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Everything posted by rumak

  1. 200 baht would do it. the govt is forming a committee . the goal is to come up with a number , just how much would be needed to "entice" people to do it. I think the slogan will be ; Just Do It ! Different amounts have been suggested ... with one member saying that 696 baht could be a good position to accept. Our great leader has said "he will sleep on it' and let us know.
  2. Again, there are "experts' here that will tell us "what the facts are" . When i disagree with them based on my experience(S) having dealings in 8 different locations in Thailand , they tell me i am wrong. When the LOCAL authority tells me that it can be : one meter . half a meter IF . Two meters . I have found that saying "well, in so and so where i lived they told me " can possibly help. Also, it can hurt (ego thing). It is really not much different than the discrepencies from one immigration office to another. The more I have dealt with the "authorities" ..... the more i decide on how the best way is to proceed to try to get what i need/want. MY EXPERiENCE is never to take the I am right attitude . I do try to go right to the horses mouth ( hua nah at the office/ department) . Once they tell me something close to what i want to hear I smile and say GREAT (well, khap khun krap) . Note: never once did i get in a big fight . Sometimes i just had to bite the bullet and figure out how to adapt. i also got my way quite a few times.
  3. good work ! maybe both our "experiences" can be useful for others here. so many seem to run into problems .
  4. 7 years ago ,,,,, 70 km from Chiangmai BUT ...... each district can be different, as we all should know !! When i sold the land the Land Office was a bit of a pain in the butt (nothing to do with the tessabahn) . I am now 20 km from CM but this is not "rural" as CM is growing outward in all directions. Needed house plans, buiding permit . BIGGEST SUGGESTION i have after many years here is to have the building dept from YOUR tessabahn (talk to HEAD man) draw up the plans . Will cost usually less than an architect AND your road will be smooooothe. Smile, ask questions (in thai preferably) , but do not try to act like a know it all . As everywhere, they enjoy feeling looked up to . Helps to have some previous experience doing a house in thailand before..... but we all have to start with a "first time" . Listening and believing "my friend did this......" or my wifes brother is a builder ..... etc etc will have varying results. I am probably the best person to ask (cough cough) ... but i hate giving advice because nobody ever takes it .
  5. when i had land out in the country ( rural area) i went and told the tesabahn that we wanted to build on the land. asked anything we need to submit . "nope, just go ahead " . But, got the tabien bahn and address AFTER ..... with a photo or two showing it
  6. that's the way it works in the area in and around Chiangmai .
  7. old age . tired of things. tired of people. Positive person that i am, I am now training with specialists in getting under the lowered bar :
  8. TBH .........TBL ........ the odds don't look so good .
  9. i can only wait for the day (please be soon) when the other side of the hot stories of today are the ones being championed . Bob Dylan says it well...... the times will be a changin
  10. I thought they were going upstairs for a debriefing ................
  11. good thing i don't care about the cinema haha still unvaxxed and still healthy
  12. I have met a few TV members and was really shocked to find out that they were not really former (or present) SAS commandos. i guess what keeps me going is the determination to find someone who walks the walk.
  13. list of excuses used by people for not believing people and/or data that goes against the official narrative (collected over the past 6 months from multiple sources): Generic excuses I don’t want to read it. I don’t have time to read it. It was too long to read. There was a typo in the 3rd paragraph so obviously this is a low quality paper and not worth reading. I saw the list of 10 reasons for xxx but I disagreed with the first one, so I didn’t bother to read the rest of them. The author isn’t credible and doesn’t have a background in this area. Only doctors and other professionals can have valid opinions on the data. The author was discredited on Wikipedia and banned from Twitter so he’s spreading misinformation. I don’t believe it. It wasn’t peer-reviewed. It’s a waste of my time to debate them. I can’t take it seriously unless it is verified and the data is public. Just because that person is one of the world’s top experts in his field doesn’t mean what they are saying is true. Oh, that anecdote was verified by 10 other people who saw the same thing? How do you know they were independent? If that was true, why didn’t he write a paper on it and have it published in a peer reviewed journal? There’s probably a confounder or bias that explains that. If the paper was wrong, why didn’t you write a letter to the editor of the journal to have it corrected? Case-specific excuses According to this paper, the rates of <pick one> are higher in people who have COVID than people who got the vaccine It would have been a lot worse if he hadn’t got the vaccine The VAERS data is unreliable and the CDC says you can’t determine causality with it (and we know the CDC always tells the truth). “We’ll get back to you on that” (CDC responding to why there is no URF) “We’re still investigating those cases” (CDC responding to autopsy reports showing myocarditis as cause of death) “Those deaths weren’t linked to the vaccine” (Pfizer in their Phase 3 vaccine trials) If there were over 100,000 deaths, the CDC would have noticed that. You are a nutcase and you need professional help. I won’t debate you because your position is so preposterous. Just like I wouldn’t debate someone who says the earth is f
  14. guys biggest ooops " calling the wife the wrong name" girls biggest oooops " waking up with the hubby and asking for cab fare "
  15. oh, even Bloomberg is allowing a little 'controversy' to be shown on their site. "European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. " maybe soon .... well, not so soon, they will even print oops...
  16. i actually wonder " god, are we going to have to live with all these vaccinated people for the rest of our lives " . which booster is it now? to be "fully vaccinated" . and remind me, do they prevent people from getting and transmitting this covid 19 thing? seems like some famous people are on record saying it does
  17. Funny thing is .... i once thought about moving to kanada , since that is where my thai daughter married and settled. Glad i did not make THAT mistake. I have lived my dreams here in LOS, that's for sure. Of course some nightmares as well haha that is what adventure encompasses. Hope i can head to the beach again for smoke season... sorry we never met up there.
  18. My daughter spent quite a few years practicing the art of using big words. She also now can claim to have "doctor" in front of her name. Looking back, she realizes that all those years were basically a lot of BS, and the "academics" she knew were mostly all talk . Usually when I read these forums It is fairly easy to sort the "all talk" posters , the ones that have their "expert opinions" from living in tourist areas and never learning from life experience. After a few decades here I still think the cost of living is very very cheap compared to the West. The common people are still much more easygoing and non confrontational to others who do not yell and become arrogant. Food is a bargain still when one shops and cooks at home. A good partner is easier to find than before (if one can speak some thai and does not settle for the "you hansum man. take care me" option. Of course, the real prerequisite to enjoying the party is to take a good look in the mirror before going out shopping .????
  19. haha thank you. i didn't bother reading even the "abstract" .....but i have now. Jeeeez, i was not disappointed. I am REALLY all for gender equality, and am offering this lady a position mixing concrete with the Thaiyai females I know . The crazy thing is.... these hard working women show much more life and enjoyment than the western counterparts sitting at a desk and mixing words for a living...... while sipping their lattes and munching on crescents. I will with hold comments on the size and firmness of their respective derriers
  20. "These are the guys who retired here on fixed pensions to enjoy the golden years before the prospect of the crematorium became a near-term possibility. Journalist Sarah Scuzzarello describes this group as “Elderly retirees enacting privilege over local people because of their superior wealth.” gee, i sure would like to have a chat with her. be great to hear/learn some more from her on generalizations . maybe someone can explain to me what "enacting privilege" means? Isn't that what people with money, power, or influence usually do in this world ? Or, is it just elderly retirees in Pattaya ....oh , excuse me , Thailand.
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