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Everything posted by rumak

  1. hmmm , not sure . but i am sure that being a bit dyslexic , so many of the people i meet have me walking away and saying " Phook Him ."
  2. Well, i did fall for the "sick buffalo" line . Gotta say, the buffalo is doing quite well now ????
  3. I just kept changing............ till i got lucky. Took quite a few tries . The guys i feel sorry for are the ones who throw all their hopes and money on one longshot . The odds are not good
  4. great to see you got 22 members here that agree with you. from the information from respected people that i read (of course can not list here) ........ I am a big big believer that the immune systems of the young, and other healthy individuals would lead to the eventual demise of this and other similar viruses. The mass vaccinations are possibly ( IMO probably) going to do the complete opposite. Warning: this viewpoint may be censored
  5. coming? well, maybe , like everything else, the guys are all online video porning with their tee raks. latest catchphrase : dahling, my buffalo has covid
  6. well, bm2, i always have to remind you that mine is DIFFERENT. I know all you guys are jealous as hell when you meet mrs R. She recently bought me a state of the art microwave oven , voice controlled ! then I can go to our 20 cubic meter custom made freezer and choose one of the delicious frozen meals she has prepared for me after her demise. In return for all her love and kindness over the years I have left her my dearest possession.... a 25 year old Izusu classic pickup. We are truly taking care of each other !
  7. Episode 6 Season 3 Sherlock Holmes , disguised as a former CIA operative , now living on Thai forums.................. goes to Udon to suss out a Swiss murder mystery
  8. try the "controversial covid corner" thread . that is where intelligent posters have gone to get un brainwashed first . otherwise don't waste your or my time
  9. good try ! but the brainwashed contingent here will not benefit from "thinking about it" . heck, just read yahoo and listen to CNN ............. they got all the facts !
  10. Yes, i am in the first pic...... taken 5 days ago when floor was being poured. I am the guy who is 40 years older (at least) than the other workers. No, I am not actually doing the work ???? just a photo op 55 The end result will look similar to the photo ....... but probably i won't use the brick tiles . If i did they would not go as high as in the pic . This is about my 5th last house that i have done . Really too old for this stuff...... but sold my city property recently to downsize outside CM. Condo was NOT an option
  11. And if all else fails............. just grab the darn tool and show them how its done ???? when finished.......should look something like this :
  12. The key to success in Thailand is learning one simple thing : When to say "mai pen rai" ................... and when to say "mai dai "
  13. Well, yes BR ...... the cock certainly does have some adoring hens as well. coooo cooooooo
  14. From Rumak ( the straight shooter) : IF you are not a little bit experienced in building matters...... especially as HOW 99% of all houses are built in Thailand ( foundation, posts, roof, walls, windows/doors, plumbing, electric ) ......... then very little "advice" will help. Almost all houses now are mostly concrete and should have a complete set of plans with specs drawn up and submitted to the local tesabahn for official approval. The builders, good or bad, usually can pretty much follow these plans . Of course, like dentists, some perform better than others. IF you know anything , than being on site daily and observing will help to keep things done somewhat to plan. ALSO : good to have a keen sense of how to interact with Thai people/workers and also a good stress counselor is helpful
  15. i guess , looking back 15 years, you probably didn't pay much attention to the Beatles classic question. Ahhh, the fate of so many shipwrecked sailors on Thailand's shores.
  16. Darn......... I couldn't have said it any better . And many many "likes". what i can't figure out is how come most of the likes believe the "get a jab, stay home, the world is coming to an end" brainwashing that these hybrids are shoving down your throats
  17. ouch........so many upset readers. seems like times are changing, and many here are ready to grab the cock by it's head and pull
  18. You make a very good point. The trouble is...... when i go out I keep running into PEOPLE ! (please, no eyesight jokes)
  19. I already googled and see one or two companies. Has anyone in CM area installed doubled glazed windows? Would be grateful for any recommendations, opinions ( are they worth the price) , how well do they keep out the noise? thanks, rumak
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