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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Yeah I would...No longer under fifty → but life is for Living.....

    I like it here....

    I like it here too, but you probably have either the retirement or marriage extensions.

    But we have to think of those who can't afford the money in the bank, and don't want to get married

    I know some posters will say if you can't afford it you should not be here, but again that is not fair, depending on your lifestyle

    depending on where you stay, with cheap rental accommodation, cheap

    transport, and cheap food.

    "...but again that is not fair..."

    You sound like some little kid whining about his parents not buying him something all the other kids have. Apparently being fair means give me whatever I want because I want it.

    "it can be very easy to live on say 20.000 Bt per month"

    And why is it fair for Thailand to have you here as an economic refugee? Not everyone is entitled to live here anymore than are all the economic refugees flooding into Europe.

    I could probably pitch a tent and manage to live day-to-day on the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace and it's just unfair that they won't let me. Bwaaaahhh.

    Moderator is this a rule 7??????

  2. I'm not sure why Thailand should be obliged to welcome these people with open arms.

    Because 'these people' are in the long haul huge foreign exchange contributors over time.. For every oil worker importing 2 or 3 million baht a year, married, with kids in private schools, big villas and and flash cars.. There was at one time a fresh of the plane guy enjoying the lifestyle and freedoms, who then met a Thai girl and settled down.. If the early stage of that is too difficult, they will just go and meet a Khmer girl, or a Pinoy.. Or whatever..

    Some people are missing the question totally. The question isnt 'do you have a OK visa class now'... or 'are you intending to stay with the changes' thats not the question or the point.. If you were arriving for the first time, would the visa issue put you off setting up home here.

    For me, yes they may well do.. Current visa issues dont currently effect me.. I have been on the same visa and extensions for I think 6 years.. I was on rotating non imms for maybe 4 before that.. I was never one for tourist visa runs, I like my holidays on my schedule.. Back when I arrived you just put 1000b in your passport once a month and got a fresh 30 day stamp. When that ended tourist visas were too much hassle but getting non imms was trivial.. Gradually all the easy options have been removed. If I didnt have the class I have now I would either pony up the 500k for an elite visa or pay the military police the 33k they ask for the 'no questions asked' 1 year ED visas they are handing out (good job they are stamping out that corruption huh !!) up here..

    But even though there is options.. Its a lot less easy or welcoming.. And its not like theres no where else to have fun.. Sure I like it but I know plenty of guys who just got talked down to and given a hard time by immigration when coming ere to spend 10's of 1000s of dollars who just said.. fine.. I will spend it elsewhere. If I was fresh off the plane, it would only take one or two of those to make me feel the same.

    Think my dear you have missed the point the question is Would you still come to Thailand to live today nothing about visas or being put off by them. Just "Would you still come to Thailand to live today

  3. Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

    Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.

    One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

  4. Hand on heart, I've never ever expressed a view on this subject before, not anywhere, to be honest I've always taken a back seat on it all and in fact haven't thought much about it at all.

    But if the responses in his thread are anything to go by, I might just start because it seems that folks either don't know anything about it or, can't be bothered to understand it, I seriously hope both those perceptions are wrong but the evidence doesn't look great thus far!

    Really don't know what your after if it's a fish to bite your hooks useless get over it you'll be long dead I can but have no wish to debate a subject that is of no real interest to me now if you want to debate football or even at a push cricket I will accommodate you. If you just end your posts without the little side swipes that would be fine. Please respect others views as I respect yours thank you

  5. And finally it's goodbye from me and it's goodbye from mother earth please stop assuming again wrongly I love my children/grandchildren but I can't wrap them in cotton wool, you seem or should I say it comes across as you are a sad lonley man but you have your dictionaries for company oh one last thought did you fly to Thailand or walk so as not to pollute.

  6. Again assumptions from yourself I am old enough to know what I belive in and wise enough to know you really belive the dross you spew out. I have for your records 5 children 18 grandchildren and am an Uncle many times over but quite what that has to do with it eludes me. It is easy for scientist to say oh it's down to man and burning carbon resources, but as there are no records held from the last ice age and how it came to pass one has to assume that it is was a natural phenomenom unless of course you belive in the alien theory. That given the case who is to say that IF we are entering a new climate age that this one is indeed a natural phenomenon. We come onto this earth for a short time I belive in living for today as do many others. Lots belive like you we should stop living and enjoying ourself so generations to come can live and enjoy themselves, who has the right idea no one knows but to call people selfish and arrogant because they hold diffrent views really!!!!!!. I put forward a war theory as that is as real a threat if not more so we can destroy the earth in minutes with nuclear bombs and as seems very Likely to me that will occur long before any natural climate change. Where by the way are the records the scientist are working from to prove it's man made climate change theory???? Could it be records the said and former scientists have written themselves to justify there theory. Just a thought. And I sleep very well at night thank you for your concerns.

    BTW my boy where I hail from is a term meant to try and put people down. Which is why I explained I'm my dad's boy only.

  7. As others have mentioned, the best way to ensure you get the get the quality you're looking for at the best price is to engage a builder on a labor-only basis, with you selecting and providing all of the materials.

    You'll need to be sure that the plans you give the builder for a quote are as detailed as possible in order to avoid any misunderstanding or "extra" charges. (For example - flat, stepped, or sloped ceilings. Kitchen and Bath base cabinets, or Thai-style cement and tile, single or double block walls, and so on).

    Sometimes you'll need to be able to procure required materials at a moment's notice.

    There's a lot of information regarding the cost of various construction materials and quantities required on the CoolThaiHouse website.

    Unless you have good building experience then setting on someone labour only is like the blind leading the blind.

    everyone thinks builders here are useless (oh yes including myself) and can simply sort everything out themselves.

    think again; i thought i could pick up the Thai language easy; horses for courses; if you dont have the experience in construction then I suggest you find someone reputable with an English speaking project coordinator to hold your hand. you will pay more, but it will be stress free.

    I have my building story currently running on CTH, give it a glance over and see what its really like for someone who knows a thing or two about building............let me see how many i have sacked....a good few!

    Been lucky here then no problems with communication even though I know little Thai had a great relationship with builder who is top notch as I said before I sourced all materials ect ect

  8. It seems as though folks think it's easier to dismiss these events as being of natural origin rather than to account for the anomalies, it's always been this way they tell us, even though there are no records to confirm such and they really don't care any way since they wont be here for the fallout, how selfish and arrogant is all of that!

    I do belive you are the arrogant and selfish one expecting everyone to agree with you as for future generations if the wars carry on as they are global warming won't matter much. I do not agree with you I am not selfish or arrogant. Have a great day

  9. LOL global warming yer right oh whatever you say.

    El Nino and El Nina is a well proven FACT.Science my boy,disregard at your peril,nothing to laugh at.

    First point I'm not your boy I'm my dad's boy.

    Second point if you wish to belive everything you read that's your choice I belive in the earth is warming or cooling dependant where you are but not because it's man made but because it's part of earth's cycle. Don't need to be a scientist to work that out.

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