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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Hey, that's being too reasonable. The cops greedy wives need the latest I-phone 17 and a new Toyota Fortuner plus a Platinum card to show off at the mall with to their rich girlfriends. I feel great compassion for all these honest cops who are forced to keep their consumer women happy.
  2. London CNN — Brazil’s attorney general has called for social media platforms in the country to be regulated after Elon Musk threatened to disobey a court order banning certain accounts on X and lashed out against “aggressive censorship.” In a post on X Sunday, Attorney General Jorge Messias wrote: “It is urgent to regulate social networks. We cannot live in a society in which billionaires domiciled abroad have control of social networks and put themselves in a position to violate the rule of law, failing to comply with court orders and threatening our authorities.” In a statement, Brazil’s Supreme Court described Musk’s defiance as a “flagrant” obstruction of justice and said he should be investigated by the police. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes announced Sunday that he would open an inquiry into the billionaire businessman who owns X.
  3. Will that mean it becomes a public airport? Bangkok Airways owns it, and the landing and handling fees are crazy expensive for any other aircraft.
  4. OMG that's horrible. What other countries do they come from, just so I can extra careful.
  5. While back in Bali when this whole thing erupted, I used to kindly remove Ukrainian flags from their motorcycles. If they were so proud of one of the most corrupt countries on earth, why what the hell were they doing in Bali?
  6. But this is a foreigner bashing forum.
  7. There is an easy way for this to happen.
  8. That pleasure vent was open to the breeze.
  9. She is not from that small country west of Spain. She is another low life scum who needs to go back to the toilet she came from, along with a whole bunch more on that island. A well educated Ukrainian woman from Kiev I know told me the following. 'We still have not learned how to function in a normal society'.
  10. Yes, they test more these days, like I said when I posted this, it is not accurate but that was not the point. Don't shoot the messenger. Go to any mall, and watch the fat little kids waddling around with their overweight mothers searching for the next ice cream or donut shop. Try to buy any snack at 7-11 or anywhere really and it is loaded with sugar. Its a crime. It should be restricted how many of these junk food outlets are allowed in any sguare meter in any retail center. When I first arrived 25 years ago, there were not fat people here. And the Thai's I worked with did not like sweet anything, they liked healthy food. I wonder what is going to happen with all of this? they can't put 30% of the population on Ozempic. And Asians do not look good overweight.
  11. The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ /ɪtʃ/ ITCH),[1] known by sailors as the doldrums[2] or the calms because of its monotonous windless weather, is the area where the northeast and the southeast trade winds converge. It encircles Earth near the thermal equator though its specific position varies seasonally. When it lies near the geographic Equator, it is called the near-equatorial trough. Where the ITCZ is drawn into and merges with a monsoonal circulation, it is sometimes referred to as a monsoon trough (a usage that is more common in Australia and parts of Asia).
  12. There is little upper wind doing anything to Chiang Mai right now. Its all local talent. Isobars are very far apart, with the Intertropical Convergence Zone basically in a lull over there right now.
  13. Most decent Thai ladies have never been to those places. Often you see very innocent couples from all over the world going in for the same reason, curiosity.
  14. She wanted to go. I did not, but she insisted as she had never seen it before. OK, let's go.
  15. She probably made a prior agreement when they arrived.
  16. Understand, I gathered data from various sources and had to copy and paste tables, so it may not be 100% correct. Its terrible for me to watch this unfold not only here, but all of these SE Asian countries.
  17. Sounds like more than doubling. Heartbreaking really.
  18. Diabetes in Thailand (2021) 52,223,500 Total adult population 11.6% prevalence of diabetes in adults 6,066,600 Total cases of diabetes in adults Diabetes in Thailand (2024) This number has doubled from 2021, pushing the total number of diabetes patients in Thailand to 3.3 million, DDC's deputy director-general Dr Direk Khampaen said.
  19. They could come and compete on the beach road in Pattaya with the local versions.
  20. These sleezy bars do this all the time. Its a regular occurrence. I'm sure it has happened to many who read this. I was with my Thai GF in Nana, paid the bill and was way out on the main street and three guys surrounded me and wanted the same money again. The waitress had stolen it. I paid again.
  21. Its a toxic hell hole. Oh, we're ok we have 6 air purifiers and keep our aircon filters clean, wear masks, don't go outside between 8am and 7pm, and try not to breath too hard. But we love it here.
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