY clear everyone has a seat at the table.it was a gaff statement taken out of context Joe was referring to that garbage comedian trump was stupid enough to have at his (ralley)
  22. Then tell putin to get out of Ukraine and quit making war on his neighbors!as far as a laughing stock I disagree the free world is deeply concerned for our democracy our enemies are indeed delighted in the division and chaos caused by trump.
  23. Lots of flaws in this skewed article first off there is NO border czar that’s a made up term.its to bad DONALD JHON TRUMP single handedly killed the border bill that would have (and will once trumps put away) gone a very long way in addressing this problem.
  24. What a rubbish comment .the FACTS are stellar stock market strong GDP costs lowered for seniors infrastructure nato revitalized labor energized lots of meaningful legislation accomplished…….now as far as president Biden calling that racist comedian a piece of garbage.well yup but I’m thankful the trump campaign was so ignorant to put that piece of offal on .he handed the PR vote straight to the dems,probably a sizable slice of Latinos as well….heck the dems should thank that piece of garbage!
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