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Everything posted by Tug

  1. False equivalence in my opinion the blm protestors were reacting to the extra judicial murder at the hands of the police of a black man the people of color aren’t going to stand for it any longer,nor should WE.the J6 rioters were trying to overthrow our democracy at the behest of Donald jhon trump they got suckered by trumps con they are paying the price.keeping in mind there were thousands of rioters on J6 Les than 500 have been jailed only the most violent rioters were charged
  2. Yeiks she’s hideous looks like a caricature of a real human uhhh……
  3. More human wreackage created by trump it’s unfortunate they believed his lies now they are paying the price.hopefully their leader can join soon!!
  4. Why shame the memory of Mr Dulles a true patriot what did he do wrong?
  5. To the polls along with a hoard of our brothers sisters moms dads aunts uncles……….
  6. I think someone has watched to many Steven segal movies or perhaps he wants to get in on the raping of the Ukrainian kids like the Russians……one things for sure he’s bucking for the Darwin Award idiot!
  7. The Europeans are prudent to plan ahead if we here in the states and the world have to suffer another trump disaster ……
  8. Naa he’s squared away and he’s really really close to the threat their country has suffered an occupation still in living memory by a country that acted much the same as Russia is acting now.
  9. Why skipalong that’s your rite (if you are an American) that is lol 😂 and do forget to buy that stock!!!
  10. This administration has an excellent team in place we will be fine and yes I agree I would prefer a younger person at the helm same as you Gee I donno I’m kinda a bit of a poster boy for a blue collar worker heck I started contributing to social security in 1966 but during mt working career I did collect unemployment for 2 weeks so guess I’m a bum ehh lol here’s a little tidbit for ya trumps tax scam cost me 9 k that first year…..and just how much tax was trump paying?750.00 dollars I’m in favor of seeding the domestic mfg of computer chips infrastructure lower drug costs helping the working poor with their education seeding clean energy you know that kinda stuff and yes I’m not in favor of seeing kids who are poor going hungry especially in the wealthiest country on the planet.im not on favor of corporate welfare!
  11. Naaa I’m not a bot just an American concerned for his country that’s why I call stuff out and vote
  12. Hey here’s an idea tax the wealthy to help pay down the deficit hummm…???
  13. He really needs to grow a pair work across the isle and govern we don’t need more paralysis show he has the courage to put the nutters along with their leader in their place he would have dem support
  14. No trust fund baby here I’ve paid my dues and then some and fyi folks that blindly support trump are either delusional intellectually challenged or enemy what category are you in?
  15. Strike when the iron is hot skipalong buy buy buy that trump stock!!!!show him you really care lol 😂 and give him access to your bank acc so he can garnish your money at will 😆 what’s to lose he’s a winner 🥇 you can trust him!!!
  16. I’m going to disagree with you about Joe Biden he’s done a lot of good positive things for the country his main problem is his age and to some his running mate (not me tho)as far as trump and the recent polling we need to keep in mind what he’s done to women not only his rape but his and the GOPs assault on their autonomy over their bodies they ain’t happy and they vote!trumps nazi esque policies and ideas his siding and fawning over dictators and threatening of the nato nations his support of the enemy……..the silent majority see it…..he’s toast he just doesn’t know it yet and prison bound
  17. That’s simple he acted to keep the government functioning that’s against magga they want to wreck the government and install the New York trust fund baby fraud man,what could possibly go wrong 😑……..
  18. BINGO!!but here’s the rub how pray tell can they continue to support a person who so blatantly put our national security at risk who supports Putin over the United states and our allies not to mention the disrespect paid to our vets and POWs im truly gobsmacked it’s soooo obvious……
  19. Well fortunately no one was killed that being said by the looks of that tub it probably wouldn’t pass inspection without the aid of a big brown envelope…….definitely stay on deck and know were the life jackets are !
  20. I saw the trump swag and the flag as well guess only the best people ehh?there is a special place in hell for people like this…….
  21. He he he…….heres a thought if he lies is there a penalty?he he he…..
  22. Quell surprise the dude is a tool(feel free to subistute the (t) with an s) if ya catch my drift
  23. It’s required period we all know trumps broke allready hes citizen trump it’s time to stop handeling this specimen with kid gloves if his goobers act up great they will be delt with…..
  24. They need to get an unbiased judge on this and they need to review judge cannon’s mishandling and delaying of this case
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