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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Translation into truth more immigration judges and case workers to adjudicate asylum applications as per law and a big chunk of money for border security the United States of America is a democracy not a dictatorship we here strive to work within the laws as written.I know it’s not as exciting as mass camps and deportations thats empty rhetoric under the present form of government but it does make exciting press for the (insert appropriate term here)…….
  2. Quell surprise lol dident it lose around 83 million last year lol lots of the trump rubes gonna be holding outhouse grade stock,kinda like most of trumps little grifts……
  3. Well if trump was so concerned why pray tell did he tell the spineless little republican swamp puppy’s to kill the strongest immigration legislation it decades?humm?rest assured trump won’t be able to hide from that one…….
  4. why it’s his lifelong mo it’s what he does it’s been documented hundreds of times lol don’t be delusional I’m sure you are well aware of his history you do not strike me as mentally challenged you do Strike me as one who likes to stir the pot so to speak for whatever reason
  5. Not surprising in the least hope the attorneys got paid cash in advance cause you know he will stiff them if possible lol 😂
  6. Yea has the billionaire paid the bail or should I say conned the rubes to pay it yet?
  7. In my opinion it’s just another distraction to take attention away from the real issue the all out support of Putin by the Republican Party and their cowardice in facing the fact that their leader is an asset of the enemy of democracy and free will.They have absolutely nothing to run on except grievance they will do anything to distract and manipulate it is what it is they are what they are.why on earth would anyone attack a tiny minority of marginalized people?it certainly isn’t Christian it’s sad low and quite desperate in a way the trannies are no threat ……Putin is
  8. A comparison with the (policy’s)of the last (administration) is fair game on this particular issue.furthermore Joe Biden does take responsibility for his policy and actions personally in my humble opinion now is not the time to show weakness it is time to show the flag and stand with our allies around the world in the face of aggression
  9. Awww struck a nerve did I ?anyway it’s a shining example of the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and their leader attacking a tiny minority of people in an attempt to sow division and hate it’s what they do,if you can’t see it I think it’s you that are delusional it’s always recognized on the 31th
  10. Rediclous it’s always recognized on this date furthermore their leader Donald trump is a convicted sex offender has sex with hookers as his wife is taking care of a new baby at home……..oh gawd sells bibles…..lol…..make me stop lol…..😂 how many ways can you say hypocrite anyway??ohhh boy!!!
  11. Ahhh nope picture of the Biden administration pulling out all the stops to get the port of Baltimore open,continue to support the economy continue to support democracy around the world in spite of the road blocks trump and his cronies throw up stand tall with our allies.perhaps it makes you feel better to try to push this absurd fantasy or perhaps you think it hurts the United States I don’t know and don’t really care but I WILL call it out!
  12. Joe Biden isn’t on the retreat like trump was during his(administration) the United States under competent leadership is NOT going to leave a vacuum for the like of Putin/xi/or little Kim to fill……..we need to show strength not weakness now
  13. If you are referring to Joe Biden nope he’s to busy revitalizing nato restoring our economy presiding over a stellar stock market working to insure out unemployment #s continue to remain low,continue to push meaningful legislation for the betterment of ALL Americans govern our nation fight the roadblocks trump and his ilk throw up continue to support our Allie’s and show the flag around the world.I could go on and on and on…….you nay sayers really could use some new material,this is getting pathetic…….
  14. I donno personally I’d like to see him arrested booked into jail for a week treated just like any American citizen who attacks the judiciary publish THAT booking photo and his REAL weight come what may quit treating this snow flake fraud sex pest with kid gloves!
  15. I can assure you I am a concerned American citizen and voter.I am not afaraid to use my voice to call out the absurdity that is trump and his supporters!
  16. I donno much about this but it’s important to pay your first responders a living salary and if not it’s a recipe for corruption!
  17. Sometimes I wish it was,in a banana republic trump would have (shal we say) been dealt with long ago if you get my drift.here he’s accorded the rights of a criminal defendant he’s conned his supporters out of enough money to delay everything btw that’s his life long m.o.its frustrating in the extreme
  18. It never ceases to amaze me how these ignorant idiots can drape themselves in the flag call themselves patriots all the while supporting a New York City trust fund baby who is a draft dodging pow insulting vet disparaging big mouth fraud of a human being.In my personal opinion it isn’t trumps big mouth inciting ignorant fools to violence it’s the seething anger the rest of us feel towards his lie that enables these idiots into thinking this is ok.
  19. Excellent I wish the free worlds navy’s would all join in a real showing of the flag so to speak and patrol the sea between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland as well!
  20. Are you implying that the American military murdered those Israelis slaughtered the people at the music festival burned those children alive???or are you implying the United States backing our allies is bad and it’s Joe Biden’s fault it’s a mess over there?talk about some kind of derangement syndrome…..wow!!!
  21. A trump supporter is incapable of looking back 4 years,in reality 4 years ago Covid was really taking hold trump was floundering and due to his mental illness he was incapable of allowing competent people Handle the response the economy was gutted unemployment rising to epic levels oh bot but gas was cheap lol cause the country was shut down!anyone care to remember trump’s infamous advice……..oh boy……. she is trying to kill the guy for doing his job keeping the government functioning.The trumpers want to destroy it so it’s easy to take over and install something similar to what the Russians are suffering under Putin except with trump at its head I’m gobsmacked it’s progressed to this point.this woman literally followed a victim of a school massacre around calling him a crisis actor!!the guy literally saw his classmates blown away in an extremely brutal manner……just beggers belief
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