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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Hmm, no mention of the fact that the pregnant woman was with another lady who after the initial argument slammed her car door into the car of the navy lady again.

    Also doesn't mention that the woman who was on her own was knocked to the floor by the pregnant woman and/or her friend.

    Funny that.

    Hi can you post links to the statements you posted please many thanks

  2. As a guest in a foreign country with no rights to vote so therefore I can not nor would I want to comment on things I have no control over. So why is this question being asked of mainly ex patts who can do nothing to change the law or culture of the land they decided to live in.

    Ok I take back the no wish to comment but the no right bit stands. When the bankers managed to bring the world near as dam it to its knees was that not corruption lining there own pockets taking from the people they were supposed to serve. When Fifa officials lined there own pockets to award World cup to countries who should never have received them is that not corruption leaving the people who they serve to fork out even more money to be able to see there team. When doing business isn't it customery to take clients out and wine and dine them or to put it simply to bribe them with food and drink to win contracts. Come on police all over the world are on the take as are politicians, so ok bash the Thai Police as they are easy targets here but think just for a second can you say you never took a back hander of any sort in your life.

  3. 300 customers at 4 am in the morning-----Wow the Thai bars are certainly outselling the farang ones, last time I was in Pattaya my old local only had 3 ex SAS guys, 2 retired navy seals....& some tired looking ladies......................coffee1.gif

    It's amazing how many SAS,SBS, Green Berets, LRRPs, and Seals you run into in Thailand. My friend, who was an avionics repairman, and I, a former personnel sergeant, are the only two ex-servicemen who served in Vietnam that I've met in Thailand who weren't with one of the exotic special operations units. I've even met two guys who swore they served with Operation Phoenix, the notorious CIA operation that murdered 50.000 people. I don't have any idea why they thought it was something that would cause them to be admired.
    Easy to weed out the Wales I let them go through there well rehearsed drivel then ask a question only genuine ex forces would know then when they bulshit an answer I let them have both barrels love the look on there faces. But I digress from the original Post my appolgies
  4. I'm afraid I cannot bring myself to criticise the youngsters who were there just drinking and enjoying themselves (as for the ones using drugs idiots and deserve what they get) like a lot of things with age memory tends to get selective in most I clearly remember being 12 year old drinking in the Royal Oak pub in Halifax not only drinking but working as a glass collector. First time drunk was on lager (which I have never drank again it's now known to me as pussy juice) again 12 did it do me any harm guess not still alive and kicking did it make me maladjusted possibly I joined HM Royal Marine Commandos and I was then grateful I started at 12 years old gave me a slight advantage when out of the hell training and sent to Malta. So no I won't criticise or chastise them what I will say is hope you enjoyed yourselves.

  5. "Yesterday they emailed me to say they accepted my Thai license and they would impose the £100.00 fine and endorse my Thai license and my case is now closed"

    I am curious as to who "they" are in this instance, and how they propose to endorse a Thai licence. It's obviously of no great consequence in this case, but I recall a few cases from 5 or 6 years ago where drivers stopped by the police who had a foreign licence were told that they had to go to court because the fixed penalty procedure could not be applied as their licence could not be endorsed. Having therefore been found guilty at magistrates court, one or two people then found their applications for British citizenship had to be postponed until the criminal conviction was spent.

    In this case the OP was not stopped by the police, but the authorities seem to have got themselves into a right old muddle.

    Not enforceable if they did not issue you a court summons as you gave them a Thai licence (you say a photocopy which in my experience would not be acceptable in uk) basically the cops have illegally fined you 100 pounds but where that figure comes from is debatable when I left 66 pounds and 3 points can't see it gone up that much for an sp30 offence my thoughts are if you haven't paid don't pay. If you have nothing you can do but there will be no points on Thai licence

    Just rang mate in UK correctionn on my behalf it is now £100 but he agrees he would not accept photocopy and would have proceed with no valid ukk licence (expired) so therefore no insurance either so you are in the end a lucky chap

  6. A real basic house in a village is plumbed to the mains, but sometimes there are multi-day outages and even when on the pressure can be insufficient to turn on a shower heater or run a clothes washing machine.

    I was wondering if there is something real simple to provide good pressure and a reliable water supply. My (uneducated and possibly bad) idea is a check valve at the entry to the house and then connect a demand pump to draw from the big vat of water in the bathroom and outlet it to the plumbing. Is this a good solution? If so what kind of pump would be recommended? Are there submersibles? Otherwise I suppose it would be necessary to connect the pump to the vat drain so the pump and incoming plumbing are below the water level of the vat. Any tips / advice appreciated.

    Your idea is most of the way there. You've talked about a pump, a storage tank and connecting these to the municipal supply and also your house.

    If practical, you might want to consider putting the tank and the pump outside. Done correctly it would probably look nicer and you would hear the pump less.

    And when there are several days of water outage as the OP suggests you run the tank out in a day or so and are still left with no water.
    A good sized tank for your basic needs should last you when supply is off having spoken to long standing residents of Village when water goes off never been more than a day never. So we fitted a 1500ltr tank with pump (pump and tank can be bypassed separately reason I keep a flow through tank to house so water does not stagnate I just bypass pump) then throw a switch to pit pump into system turn on and away you go if needed I run pump once a week again to keep insides fresh. So far only about 3 hrs of no mains water.
  7. Annual United States Road Crash Statistics

    Over 37,000 people die in road crashes each year

    An additional 2.35 million are injured or disabled

    Over 1,600 children under 15 years of age die each year

    Nearly 8,000 people are killed in crashes involving drivers ages 16-20

    Road crashes cost the U.S. $230.6 billion per year, or an average of $820 per person

    Road crashes are the single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens traveling abroad

    We could go on quoting figures forever !!!!

    Thailands road deaths have been falling year on year.http://www.thaiwebsites.com/caraccidents.asp

  8. Isn't it wonderful when millionaire politicians can tell poor farmers to suck it up and be even poorer.

    One might argue that it's the farmers own fault and that they should diversify into less water intensive crops.

    But then one could counter argue that if the incompetent politicians did their jobs and actually helped the farmers (and Thai society in general) improve their lot instead of just lining their own pockets, then this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

    Rice is a cheap and easy crop to grow and sell I know my in laws would not have the money to go into other crops to start with then if they did they would need the full logistic behind whichever crop the grow ie buyers costs turn over ect ect it is beyond reason to expect them to take heed and not grow off season I know a good few that will be growing again

  9. systematically at a legislative level (which is the only way it's going to improve) since the status quo causes so much pain and suffering all over Thailand.

    Edited by GlutinousMaximus,

    Legislation clearly does nothing to stop deaths on the roads look at the UK for instance any more rules and can't do this and that they have a two year rule for new drivers 6 points and you have to re sit test in car. Seat belts compulsory no mobile phone use at all whilst driving and no Bluetooth use for Lgv and PCV drivers and yet there are road accidents and deaths on the road every single day no figures but lots and that's in a so called big 6 country. I personally over the years must have nicked thousands of people who had no licence or no insurance or no mot I won't mention the low life drink and drug drivers. But it did not does not stop accidents.

  10. Read the article money came from fellow officers as a show of support exactly as we did in UK to fellow officers injured in rioting or in the line of duty get some perspective people and read the post before spouting your in the majority foul Thai bashing post shame on you

    And where pray tell do you think that money comes from? This Police Force gets more surreal as time goes on.

    As per the article from fellow officers pockets that good enough for me I fully understand what you are implying but I don't give a witches TIT where it originated just that they gave it from there pockets is enough for me and yes I have donated as a fellow ex job I felt it correct.

  11. There is also a 7 days grace period for reporting. If your dates are correct nothing has to be done.

    There is no "grace period" merely a window of time during which a 90 day report can be made. 15 days prior to the due date and 7 days after.

    So in realty it will be 7 days grace as the report window us as stated 15 days before 7 days after and no penalty incured

    Clearly your understand and comprehension of language is very different to mine.

    If a "grace period" existed it would have to be a period of time OUTSIDE the official reporting window.

    Clearly your understanding of politeness is very diffrent from mine

    A grace period is the 7 days after the report date.

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