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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Never had a problem was trained by the best in defensive driving forget the 2 second rule about the vehicle in front min 4 seconds if someone overtakes and cuts in just foot of accelerator till you have the 4 seconds back and no you don't lose time just get to your destination safe and sound. Don't get wound up if someone tail gates you or speed up or slow down (as most do) just drive normal they will either overtake or drop back. Don't be intimidated by a coach or lorry driver again just concentrate on your driving don't panic or get stresses. I have used these principles all over the world and it works touch wood never had an accident of any sort blameworthy or non blame worthy. Also remember large vehicles have a greater field of view than a car/pick up can see a lot further up road so what you may feel is dangerous is probably perfectly safe it all about your perception

  2. "...Police say they have CCTV footage of rampage at Thalang station.."


    So what!

    ...and where is the video of the "accident" that killed two young men. I'm still waiting to read about this evidence they have that shows it was an accident. Even so, police are at least guilty of being so poorly trained as to engender people's lives in a chase for 50 stupid yaba pills. Accident or not, and I'm not convinced of that yet, the police have a huge amount of culpability in the death of these young men.

    50 stupid Yaba pills that in the wrong hands could kill but hey seems you don't care. Police are not at fault here as has been seen as for rioting I suppose the police started that as well maybe they planted fire bombs in innocent by standers hands then forced them to throw them

  3. OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

  4. Love it video shows clearly police not repeat not at fault so what happens on here bend the facts to still make it look like a police cover up. Priceless any excuse to Thai bash makes me giggle all day thanks. Oh news Flash two die in a motorbike chase in Lincolnshire England after bike refused to stop at police request, latest on the case Thaivisa users are blaming the Thai Police.

  5. Many think of a overstay as an acceptable tool to be used in the visa process with no ramifications and not as a violation of the visa process.

    Just like many thought getting an ED visa and not attending any school was acceptable.

    Just like many thought quick and easy visa runs would go on forever.

    Over stays are recorded on immigration computers, even if they are not documented in your passport.

    Immigration is obviously "tightening up".

    What would your guess be as to where the next immigration "crackdown" will be?

    It is not very difficult to pay attention tho the dates and be responsible.

    Is it?

    It seems that is classed as an acceptable but ileagal practise in most countries throughout the World so why should Thailand be diffrent. You pays your money or not and takes your chances. It's an individual thing the only person it harms is him/her self if caught. Some will argue it hurts them as immigration clamp down has anyone been affected by over stayers? ?????????
  6. There is currently no ban for any length of overstay. So no.

    Wrong. Here are the bans for overstays:


    The photo you posted is a falsified version of an announcement that was posted on the website http://bangkok.immigration.go.th in July 2014. The E text of that announcement clearly said "The new regulation of overstay penalties is now under the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Interior"

    Since then, the Immigration Commissioner and the Director General of the Royal Thai police have changed. I have seen no news report to indicate whether the proposed rules are still "under the procedure of approval" or whether they have been rejected, nor have there been any news that they have been approved.

    Any immigration official who produces or puts on public display the falsified version is abusing his authority.

    Dear Maestro,

    I take offense at your implication that I falsified the picture. I took it last week at the immigration office and posted it without any alteration.

    If you think an immigration official is abusing his or her authority, please take it up with them. Please post the outcome here, so as to clarify this once and for all.



    I have seen the same picture and on the rolling information at bottom of number screens in imigration so decided to be nosey and ask IO what it was about she informed me it was not law and there was no ban on any overstay but it may or may not be introduced but not any time soon in fact in her words she can't see it ever being brought in and I stress in her words

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  7. Slightly sideways from the topic although part of it in a sense.

    So stay within the rules do your required documentation jump through hoops then report every 90 days last one year go through same again year on year Versa's Get a multi entrance year non o visa based on marriage get a 30 day extension then border run get 17 months if done methodically so I'm told. Versa's over stay stay without anything no visa ect ect let's say you do this for 5 years no immigration no border runs no money sitting idile in bank no having to wonder what new rules will be applied year on year. Downside if caught possible trip to monkey house although if you have tea money this will be avoided pay overstay fine 2000Bht I belive. Leave country give it a few days and pop back in on tourist visa/ year non o based on marriage have a heart to heart with IO at your reentry point swear you will not overstay again and do another 5 years. Just saying that's all

  8. What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

    Absolutely right! It was excessive force in the extreme. Not even close to proportional to the crime being committed.

    Making assumptions again I read quite clearly they lost control and ploughed into police car so is was them you refer to using extreme force against police yes
  9. What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

    You saw this first hand !!! The whole thing from start to finish?? If so ok if not don't speculate on your interpretation till the facts come out
  10. Odd now it's mentioned I went to police station in KK for yellow book forms Amphur explained it was cert of residence I asked should i not go to immigration for that!!! No police so off I went they gave me a TM 30 duly filled in took it to Amphur was accepted no problem. Same at immigration went to change address and was armed with TM 28 they told me wrong form need a TM 30 luckily there outside and wife was with me so filled in handed in and slip at bottom of form duly signed by IO and stapled to back of passport seems TM 30 is preferred form

  11. Sometimes with the best intentions in the world by posters answering your question on here you can feel like your going round and round in ever widening circles and not getting what you hoped for the answer is there but it's bloody hard finding it hidden in the retoric of visa or extension or marriage no go for retirement. Sometimes you are better of just going for what you want at immigration and see how things pan out. Unless ubonjoe answers then that's the honey post and act on that IMHO of course. Tin hat on waiting for incoming

  12. I think they make all their money on the night time road blocks, looking for drunk drivers - that is 10,000+ a pop, not 200 Baht for crappy little road offence

    if they stop a drunk driver my personal feelings is to take the (I won't swear) thing to one side and give him a quick double tap to the head. Extreme YES why my mom was killed by a drunk driver he got a community sentence my mum got life.

  13. Taxi????? Won't break the bank

    Again Pattaya is not Bangkok where you can pay not even 50 baht for a taxi.

    In Pattaya it very probably will cost you 300 baht, each way!

    The Pattaya said "taximeters" just refuse to use their meter... sad.png

    Had a condo in Naklua so used baht bus to town then jumped in a taxi by walking street charge 10bht on meter did it four times always 10bht last time was August.

  14. // I have been in only 2 immigration offices and both have been air conditioned and in fact on the cold side.

    Amphur the same other air conditioned. So the problem is !!!!!!!!!..............

    The problem is not in the office, but the ride to go to this office !

    Of course no problem if you are in Bangkok: taxi, BTS, metro,... you have aircon all the way smile.png

    In Pattaya, transport is bahtbus or motorbike, none with aircon. If ever I put jeans and long leaves shirt, with the local temperature and humidity, I would be fully sweaty (and probably smelly too) when arriving at Jomtien Immigration bah.gif . Officers certainly prefer a non-sweaty guy in clean T-shirt & Bermuda cool.png

    Taxi????? Won't break the bank
  15. It shouldn't be a big deal for anyone. I wouldn't go into a government office in Australia dressed for the beach. Why would anyone think you can do that here. Respect is universal.

    Can't agree more. The problem is many people dumb down when they get here and lose respect for themselves while disrespecting our hosts.

    Whilst I agree dressing for occasions is the right thing to do but because a few and I've no figures just observations act the big I am that's not enough to generalise is it !!!! Having read thousands of posts on here I notice all to frequently there is a them and us attitude here by them I mean the ones who belive they are shall we say belive they are better due to loving here longer than the rest

    So respect for all nationalities would be a good start

  16. This is all getting silly what prey is the hassle for maybe 2hrs wearing trousers shirt and shoes when I say shoes I wear closed cloth type shoes I own 1 pair just for visits to goverment offices which I may add includes local Amphur it's called respect. I have been in only 2 immigration officers and both have been air conditioned and in fact on the cold side. Amphur the same other air conditioned. So the problem is !!!!!!!!!..............

    Answers will fit on the head of a pin.

    Ps if you feel uncomfortable wearing this nothing stopping you wearing a skirt and blouse there no law against that here.

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