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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Personally I would not have taken my daughter there in the first place especially as we all know immigration offices can be stressful. Secondly why shout take a chill pill sticks and stones ect ect. Thirdly I will reserve judgment as we only have your side of the story maybe some of the people in there you mention are on this forum and can verify the version of events.

    But in any case smile say please and thank you it gets you a long way here so I've found

    That's it then ? in the absence of any rights whatsoever there is a magic trick just smile! and all will be magically solved. This isn't Fraggle Rock immigration you know!

    The OP appears to have told the story warts and all including quite a few of his own mistakes. You don't believe him Pollyana ?

    As I said I reserve judgment till both sides are heard sorry if that doesn't fit your agenda nanny mcphee

    Can't wait for the immigration official to step forward, sure to happen, and why I bet they'll be at least half a dozen Thai Visa users posting their sworn testimony any time soon.

    Cop out statement, it is clear you have made your judgement.

    You have obviously not read the OP or mine correctly or interpreted them to suit let me help you OP stated quote "At that time immigration was full with other foreigner and thais" unquote I said maybe some of the other people mentioned at the IM office at the time might be members on here and could verify the OP. When I say I reserve judgment that means I won't apportion blame either way till I know the full facts so no I have not made up my mind and unlikely to do so as no one who was there at the time has come forward on here unfortunately. So it's still one man's word. And that is not enough in any court to convict is it ??????
  2. Damn, I need the same thing and that sounds tough. I need to use KK also.

    Sounds worse than it is you should have all required docs if married so no problem worst bit so far waiting for TM 30 from police station about three quarters of an hour as I said go up stairs and the guy is clued up. Had a talk with Head man today again no problem will buy him dinner and a few beers and a donation to local temple which he supports
  3. Personally I would not have taken my daughter there in the first place especially as we all know immigration offices can be stressful. Secondly why shout take a chill pill sticks and stones ect ect. Thirdly I will reserve judgment as we only have your side of the story maybe some of the people in there you mention are on this forum and can verify the version of events.

    But in any case smile say please and thank you it gets you a long way here so I've found

    That's it then ? in the absence of any rights whatsoever there is a magic trick just smile! and all will be magically solved. This isn't Fraggle Rock immigration you know!

    The OP appears to have told the story warts and all including quite a few of his own mistakes. You don't believe him Pollyana ?

    As I said I reserve judgment till both sides are heard sorry if that doesn't fit your agenda nanny mcphee
  4. During day and early evening I use a good slap of my hand when I feel a little devil on me night time mossie net on the bed does the trick also and yes I am the Mrs go through this every night we never go into the main part of house in the clothes we have worn outside at dusk till dark why carry them in we have a separate laundry room area at rear of house we get changed there into towels clothes go straight in the wash and we go straight into shower. Plus mossie screens are alway closed on all doors and windows all day yes we get a few in but a plug in insect killer sees those off

  5. Overrated, overhyped drought all year long, until it floods.......

    ....... means bad water management only, drought image used to cover up flood mismanagement aka saving face..................whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    You are spouting rubbish flash floods are just that FLASH no warning FLASH no body can predict them it's not flood prevention it's FLASH flooding it happens all over the world an act of device intervention if you like. But hey use the blame game if it makes you feel better

    Did the responsible government dog agencies ever hear about preventive measurements, ever took preventive measurement actions, for any decades?? No???!!!!!!

    Think again, lad.......

    Thanks for the complement old man.........

  6. I constantly flow through the tanks the water does not stagnate have a diverted just before pump cutting pump out of loop but I do divert through pump once a month for an hour so as to flush that loop out or if water is off in village

  7. Yes you are not paying goverment rate contact your landlord and ask him what rate he is charging you. I run A/c at night about 24/5° and if really unbearable during day maybe for an hr or so then a couple of fans low setting to circulate air. Also find closing curtains helps during day keep sun out. I have invested in a 2k bht stand alone cooler throw ice in top and turn it on only got it from tesco lotus yesterday but seemed to work really well in main room today. Only put one bag of ice in this am and still frozen in there now so hopefully it will cut down electric bill even further.

    Sounds interesting.

    Could you tell us more about this device you bought at tesco ?

    Brand name, device name ? And at which Tesco you got it ?


    This is something like he is writing about, I think.


    Laugh I almost wet myself but given my age I can be excused Levano is the name on the machine I got the store wrong it was big c in KK it does look like a dehumidifier has a swing door on front where you pop the ice in then just turn it on the melted ice water is captured in a container at the bottom easy to remove and throw water over plants it was on promotion. Price 2,159 BHT

  8. Yes you are not paying goverment rate contact your landlord and ask him what rate he is charging you. I run A/c at night about 24/5° and if really unbearable during day maybe for an hr or so then a couple of fans low setting to circulate air. Also find closing curtains helps during day keep sun out. I have invested in a 2k bht stand alone cooler throw ice in top and turn it on only got it from tesco lotus yesterday but seemed to work really well in main room today. Only put one bag of ice in this am and still frozen in there now so hopefully it will cut down electric bill even further.

  9. Thought I would inform of what's required been today armed with a sack full of papers. All that I needed was wife to fill in a TM 30 (had already done this on template from this site guess what yep slightly different form needed) they have form outside by photo copier.

    Add my name on page 2 as alien residing copies of following

    Wife's house book and ID card

    My passport front page

    Relevant visa page

    Departure card (am I correct saying tm6) page.

    All done signed by imigration as received and that part stapled to passport so I can report to KK for 90 day and extensions now.

    All painless

    • Like 2
  10. Did mine in august needed one then as well as house book and I'D card of condo owner he refused to givee copies of house book and claimed TM 30 was my responsibility told immigration ladies this she asked me to ring him and she spoke to him quite loudly for several minutes. Told me to wait on chairs in lobby 5 mins later she came out and said all done. He emailed the said documents straight to her. And people say immigration officers don't help???

    Must add this was for my first application for non o and based on retirement extension.

    • Like 1
  11. If lightning strikes and does a lot of damage to a major power station in Thailand is that bad management Then let's say for arguments sake the same power station is struck another 3 times is that then the fault of the of the official tasked in sorting out the first strike. I guess according to most yes it would be cos you obviously hate Thailand just a reminder there's two airports in Bangkok that serve destinations all over the world let me be the first to wish you goodbye.

  12. Overrated, overhyped drought all year long, until it floods.......

    ....... means bad water management only, drought image used to cover up flood mismanagement aka saving face..................whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    You are spouting rubbish flash floods are just that FLASH no warning FLASH no body can predict them it's not flood prevention it's FLASH flooding it happens all over the world an act of device intervention if you like. But hey use the blame game if it makes you feel better

  13. If sin sod is given and then returned for show, a simple solution would be to give the family

    a check for what ever amount and let them frame it and hang it on the living room wall.

    Then you are not out any money and the parents can boost to other family members and friends

    how generous you are.[/quot

    That why I love reading this forum for people like the above who don't have the first clue about other customs they just live in there perceived right little world thanks for making me smile so much

  14. In short: These days "sin sod" is just part of the marriage ceremony. The "sin sod" will be returned to the groom shortly after marriage.

    - Above all: No "sin sod" will ever be paid by a Thai-Groom, if the bride was married before, with or without child. Unthinkable for a Thai-Male. Only Farangs do such silly things.

    In case of Farang: If family not willing to return sin sod, at this point the Farang knows for a fact, that he has married into the "wrong Family". The outcome of such a marriage is highly predictable.


    What a load of <deleted>
  15. Yes and no put money and gold on table on wedding day and was given it all back next day. It's more about showing other family and friends and culture. When they gave it back I made sure momma got 10 grand in her hand all the times she and the family have feed me without a thought of asking for money only the same as I did for my old mum no difference at all except for some reason many on here think your being fleeced even if you only buy an ice tea

    I would sit and talk with family tell them your not rich and can't afford sin sod but you love and want to take care of there daughter I bet you will be surprised. And lastly don't belive all thai girls are as bad as some on here would have you belive pinch of salt is required Good luck

  16. Two daughters and a son back in UK eldest daughter fine with me being here youngest and son haven't spoke to me since I've been here tried to reason with them told them I'd always be there for them but nothing in UK for me wife passed of cancer and life was pretty shit moved here life is great in comparison. Memories will last forever and now I share new memories. Finally got to the bottom of the two kids problem with me being here MONEY in there words and I'm still stunned by this "YOUR SPENDING OUR INHERITANCE" !!!!!!! Over the years we set them up gave them money for deposit on house and generally did all we could for th I was truly devastated by there response so was the eldest daughter. Anyways net result eldest daughter gets whatever is left other two get the dog poo off my shoes. Will changed in UK accordingly. However I can't see there will be a lot left as I plan on enjoying the rest of my life.

  17. Give me an hour in Issan, and I promise you I will have a place to hide my sausage. You're getting played!

    I can think of a place I would stuff it with an attitude like that no wonder Thais think all feranges are the same
  18. Here what your saying but in my experience of the providers who deal with forwarding the sms there was always a lot slipped through personal on dtac get sms from all over world never had any going missing yet??? If there tracked call the service provider and tell them to chase up that's what there paid for

  19. You say both phones are subscribed to a service in North America can you confirm you are living in thailand and both phones are receiving normal Ais or Dtac services. I presume you mean your messages for business or on call get routed through this service in North America!!! If that is the case then 99.9999% of any texts not received will be down to the service provider in North America

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