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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. I really wonder sometimes why most on here bother with Thailand you Diss it knock it but you seem to live here.!!!!!!

    "...you seem to live here..." :

    I swear i don't !!!!!! i could have this idea before i visited thailand , but after my first experience , definitly not !!!!! Also definitly not the desire to spend hollyday in pattaya/pukhet or samui tongue.png tongue.png tongue.png

    The choice is yours yes I live here diffrence is I don't Diss my host but hey that's my choice

    i can understand people who want or live already in thailand wink.png but i don't understand the vote , sorry that's beyond me wink.png

    Easy more people voted for Thailand than other places simple really I have been to some fantastic beaches here maybe the voters went to the same places not all beaches are dirty or have jet ski's

  2. I really wonder sometimes why most on here bother with Thailand you Diss it knock it but you seem to live here.!!!!!!

    "...you seem to live here..." :

    I swear i don't !!!!!! i could have this idea before i visited thailand , but after my first experience , definitly not !!!!! Also definitly not the desire to spend hollyday in pattaya/pukhet or samui tongue.png tongue.png tongue.png

    The choice is yours yes I live here diffrence is I don't Diss my host but hey that's my choice

  3. Lol. Oh, you're right! Corruption in Thailand? Who ever HEARD of such a thing?! Unthinkable!!! Beyond imagining!!! Could NEVER happen! Why I'm sure every satang will go to ensuring the travelling public's safety! (Sorry, have to stop now. My sides seem to be splitting...)

    Pssst - the bandwagon was overful and finally collapsed under the excessive load. It's actually a parade now. But you know how it is with parades. Some would just as soon avoid the crowds and stay at home & watch cartoons or the gardening channel.

    Quite right to I notice no hard facts put on but you know what they say about sarcasm I'm sure. Enjoy watch with mother won't you have a great evening

  4. Let's try another tax this very small increase 35 bht if it was proved that because of this increase a plane with hundreds of people on was saved from terrorists bombings. We would all (I hope) say well done 35bht well spent. Now if the 35bht was not introduced and a plane went down looking life due to an act of terror no dought there would be an outcry on here of useless thai airport secutity I know which camp I would rather be in

    You conveniently left out option #3 (which oddly happens to be the one most are posting about here)... That is - and apologies to the 99% who've already grasped this - levy of the 35baht tax with no measurable improvement to security, but noticeably fatter wallets among the hi-sos. Now you have the privilege of having paid the tax and the same likelihood of perishing in that bombing that you had without the tax.

    Ok, now enlighten us with your camping discussion...

    I would if I had the slightest idea of where you get your facts from have you actually seen your so called hi-sos pocketING any money!!!!!! How do you know there is no measurable improvements! !!!!. My assumption is you are jumping on the band wagon. Please enlightenote me if you have hard facts not gossip or your take on it have a good day now
  5. I must have been watching a diffrent fight Fury out punched and out fought him all the way. He deserved to win I would have scored it 117-110 personaly to say Klitschko lost it rather than Fury won it is rubbish. IMHO

    I agree with you. Fury has good boxing skills and can switch from orthodox to southpaw. Klitschko was unable to work him out or take control. His cut and battered face tells a story and he looked tired later in the fight.

    But Klitschko has been a great champion and deserves to be recognized as such. An intelligent gentleman who is a good ambassador for boxing. I hope he retires and enjoys whatever career he pursues next; he deserves it.

    and you don't stay champion of anything for 9 and a half years without at least a little talent.

    I agree been a good ambassador for boxing and his brother but the heavyweight division has been rubish for years now he came along at the right time and dominated. Tyson could do the same now competition again is not great

  6. We got our blue and yellow book before first post was in the ground electric and water was on site before foundation posts which was great as the neighbour whom we were going to use for electric supply started using his two aircon 24/7 when he thought we were going to pay his electric bill. Shame I would love to have seen his bill his face was a picture when we got supply sorted before we needed his PS Khon Kaen

  7. Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

    You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

    No they are not there is in place a UN mandate/resalution in force for use of force on ISIS in Syria which allows coalition forces/air land or sea to use Syrian land or air space
  8. Let's try another tax this very small increase 35 bht if it was proved that because of this increase a plane with hundreds of people on was saved from terrorists bombings. We would all (I hope) say well done 35bht well spent. Now if the 35bht was not introduced and a plane went down looking life due to an act of terror no dought there would be an outcry on here of useless thai airport secutity I know which camp I would rather be in

  9. Is this another knee jerk reaction to the activities of ISIS, most recently the bombing pf the Russian airline in Egypt - or is it a planned escalation, since the ashtrays of the AOT CEO's Benz are now full ?

    In either case, it makes no sense whatever, since no terrorist would dream of going through passenger security. An airside security pass can be bought for next to nothing, for example from a catering company employee. Then he/she can simply walk in at leisure, with no need to line up.

    Sorry you are sadly misinformed if I was you I would look at the security your example has to go through to get airs ide. As for terrorist not queuing how did they get on the planes for 9/11 or the shoe bomber. More and more now terrorists will board planes as normal so increased hi-tech can only be a good thing. And if it is as you say a knee jerk reaction Good something is happening

    9/11 and the shoe bomber were a very long time ago, and before many of the levels of passenger security were added - you can't realistically be saying that security delays were the same in those days.

    Terrorists go after the soft target or seek the easy way to get it done. How can you say, "More and more now terrorists will board planes as normal" ? Please post your evidence for this. Recent history says exactly the opposite.

    As for airside security, I am not "sadly misinformed". I have been airside at more than one AOT airport and I have seen lax to almost non-existent security, which unfortunately is the standard in many parts of the world. ......... and your experience is ?

    I have worked ground crew in 4 diffrent airports and can say first hand the security for me to get through airside was intense. I'm not saying all airports run the same way but it's not the movies take where some cleaner will sell her Id to Bruce Willis. We all know if a determined attacker wants to commit harm he or she will device ways and will cercumvent new security eventually but any new system will make it more and more difficult. Many years ago a friend who is a security expert said there are only 2 ways to stop planes being blown up

    1. Stop flying completely

    2. Only people fly no luggage on planes with passengers. Luggage is flown separate. Something I belive happened in Egypt recently.

  10. Is this another knee jerk reaction to the activities of ISIS, most recently the bombing pf the Russian airline in Egypt - or is it a planned escalation, since the ashtrays of the AOT CEO's Benz are now full ?

    In either case, it makes no sense whatever, since no terrorist would dream of going through passenger security. An airside security pass can be bought for next to nothing, for example from a catering company employee. Then he/she can simply walk in at leisure, with no need to line up.

    Sorry you are sadly misinformed if I was you I would look at the security your example has to go through to get airs ide. As for terrorist not queuing how did they get on the planes for 9/11 or the shoe bomber. More and more now terrorists will board planes as normal so increased hi-tech can only be a good thing. And if it is as you say a knee jerk reaction Good something is happening

  11. Do not consider living in Thailand. Try Vietnam or Cambodia if you really want to take a chance. Thai men basically are lowlife and a threat to your longevity and health. They have an enormous chip on their shoulder. The roads are killers and there is fair chance you will die if you travel on them, especially in a minibus. The Country is becoming increasingly lawless and the junta is making new rules by the day to get the message out that they do not like falang permanent residents. A recent example is they now want foreign English teachers out of the Country. Falang tourists with their money are fine. Just move on through and give us our money and get going is their policy. The junta attitude is that those who are here permanently are valueless.

    In your opinion of course personally all Thai men I have met have no chip on there shoulder indeed are very welcoming and are by no mwas low life if you look at the bas in soi 6 there's some real low lifes there fAlanis of course. Roads are as dangerous in Malta/Columbia/India next time someone blast a horn have a look bet it's a flag. Junta's are just that junta's they come and they go.

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