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Everything posted by Tug

  1. It’s going to be an interesting hurricane season that’s for sure!
  2. I’m curious what trump’s blood pressure is it must be through the roof!
  3. First off??dude trump says whatever benefits him at the moment all stop what he says is not rooted in principle or personal beliefs it’s all about what’s to gain,he is what he is.take a look at what Arizona did to women today on this issue there Supreme Court ruled they must follow the law from the 1860s……..me thinks Arizona is going to be as blue as the Pacific Ocean come November……wow!!
  4. Walker88 I do think you have struck a nerve with (frank) keep it up lol 😂
  5. I wish to thank walker 88 for creating this thread it’s a riot!no pun intended.i do think you left one category out,that is trump’s fawning over the worst despots our planet has to offer presently and in the past,that in itself is enough to flush this specimen down the toilet,that’s not even getting into his views on pows vets debt business failures and on and on again thanks for the thread and lock him up!!!
  6. Ahhh the dems didn’t put 91 indictments on trump the justice department did at the behest of through investigations especially in the case of an ex president I hope that helps you being a foreigner perhaps you don’t fully understand how our system is set up…….sarcasm alert…….stop twisting stuf up to fit your narrative.as far as president Biden is concerned yup he’s old no doubt about it he sure gets results all within our system of government…….
  7. Seems to me ALL the lady’s educated non educated of all shades + a lot of us men are done finished dumped flushed hit by a truck/train/boat …….are done with this specimen!and the spineless cowards in the Republican Party that would enable this fraud to humiliate our nation and strip our rights!enough!
  8. Trump stands were he will not hemorrhage votes,hes trying to dodge the bullet to late the lady’s ain’t gonna trust him and rightfully so this issue is enough to cost him the election all by itself not to mention the coup attempt nor his disastrous last (term)by by Donald and please do let that prison door hit you hard in the rear end on the way out!
  9. Personally I try not to comment on other countries problems unless to support encourage or console thats just me,it seems to me some wish my country harm kinda feels like being kicked when we are down.but no worries we are strong and we are healing from trump and the damage caused by the pandemic!
  10. I’m fascinated by foreigners who are gobsmacked by Donald trump and are so delusional they can’t see what he is and the threat he represents nor can they understand the deep concern that lucid Americans have and are doing to protect their country hope that helps tho I doubt it
  11. Viscous malignant vengeful ignorant and absolutely terrified of being exposed as the fraud he is prison and being penniless
  12. That broad is endlessly entertaining in a certain way she’s got to be the stupidest person ever belonging to the peoples house her constituents have to be embarrassed 😳
  13. I wish they would jail him snatch his big fat rearend straight out of the court room straight to booking have his perp walk in the orange suit or the paper painters suit handcuffed a real mugshot no makeup no comb over and his real weight.there will be protests so what it’s time !there won’t be throngs of trumpers crying blubbering and besnotting themselves.what many dont take into account is the absolute jubilation of the majority of Americans seeing this fraud put were he belongs!even if it’s just for a week!let that fraud do his court appearances on video like the rest of the people have to do when they run afoul of the law! Enough lock him up!!
  14. Yup the border needs legislation to address the problem……what?you say there was legislation……so what happened…….what!trump got his spineless maggots to kill it you say??…..hummm……fraud rape 91 felony indictments how many bankruptcies…..wants to kill nato as Russia try’s to exterminate their neighbor……wants to kill our democracy dude that’s just for starters I haven’t even mentioned what his hand picked court did to women…..he’s toast and prison bound dream on mariner…….
  15. I donno I admire her passion and cause but she is annoying 😂
  16. Personally I haven’t been looking at the polling lately but this I do know folks ain’t happy with trumps dictator/hitler talk they ain’t happy with his setting women’s rights back 50years they see the hypocrisy in the Bible sales grift the obvious conn in the stock scam over truth social……..that’s not even touching his rape fraud convictions…..Georgia/J6……..91 felony indictments…….meanwhile Joe Biden quietly governs gets stuff done for America 🇺🇸 and yup he’s old…..get over it!trumps toast he just doesn’t know it yet
  17. Looks to me like another republican fishing/distraction expedition must be sure to distract from their complicity in creating the vacuum that Putin / n Korea and china are rushing to fill…….
  18. Good observation!he does kinda bark like a seal a little bit lol as he becomes more of a threat to trump I suspect that voice will be one of the first targets
  19. You forgot one be sure to allow trump unfettered access to your bank accounts lmao 🤣
  20. Ahh okaaa you believe that trump the 4 times bankrupt twice impeached indicted coup attempting New York trust fund baby who insults pows is smarter than the people and institutions that have made this country the most successful nation in history the anchor of the world order…..are you serious sorry dude it just doesn’t compute that’s putting it nicely…….
  21. False equivalence in my opinion the blm protestors were reacting to the extra judicial murder at the hands of the police of a black man the people of color aren’t going to stand for it any longer,nor should WE.the J6 rioters were trying to overthrow our democracy at the behest of Donald jhon trump they got suckered by trumps con they are paying the price.keeping in mind there were thousands of rioters on J6 Les than 500 have been jailed only the most violent rioters were charged
  22. Yeiks she’s hideous looks like a caricature of a real human uhhh……
  23. More human wreackage created by trump it’s unfortunate they believed his lies now they are paying the price.hopefully their leader can join soon!!
  24. Why shame the memory of Mr Dulles a true patriot what did he do wrong?
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